Saturday, December 30, 2017

Did a light run of 1.7 miles (added a bit)

I drove to the trail head at 100th South and did a light run. I added a bit for a total of 1.7 miles. It was a warm day (54F), and I wore two layers. I got tired during the run and was glad to get back to my car. It was cloudy when I started the run, but the sun came out while I was on the run.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Did a heavy run of 2.4 miles

My wife, Judy, three grandchildren, and I drove to the trail head at 100th south, and we went south for a total of 2.4 miles. The grandchildren are Annie Grace (age 15), Jonathan (age 11), and David (age 6). Everyone made it back to our car before me. David was glad to see the cats along the path. The temperature was in the mid 40s (F), and there was lots of sun with just a few clouds. I saw several runners, a few walkers, and one skater.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Today was a light day for 1.64 miles

I left home about noon and ran/walked 1.64 miles, going south from 100th South. There were snow flurries when I left home, but the flurries stopped during my run but came back before I finished the run as a mixture of light rain and snow. I passed one other runner, but I saw no walkers or skaters. I wore 5 layers and was quite warm during my run. I could have gotten by with 4 layers, but I put on an extra layer so I would be plenty warm. The path was wet but not slick. The air temperature during my run was 33 (F).

The Winter Soltice has finally come

Yesterday was the first full day of more sunlight, and this is good news. Utah still has a month or more of cold weather, but the days will get longer and longer, and my solar cells will generate more and more power.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Another 2.4 mile heavy run

I just returned from my Wednesday heavy run and did another 2.4 miles. I didn't take any rest stops on the way out, but I took three brief stops on the way back. The temperature during my run was in the mid 50s (F), but the temperature should go down when snow arrives later this afternoon and this evening.

I mentioned in my previous post that a new bench had been installed in place of the wooden bench that had been next to the path, about 0.18 miles north of 106th South. I discovered today that all of the benches have been replaced with the new metal ones. I'm concerned that the metal benches will be hot in the summer and cold in the winter. The old wooden benches, that had been constructed as part of Eagle Scout projects, probably required more maintenance than the new metal benches, due to water being absorbed by the wood, and maintenance costs may have been the motivating factor in the replacement of the benches. Also, the new benches have a back to them, which the wooden benches didn't have, and that is probably a plus, but the backs force people to face in a certain direction instead of giving people the choice of direction they face, and that is a minus in my view. Runners, walkers, and probably cyclists sit on the bench to get a brief rest and probably aren't interested in getting a view of the river. I am interested in facing the path, rather than the river, since that is where I run and walk, and I expect other runners, walkers, and cyclists have a similar attitude about facing the path. But, I don't make decisions about the benches, and I'm just glad the benches are there so I can take brief rest stops when I need such a rest.

The following photos, taken from the web, show the Parkway path with an old bench next to the path (1st photo) and a new bench next to the path (2nd photo) , although the new benches that I saw have a South Jordan logo in the center of the back. The new bench shown in the 2nd photo doesn't have this logo; also, the new bench shown in the photo doesn't have arm-rests.

 For those interested, the following text was taken from Wikipedia.

"The Jordan River Parkway is an approximately 40-mile (64 km) urban park that runs along the Jordan River within the U.S. state of Utah. The parkway follows along the river from Utah Lake in Utah County, through Salt Lake County and onto the Great Salt Lake in Davis County. The majority of a mixed-use trail has been completed with a shared-use path for cyclists, skaters, and joggers. A separate equestrian path runs on the southern portion of the trail. Many trail-heads, city and county parks and golf courses are also located along the parkway."

Monday, December 18, 2017

Did a light run of about 1.5 miles

Judy and I went to the East Pavilion at about 108th South, and I went north to the bench and back (the bench is about 0.18 miles north of 106th South). The bench that was created by a scout troop has been removed and replaced by a metal bench from South Jordan. The new bench is slightly smaller than the wooden bench, but it has a back so people resting can lean back.

We were out in the late afternoon, but we were back before dark. I went north, but Judy went south to the pedestrian bridge across the river and then went back to our car at the East Pavilion. The temperature was in the mid 30s (F). 

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Did another heavy run of 2.2 miles but in the rec building

I drove to the South Jordan rec building and jogged and walked 22 laps around the indoor track, or about 2.2 miles. I run on the outside of the track, and the distance is a bit longer than 2.2 miles. It was cold with snow flurries outside, and I wasn't dressed for running outside. The snow flurries melted and there was little accumulation of snow on the ground. I used my jog:walk ratio of 80 seconds:60 seconds, as I've been doing on the Jordan River Parkway in recent weeks.

While I was doing my 22 laps, a woman who was running quite a bit faster than I was going, slowed down for a few seconds and said it was wonderful to see me going around the track. I guess I look older than I feel. Except for a loss of balance, I feel like I'm in my 70s.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Did a heavy run with added distance to give 2.4 miles

I left earlier and finished my run a few minutes before it became dark. There was one car in the parking lot when I drove away. I added a bit to my distance and did about 2.4 miles. I took no rest breaks during the run. I wore 4 layers of clothing, same as in my previous runs. My hands, though, were cold because I wore my lighter gloves. I put my hands in the pockets of my nylon jacket during my walking phases; during my jogging phases, I wiggled my fingers to get some heat generated.

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Another light run to end the week

I left home after dark and did 1.7 miles on the Jordan River Parkway. There were two cars in the parking lot when I arrived, and I passed 2 people while going south from 100th South. I couldn't see them very well in the dark, but I said hello and they answered with voices from the dark. The cars were gone when I returned. The temperature was 32 (F) when I left and 30 when I returned. I wore 4 layers of clothing on my upper body (2 layers on my legs), and I wore my winter gloves (1/4 inch of wool covered with nylon). I felt warm all during the run. I'll probably go to 5 layers when the temperature gets down in the low 20s. I enjoy running in the cold as long as the path is free of ice, and there is no lightning.

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Did a heavy day

I went running in the late afternoon, and I did a heavy day of 2.2 miles. It was getting dark when I finished and returned to my car. I'm getting used to the distance and am about ready to increase my distance. I took no rest breaks during my run.

Monday, December 04, 2017

Did a light day of 1.7 miles

Judy and I left in mid-day to run and walk along the Jordan River. The temperature was 34 (F), and I put on an extra layer (4 total) to keep warm. I felt fine during the jog and walk. The sky was overcast with just a sliver of sunlight here and there. I only saw one other runner on the path. I guess the ones I've seen in the past are waiting for warmer weather. When I was younger, I wore running shorts until the temperature went below freezing. I also didn't wear gloves until the temperature went below 15 (F) but not anymore. My hands got cold today, and I had on a pair of gloves. The gloves helped, but after about half an hour, my hands got cold.

I saw several cats along the path. I'm sure they were cold, but they live outside year around and are, hopefully, getting used to the cold. I didn't take any rest breaks going out or coming back. I think I'm getting used to the distance and do better than I did a few months ago.

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Did a heavy day and increased my distance to 2.2 miles

My wife and I went south from 100th South. We were out in the early afternoon, and there were several people on the path and a lot of vehicles in the parking lot. I went under 106th South and went to the green sign about vegetation being repopulated. I took no rest breaks on the way out and only one short break on the way back. My wife walked 2 miles to 106th South and then returned. This is her usual route and activity. The temperature was in the low 50s (F), and it was a nice day, as is usual this year.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Did a light jog/walk today but increased distance a bit

My wife and I went south from 100th South, and I jogged and walked for a light run. I did, though, increase my distance to 1.7 miles from 1.5 miles. I took no rest breaks on the way out and one short break on the way back. I did take a short break at the turn-around point. The temperature was in the mod 40s (F), and it was nice to be out. There were a few  cyclists, walkers, skaters on the path, but not many though.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Did a heavy run of 2.0 miles

It was dark when I started my run, using the 80 second:60 second ratio of jogging and walking. It had been raining during the daytime, but the rain had stopped, and the wind also had stopped. The path was full of water puddles, but it wasn't slippery. I ran the 2.0 miles without any stops. It's been over a year since I last ran in the dark, and it was nice. I saw 2 or 3 people on the path, but not many folks were out after dark. Even though it was dark, I could see the path OK due to lights on nearby buildings. The buildings were about 1/4 mile away but the lights were enough for me to see the path. The temperature was in the high 30s (F). I wore three layers.

I felt pretty good during the run.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Today was a light day of 1.5 miles

I was glad today was a light day, because I did the 1.5 miles but didn't feel very well. I did a lot of walking during the last 0.5 miles.Temperature was in the mid 40s (F).

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Today was a light day for 1.5 miles

The air temperature was in the low 50s (F), and there was a south wind of about 10-15 mph. It was a nice day, though. Cloudy and not much sun, but I was glad to be out running and walking.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Today was a heavy day, and I did 2.0 miles

Today was a wonderful day to be outside. Warmer temperature and more people on the path. There are 8 or 9 cats on the path, and at least three groups of people feed the cats. Most of the cats are wild cats, born outside but friendly to people.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Today was a light day, and I did 1.5 miles

Not many people were on the path. The temperature was in the mid 40s (F), and the sky was cloudy.

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Today was a heavy day and I did my 2.0 miles

The temperature was 41 (F) when I left home in the late afternoon. The sun was still higher than the Oquirrh  mountains, but there were long stretches of shade due to trees along the path. I wore a long-sleeved t-shirt (thick cotton) over my underwear, and I was cold for most of the run, but as I neared the parking lot on my way back, I felt warm since my body was generating enough heat that it overcame the cold temperatures. I had 3 layers over my torso and 2 layers on my arms and legs. My hands, though, were cold, because I didn't wear gloves or mittens. When I was younger, I didn't wear gloves or mittens until the temperature was about 15 degrees, but as I've gotten older, I've discovered that I need hand-warmers at higher temperatures. I guess I will wear gloves when the temperature during my run is in the 40s or below.

The path was mostly bare of people, but I did see a couple of walkers/runners and several cyclists.

In general, I don't wear cotton t-shirts, because cotton stops absorbing sweat after it gets damp, but in the winter time I do wear them. Cotton is a good insulator, if it is kept dry, and I don't sweat enough in cold weather such that sweat gets my t-shirts damp. Damp i-shirts and freezing weather don't mix, because the damp shirts freeze, and one ends up running with a big ice cube on his or her body. If I were running longer distances, I might not wear cotton t-shirts, because I would sweat more.

Click the following image, which was taken from the Internet, for a larger view (look at the pictures and large text and don't try to read the small text). Be sure the last layer is a wind breaker to stop the wind. I use an uninsulated layer of nylon (in a jacket) for my last layer. The jacket stops any wind but provides no warmth. I depend on other layers to provide heat-control. I dress light such that I'm cold in the beginning but feel fine after about 2 miles of distance. Other runners have chosen to dress with more layers such they feel fine at first but are too warm later on. As I get older, I may switch to the other method of wearing layers.

Monday, November 06, 2017

Did a light day of 1.5 miles

Today was a light day, and I did 1.5 miles. The temperature was in the high 40s (F), and I enjoyed the sun when it wasn't hid by clouds.

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Did my regular 2.0 miles

This afternoon I went south and did my regular 2.0 miles. I felt pretty good and did the distance with no rest stops going down or back; the only rest stop was at the turn around point. The sky was cloudy, and the temperature was in the mid 50s (F). There is rain showers predicted for tonight and tomorrow. I saw a few walkers and runners and cyclists, but fewer people were on the path.

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Did a light 1.5 miles

Today was a light run, and I did 1.5 miles, going south from 100th South.  Judy and I went in the mid afternoon, and the air temperature was in the mid 60s (F). Quite a few cyclists were on the path, but not a lot of walkers and runners.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Went approximately 2.0 miles

Judy and I drove to the parking lot at 108th South, and we went south for approximately 2.0 miles. It's been over a year since I went on that portion of the Jordan River Parkway, and I didn't remember where the 1-mile marker is. Next time we go on that route, I will bring my GPS and get a more accurate measurement of the distance.

The sky was overcast, and there wasn't much sun, but the air temperature was in the 50s (F), and it was a nice day to be out. We saw a few walkers and runners on the path, but there weren't many people there.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Did 1.25 miles

Judy and I drove up to the ski areas (Brighton) and walked around Silver Lake. I'm guessing the distance was about 1.25 miles. The distance wasn't great, but the elevation was high and breathing was difficult. In shady spots, there was snow on the ground, although the ground was dry in areas that get sun. We went up to see colored leaves, but the leaves were gone. We need to go into the mountains 2 or 3 weeks earlier to see the leaves before they fall to the ground.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Today was a light day, and I did 1.5 miles

I didn't get much sleep last night, and I was tired during my run. I walked the last one-half mile. There were quite a few cyclists on the path, and just a few walkers and runners. The temperature was in the low 60s (F), and it was a nice day to be out.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Did 2.0 miles again

I ran my usual route going south from 100th South, and I did 2.0 miles again. The temperature was in the low 50s (F), and there was a nice sunny sky with beautiful cumulus clouds. The South Jordan Marathon was held today, and a portion of the marathon was along the Jordan River Parkway. I ran my two miles while the marathon was in progress, and I got to see many of the water tables along the path. I also saw many runners who were in the marathon and half-marathon that was also held today. I thought of the marathons I ran in New England, and I kinda wished I wasn't so old and was in the marathon today. However, I'm just glad I could do my 2.0 miles.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Did 1.5 miles

Today was a rest day, and I did 1.5 miles on the Jordan River Parkway. The air temperature was in the mid 60s (F),  and it was a nice day to be outside.  There were quite a few walkers on the path.  I got too warm, and I removed my windbreaker for the last half of the run.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Did 2.0 miles

I completed my 2.0 miles, but I relearned a lesson about eating before I leave for running; I had two or three rolls about an hour before I left for running, and I didn't feel very good during the first half of the run. I was tempted to abort the run, but I stuck with it and completed the distance. I did, though, walk most of the last half-mile. It was warmer than yesterday, the temperature being in the low 60s (F).

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Back to 2.0 miles

Judy and I both did 2.0 miles today, in the early afternoon. I think I'm getting stronger, and I'm getting used to the 2.0 miles. At least, I feel stronger. The air temperature was in the low 50s (F), a bit colder than previous days. However, it's supposed to get warmer tomorrow and the first part of the coming week. There was quite a bit of sun during my run, and the sun felt good!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Rest run today -- 1.5 miles

Today was my rest run, and I did 1.5 miles. The temperature was in the mid 40s, and there was lots of sun, which felt good. On Saturday, if all goes well, I'll be back to my "normal" of 2.0 miles.

Monday, October 09, 2017

And, another 2.0 miles

I did 2.00 miles again today, following the route I used two days ago. I felt good most of the run, but I got tired on the way back and walked the last 0.2 miles. I think it's time to switch to heavy/light running to give my body more rest. Since I did heavy (2.0 miles) today I'll do light on Wednesday and do 1.5 miles. The 0.75 mile marker is used by the cadets at the Police Academy, and it will be a good turn-around point for me, as it is for the cadets.

There was a gusty north breeze  today of about 5 mph that kept me cool on the way out, but I got hot on the way back because the breeze went away. It was nice, though, to not run/walk against the breeze. The air temperature was in the mid 50s (F), and the sun felt good.

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Another 2.0 miles

My wife and I were out earlier this morning. The sun was up, but the air temperature was in the mid 40s (F). Quite a few people were on the path this morning, hoping, I guess, to catch the lower early morning temperature. There was a 20 mph headwind on the way out, and that wind kept us from sweating. It was hard, though, to run and walk against the wind; on the way back, the wind was a tail wind that made walking and running easier.

The leaves are  changing color and starting to drop. The following picture is from the web.

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Increased my distance to 2.0 miles

I did my run a bit earlier than previous runs, so I would be finished before dark. I felt fine, so I went to the tunnel under 106th South and then returned to my car, a distance of 2.0 miles. The temperature was in the low 60s (F), and the sky was partly cloudy. I felt fine during the run and didn't feel dizzy.

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Did 1.95 Miles Again

My wife and I left home about 10 am and repeated our runs of me walking and running, and her walking. The temperature was in the low 40s (F) when we left and in the low 50s when we returned. I didn't get dizzy during the first half of the run, and I felt pretty good at the turn around. On the way back, though I got slightly dizzy after I sat down for a break and then got up. The fact that I felt strong during the first half and then got weaker as the run progressed, means, I think, that I need to eat more breakfast before I run. However, I need to have at least an hour after I eat before I begin my run. Today I had two slices of bread, butter, and honey before I left home.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Another 1.95 miles

My wife and I went south from 100th South. I completed the 1.95 miles in about 1 hour; she walked it in less time, because she goes faster than I go. We went in mid afternoon, while the temperature was in the mid 60s (F). It started to sprinkle while we were out, but the rain didn't amount to much.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Did 1.95 miles again

It was late evening when I began my run. I reached my turnaround point before dark, but most of the distance back to my car was in the dark. I walked most of the last 0.25 miles, because of the darkness. I was able to see the path OK, due to nearby office buildings, but I tend to get dizzy in darkness, and I hoped walking was less likely to cause dizziness. I didn't get dizzy and was OK during the run. There were still four cars in the parking lot at 100th South as I left the lot to drive home. A few cyclists passed me in the darkness., and one of them had a blinking LED light that did a good job of making his bike visible, as well as lighting the path.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Went about 1.95 miles

It was late evening when I went running. I went south from 100th South for about 0.97 miles and then I returned to 100th South. It wasn't dark when I ran, but it was dusk, meaning the sun was behind the Oquirrh Mountains but it wasn't dark yet. I felt pretty good and didn't get dizzy during my run. I rested a lot during the day and avoided cutting limbs from trees or mowing my lawns. Judy didn't go with me this time.

Just before I wrote this post, I checked outside and saw rain coming down. The Salt Lake City temperature is in the low 40s (F).

Yesterday, using my chain saw, I cut bigger limbs into shorter lengths, and we put the limbs in our Honda Accord so we could take them to Judy's sister who has a wood-burning stove and is collecting wood. We also put small limbs in plastic bags so they could be put in our garbage can. Both Judy and I were pretty tired when we finished, and we elected to not go running or walking last night.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Walked about 1.9 miles

I felt dizzy when I ran, so I walked for my run, and I went about 1.9 miles, starting about 10:45 am. My wife had left a few minutes before me, and she visited the houses being built. She joined me on the way out, and we walked together for the rest of the distance. I carried two bottles of water and drank about half of the bottles. Most of the shade was gone. The temperature was in the high 70s (F). There was a gusty south wind with gusts of about 15-20 mph. A storm and cooler weather is forecast for the rest of the week.

I didn't do much running last week, because I was busy cutting limbs from trees, and at the end of the day I was too tired to run. After cutting a limb from the tree, I have to pull the limb through other limbs, and that tires me out. I also get tired cutting the limbs because the limbs are several inches in diameter and the cutting require a lot of arm movement.

I cut one big limb and several small limbs before I left to go running, and that may have contributed to my dizziness. I felt fine when I first started cutting the limbs. I use a saw blade on a long, 12-foot handle. The following picture is from the web. At least, I haven't been dumb enough to be like the guy in the picture.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Did About 1.95 miles

I added a bit to my run and did about 1.95 miles. I went north from 100th South and went until the trail split, at the south-west corner of the Sandy golf course building. On the way back, I met my wife who had been looking at the new homes. She turned around and went back with me. Thanks to the shorter days, actually the sun coming up later in the morning, there was quite a lot of shade on the path.

I got dizzy on the way back, and did more walking, and I was dizzy at home while I wrote this blog. The temperature was in the low 70s when we left home and in the low 80s after I got home. I didn't carry water with me, and that may have been part of the problem with my dizziness -- not enough water drunk during my run. I also hadn't eaten any breakfast, and lack of energy may have been part of the problem, although I didn't feel like I had lack of energy.

I saw a family of quail on the way back. It's interesting that the young quail are sticking with their mother, even though they are almost fully grown. I haven't seen the quail in our back yard for a few days, but I haven't been in the yard much, either.

I feel fine now. I've been drinking water since I got home, and I'm resting for a while.

Saturday, September 09, 2017

Another 1.9 miles

Judy and I began our run in the late evening; it was almost  dark when I finished. I could still see the path, and there was no problem with the darkness. When we drove away, there were still four cars in the parking lot. Just as I reached my car at the end of my run, a family of four on bikes started northward. They didn't have lights on their bikes, and two children about 5-6 years old were on small bikes. I hope they weren't gone long, because it was getting dark as I drove away.

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Did 1.84 miles around the neighborhood

Judy and I were late getting ready for our run/walk, so we went around the neighborhood. I wore my GPS to measure the distance. After 1.1 miles, she went into a neighbor's house to see some remodeling, and I continued my run. As I neared the end of the run, I encountered Judy walking home, and I turned around and came home with her.

Saturday, September 02, 2017

Did about 1.9 miles but a different route

Judy and I changed our time of running and went north from 100th south. We were on the trail about 11 am. The shade temperature was in the mid 70s (F) when we left and was in the mid 80s when we returned. The temperature, of course, was higher in the sun, but it was cooler than it was during June and July. Because of our late start, there wasn't a lot of shade. Most of the trees along the river (Russian Olive trees) are on the left of the path and give good shade in the morning, but they give no shade in the afternoon.

I'm going pretty slow -- not a temperature for speed running. Of course, I'm slow in cooler temps, too. Getting old....

I carried three bottles of water but only used two of them. I was glad to take a gulp of water during my walking phases.

The following picture of Russian Olive trees was taken from the web.

Friday, September 01, 2017


It's been a year since I got a pacemaker, and the doctor was right: I'm able to pursue my normal activities. I spent the day yesterday mowing lawns and cutting tree limbs from a tree, and in the evening I went running and walking.

Quail and a snake

I haven't mentioned this before, but I've seen quite a few quail in my backyard and on the Jordan River path. The quail are still sticking together as families, and it is interesting to see them all at once.

A couple of weeks ago, I saw a blow snake on the path. It was a young snake and went into the bushes after I lightly tapped it with my shoe. It was finger-size in size and about 15 inches or so in length.

The pictures shown below are from the web.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

I'm Still Out There... Did 1.9 miles again

Same time and route as in previous posts.

There were quite a few cyclists heading for home, and a number of walkers, but I don't remember other runners.

One walker had a dog that was only four months old but was quite large. After two years, the dog will be fully grown, and the dog will be huge. I wished the guy good luck with his dog; he will need the luck, because the dog, when fully grown, will probably eat large amounts of dog food....

I saw another walker who had cat food and regularly feeds the cats I see on the path, and one of the cats was following him and allowed the guy to pet the cat. In the past I've tried to call the cats I see on the trail by saying "meow", but they won't come near me. I guess that if I want to pet the cats, I should regularly bring cat food and entice them to come to me.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Another 1.9 miles

Same time, same direction, same route as earlier posts. Several people gave me a thumbs up and said I was motivating them. I guess they aren't used to old people running.

I passed several adults with small children. One adult said she was to go two more minutes and then turn around. I think they were a church or neighborhood group that had a goal to walk for a certain amount of time. The young kids, some on bikes and some walking, were having a good time. The sun was down and we had about 45 minutes of dusk, so the temperature wasn't too bad for August, probably in the high 80s (F).

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Ran/walked 1.9 miles again

It was late when I started, and it was almost dark when I finished. I'm feeling great, and I think I'm adjusting to the new distance. The sun was down when I started, and I had shade the whole time.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Eclipse From the Viewpoint of Solar Cells

There are a lot of pictures on the web about the recent eclipse. I thought I'd add to the pictures and show the partial eclipse in the Salt Lake valley from the viewpoint of my solar cells. Each bar is 15 minutes of power.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Increased my distance a bit and went 1.9 miles

I went running in the early evening and increased my distance to 1.9 miles. I went south from the parking lot, as I've done the past few runs.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Another 1.85 miles

Same route and time as before.

I think I'm getting used to the distance, because I didn't feel tired during the run.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

1.85 Again

My wife and I went jogging and walking in the late evening. Same route and distance as that described in a previous post.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Increased distance to about 1.85 miles

My wife and I drove, in the late evening, to the Jordan River Parkway and went south. She walked and jogged about two miles, and I jogged and walked about 1.85 miles. We got back to the car about 10-20 minutes before it became dark. There were a few cyclists and walkers heading for home. I felt good, and it was nice to run with almost complete shade and a temp in the 70s (F). I will do the same distance for a couple of weeks to allow my body to adjust to the new distance. My goal is to work up to 2.3 miles.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Saturday, August 12, 2017

1.8 Again

My wife and I went out in the late evening, and we went south from 100th South. It was almost dark when I got back to the car. She walks faster than I jog, and she was about 5 minutes ahead of me. I didn't carry water, and it was nice to jog and walk in the cooler air. There were a few runners and cyclists heading for home, but the path was almost empty, except for us, of course. There was a strong south wind blowing when we started, but the wind was going down when we ended.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017


Not getting enough sleep is a quick path to injury. Running and walking, as well as other forms of physical activity, increase the stress on ones body, and sleep helps our bodies adjust to and remove the stress.

For various reasons, during the past month I've been getting 4-5 hours sleep at night. This is a reduction from the 7 hours of sleep that is my normal. I thought I'd explain my "system" for getting back to my normal of 7 hours of sleep. If I get my normal amount of sleep, I do fine, but I get tired and fall asleep during the evening when I get less than my normal. So, here is how I get back to my normal amount of sleep.

1. I try and remove the factors that caused me to get less than my normal sleep.

2. Even though I may wake up after 4 or 5 hours of sleep, I force myself to stay in bed until I've been in bed for 7 hours; I frequently add 1/2 hour to cover brief interruptions to my sleep, the result being that I'm in bed for 7 1/2 hours. During this time in bed, my bedroom light is off, and I keep my eyes closed and allow my body to go back to sleep. I also don't read or do other activities in my bedroom, so my body associates the bedroom with sleep.

3. It usually takes about a week or two of forcing myself to stay in bed until I'm sleeping the whole time.

We all have different bodies, and it is likely that you may need a different amount of sleep to get your normal sleep. It is also likely that your body may react differently to being in bed.

The good news is that I'm almost back to my 7 hours of sleep. If you have suggestions that I (and others) might try, please leave your suggestions in comments to this post.

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

And, another 1.8 miles

Today is a cloudy day with rain showers possible in the late afternoon and evening. My wife and I drove to the Jordan River Parkway, and I went south for 0.9 miles and then returned. I didn't carry water, but I had a good drink at the beginning and end of the run. My wife went north to look at the houses being constructed.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Still getting used to the 1.8 mile distance

My wife and I went walking and running in the evening. Same route and conditions as reported in my previous post. The temperature was in the low 80s (F). I expect to run 1.8 miles several times in the future before I increase my distance.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Did another 1.8 miles

I waited until the sun was going down, and I went running and walking and did 1.8 miles again, going south from 100th South. I felt fine during the race and didn't get dizzy. I carried no water but had a big drink at the beginning of the run and another big drink  at the end of the run, using the fountain at the parking lot of 100th South. The sun was down when I returned to my car, and it got dark soon thereafter.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Did 1.8 miles going south

For the past few days, I've been baby-sitting a new freeze-dryer to be sure there wern't any leaks and that the machine was behaving properly. As a result, I've only gotten 3-4 hours sleep each night. I thus didn't run on Wednesday. I got more sleep last night and ran today. If I had run this morning, it would have been in the late morning, but since the projected max for the day was in the mid 90s (F), I elected to wait until evening when the sun was going down and the temperature was cooler; the temperature during my run was in the low to mid 80s, and there was a lot of shade due to the evening sun getting low in the sky. I enjoyed my run and felt pretty good! I didn't carry any water, but I had big drinks at the beginning and end of the run. I didn't get dizzy during the run.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Did About 1.75 miles

My wife and I began our runs at 10:30 am, going north from the parking lot at 100th South. The temperature was in the mid to high 80s (F), and the shade was less than it would have been if we had gone out earlier, but shade was still available and helpful. I took no rest breaks going out, but I took the two usual breaks on the way back. I carried three bottles of water and only had a small amount of water left when I reached my car. I got pretty tired on the way back. I used my normal 80 seconds/60 seconds ratio of run/walk on the way out, but I reduced the ratios on the way back to give myself more rest between jogs (in addition to the reduction of the ratios, I did more walking and less jogging).

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

I did 1.65 miles

My wife and I started our runs earlier than we've been doing. I was on the path at 9:10. The temperature was in the high 70s, and the sky was mostly cloudy. My wife went north from 100th South to check out the houses being built, and I went south; I ran to the bench at 0.825 miles and then returned. I carried 3 bottles of water and had about 1/2 bottle left when I returned to my car. I haven't used the southern route for two or three weeks, and it was nice to do that route again. I'm still using my ratio of 80 seconds/60 seconds for my run/walks. I saw quite a few cyclists on the path, but only a few runners and walkers.

Utah is currently undergoing a heat wave. News summaries yesterday said the state is giving fans to senior citizens to help them keep cool. In my case, I'm still jogging and walking in the heat wave. I'm drinking extra water and going shorter distances. We've had high 90s (F) and low 100s for several weeks.

Monday, July 17, 2017

I ran/walked about 1.35 miles around the neighborhood

My wife had a 10:00 appointment, so to save travel time, which is about half an hour round trip, we ran around the neighborhood; each loop around the neighborhood is 0.62 miles. Judy, who did the loop yesterday, did one loop this morning, and I did 2 loops plus part of the third loop. The temperature was in the high 70s (F), and there was quite a lot of shade. I prefer the Jordan River Parkway, because it is away from street traffic and is the closest thing to New England back roads, but running in the neighborhood has the advantage of no time lost in travel to and from the Parkway. The following picture is from the web but is typical of the Parkway in the south end of the Salt Lake valley.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

I did 1.6 miles again

The temperature during our run was in the low to mid 80s (F). My wife and I were on the Jordan River Parkway trail about 10:30 this morning. This is a bit earlier than I've been out for the past few runs. I felt stronger and didn't get dizzy at all. I carried 3 bottles of water and had about half a bottle left when I finished my run. When I was younger and stronger, I would  drink a bottle each mile. Now, I need about one bottle and a half every mile. If it is really hot, I'll drink more water and use two bottles each mile.

One of the houses that we go by is going to be in the Salt Lake Parade of Homes later this month,  and my wife likes to check on the progress being made. In the past, we've seen a man putting in a sprinkler system. Today, we discovered the path to the house has been paved, and the landscapers are planting trees; some of the trees are pretty tall. The person buying that house must have a lot of money, because of the big house and expensive landscaping. The following picture is from the web.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Did 1.6 miles again

The temperature today was a  bit cooler than during my last run, so I did 1.6 miles again, using the same route as I did on my previous run. I took rest breaks at the two benches I mentioned during my previous post, and I didn't get dizzy at all. I carried three bottles of water and had about 1/4 bottle left when I finished the run.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Did 1.6 miles

I was on the path at 11 am, later than last week, but today was a bit cooler, and I did OK thanks to clouds blocking the sun. The air temperature during my run was in the mid to high 80s (F). I felt pretty good when I reached the 0.75 marker, so I went a bit further, doing 1.6 miles for the round trip. Clouds blocked most of the sun during my run, but the sun was shining on the path during the last 0.4 miles, and I walked most of the 0.4 miles. I carried 2 bottles of water and drank it all, taking the last one or two gulps of water after I was back in my car. On the way back, I took a long rest break at the table which is 0.4 miles from the parking lot, and I took a shorter rest break at the bench which is about 0.2 from the parking lot. After my long break at the table, I felt a few seconds of being dizzy while walking, and I took deep breaths to get more oxygen. That deep breathing seemed to help. Even though the temperature was lower than I had expected, the relative humidity was higher, and it seemed "muggy"; scattered showers are forecast for the next day or so.

My wife Judy walks faster than I do, and she went further than I did. She enjoys looking at the houses that are being built next to the path,  and she wishes she could go through the houses.

A woman on a bike called me by name as she went by and said, "I know you". It turned out that I used to tune her piano. She lives about a block from my house.

Saturday, July 08, 2017

Did 1.7 miles but going back to 1.5 miles

I started my run at 9 am, an hour later than I should have been out but better than many days in the past. I carried three bottles of water and used about 2 1/2 bottles. The air temperature was hot during my run. On the way back, I got tired and took a long break at the table that is about 0.4 miles from the parking lot at 100th South, or after I had gone about 1.3 miles.

I've always had the philosophy that summer running is for survival, and today proved that point. Rather than just "survive", I increased my distance, and as a result I got tired on the way back. Until the temperature goes down, I think I will cap my run at 1.5 miles and run and walk to "survive" the heat. I'm glad I had the water bottles, because I needed the water. The forecast is slightly cooler on Monday, so we shall see how I feel. I didn't eat before my run this morning, so I was going on energy from last evening. I've always run on an empty stomach, so the lack of energy this morning was probably due to my old age, to the hot weather, and to the lack of sleep last night; I had about 6 hours of sleep. I took a 1/2 hour nap when I got home, but I still was tired during the day.

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Another 1.5 miles

I was on the path by 7:30 this morning, and there was a lot of shade! I went 0.75 miles out and 0.75 miles back, going north from 100th South. I drank two bottles of water but carried three bottles. Two bottles of water seems to be enough water when there is a lot of shade of the path and the air temperature is in the 70s (F). Three bottles of water is enough when there is less shade and the air temperature is higher. I felt fine during my run today but was tired at the end due to only getting 4 1/2 hours sleep last night. I wasn't dizzy, though, indicating I had enough water for the distance and temperature. I had a good drink before I left home and another drink in the parking lot before I started the run. I also had a smaller drink in the parking lot at the end of my run. I've been taking two rest breaks, one after 1.1 miles (on my way back) and the second one after 1.35 miles (also on my way back). Today, I skipped the first rest break, and I took a break at the bench at 1.35 miles. Because I was out early, that bench still was in the shade.

This has been a hot week, and the heat is predicted to continue during the week.  The peak temperature today was about 102 (F), and I'm glad I went running in the morning when the temperature was lower than the peak. The temperatures this week have been about 10 degrees above normal, and I don't know how long this heat-wave will last.

Monday, July 03, 2017

I did 1.5 miles again

My wife and I walked and jogged the Jordan River Parkway, going north from 100th South. I'm going north, because it has more shade than the south route. My wife found my fuel belt, and I carried four botles (cups) of water and used three of them. We were late getting out on the trail, and there wasn't much shade on the path. I was glad for the extra water. I felt tired during the run, but I didn't get dizzy.


Saturday, July 01, 2017

Did 1.5 miles again

My wife and I went walking and jogging in the late morning. I carried 8 oz (1 cup) of water, but it wasn't enough. I got dizzy a bit on the way back, due to the heat, but it wasn't bad enough to cause me to abort the run. I went north from 100th South to catch what was left of the morning shade. We finished at 11 am, and it would have been nice if we were out an hour earlier -- more shade and less heat due to the shade and lower night-time temperature. After we got home, stopping on the way back at Home Depot while Judy purchased some manure for her garden, I took an hour nap. I didn't feel any dizziness during the rest of the day.

During the nighttime, due to the darkness and my waking up from a sleep, I have felt a small amount of dizziness, and I use my cane to provide stability while I go to the bathroom to relieve myself. During the daytime, I haven't been using the cane because I haven't felt dizziness, and I'm able to conduct normal daytime activities, such as mowing my lawn, moving around the house, and shopping. I am trying to drink extra water during the day and nighttime, to keep my body hydrogenated. I prefer running in the morning, because I feel stronger and have energy from supper the night before. I do require more rest breaks during heavy activities, such as mowing my lawn, than I used to require. I remember that a few years ago, I could mow my lawns in 45 minutes. Now, it takes a couple of hours.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Did 1.5 miles, going north

I forgot my water bottle again, so I went north 0.75 miles and returned, taking advantage of more shade on the north section of the trail. I carried one energy bar and took small bites of it. It lasted the whole run. I was glad for the water fountain at the parking lot, and I had drinks before and after my run. I took two rest stops on the way back. The north section has fewer benches than the south section. Today is another hot day, but the early morning temperature was lower, and the cool air felt nice. There was no breeze blowing.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Upped my distance to 1.5 miles

I ran 1.5 miles in the early evening as the sun was going down. I only had about 4 hours sleep last night, and I felt tired during the run. Instead of going out 0.75 miles and then returning to my car, I ran 0.25 miles, going south, and then returned to the parking lot. I then ran 0.3 miles, going north, and returned to the parking lot. I finished the run by going south about 0.2 miles and returning to the parking lot. I had forgotten my water bottle, so I kept doing shorter out/back runs to keep close by the parking lot and its water fountain. I had a good drink at the beginning and end of the run, and shorter drinks each time I reached the parking lot. The temperature, even though the sun was going down, was in the low 90s (F), and I wanted to keep the fountain nearby. Also, I felt tired, due to the lack of sleep last night, and if I were to abort the run, I wanted my car to be relatively close by. Even though I felt tired during the run, I continued with it and completed my planned 1.5 miles. I felt weak during the run but didn't get dizzy, thanks to the water fountain.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Finishsed the week with another 1.4 mile run

I was out early to take advantage of the morning shade. I didn't check the temperature, but the temp was probably in the mid 70s (F). There was a lot of shade, and the cooler air felt good. I felt week, due I think to not eating much the night before, but I didn't feel dizzy. I drank a lot of water, and that seemed to make the difference. The temperature later in the day was in the mid to high 80s.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Did 1.4 miles again

I decided to skip breakfast and go running earlier in the morning to get the morning shade. I carried and drank my 1 cup of water, and I took a good drink from the fountain at the beginning and end of the workout. I didn't get dizzy, and I felt pretty good. I was glad to be out earlier in the morning, because it was hotter today than yesterday. The forecast for today is a max of 100 (F). Since I went earlier in the morning, the shade temperature was lower than the max and was in the mid 70s. I was really glad for the shade, because I could feel the cooler air in the shade. I went slow and took rest stops along the way, at the half-mile bench going out and coming back, and the quarter-mile bench on the way back. As I've said many times, I think the summer and winter are for survival, and the spring and fall are for increases in performance.

I will do 1.4 miles again on Saturday, and if I continue to feel good, I will go up to 1.5 miles next week.

I've been thinking of the dizziness I felt a couple of weeks ago, and it may have been from the heat since one of the symptoms of heat exhaustion is dizziness. The extra water I'm getting has been sufficient.

This, so far, has been a good month for power generation from the solar cells on my roof. The longer days during the spring have helped increase my solar power, but starting with today the days are getting shorter, and my solar power during should go down.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Still doing 1.4 miles

I ran and walked my 1.4 mile route again today. I didn't get dizzy, but I was tired while I ran. It was hot, and I discovered I could use my 1 cup of water by drinking a sip every other walking phase and taking smaller sips. I also discovered the fountain at the parking lot at 100th South is working again, and I was glad to get extra water. I ran about mid-day, because I was giving my stomach extra time to start digesting my breakfast.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

And, another 1.4 miles

My wife and I were out earlier in the morning. I did another 1.4 miles and didn't get dizzy at all. The temperature was in the mid 70s (F) during our run. She walked 2 miles, and we got back to our car at about the same time (she walks faster than I jog). There were a lot of cyclists on the path but not many walkers or runners. There was a north wind of about 10 mph, and it felt good even though it made my return a bit harder. The wind helped keep me cool.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

I did 1.4 miles again

I did 1.4 miles this morning, although I didn't feel very well. I felt tired and didn't have a lot of energy. The air temperature was in the mid 70s (F). I had a good breakfast and drank water before and during my run, but I had one dizzy spell about 1/8 mile from the end.  I had been sitting on a bench talking to an 80-year-old guy who was walking several miles, and I got up and started jogging. I then got dizzy. I stopped and drank some water and felt better. I made it to the end of my run and the drive home without getting dizzy. It was not the dizziness that led to my pacemaker, but felt more like a dizzy spell from getting up and jogging instead of getting up and walking. I was glad I had some water left so I could drink it while I was recovering from the dizzy spell.

Tomorrow the temperature is forecast to be 90, and I'm glad tomorrow is a rest day, although I have some lawns to mow.

Monday, June 12, 2017

I felt pretty good during my run and extended it a bit to 1.4 miles. I didn't check the air temperature, but it was cooler than the temperature we've been having. I wore long pants but no jacket. I drank water before I left home and before I left my car for the run. In addition, I carried 1 cup of water (no fuel belt) and drank a sip every other walking phase. I finished the run with one sip of water left. I saw a few other people on the path, but there weren't many. The sky was mostly coudy, and rain and maybe snow was falling in the mountains, but there was no rain or snow in the valley during my run.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

I did 1.3 miles again

Same route as before, going south from 100th South. The shade temperature was 80 (F) when I left home, and it was hot. No breeze and no clouds. I drank water before, during, and after my run, as explained in an earlier post.

Thursday, June 08, 2017

Did 0.62 miles of walking

We've had grandkids here during the week, and it was difficult to take time off to go running and walking, but after the grandkids left, my wife and I walked around the block.

Monday, June 05, 2017

Increased my distance to 1.3 miles

I added a bit to my run and did 1.3 miles. I drank 1/2 cup of water before I left home and another 1.2 cup before I left my car and started my run. I carried (without my fuel belt) 1 cup of water and took a sip every time I walked. I had about 1/4 mile left when I ran out of water. I felt fine during the run and was not dizzy towards the end.

There were 48 cadets from the Police Academy doing a timed run on the path. To qualify, the cadets have to finish the 1.5 mile run in 15 minutes or less. The first runner came in while I was talking to the three men doing the timing, and she finished her run in 10+ seconds. I passed the cadets when I had about 1/4 mile left and they were just starting their run.

The shade temperature when I left home was 79 (F) and 81 when I returned home.

Saturday, June 03, 2017

Finished the week with another 1.2 miles

The temperature during my run was in the low 80s (F), but there was a light breeze which helped to keep me cool. I drank about half a cup of water before I left home and another half cup before I left my car. I felt pretty good and didn't get dizzy at all. Maybe next week, I'll go up to 1.3 miles. A lot of cyclists were on the path and a few walkers. I didn't see anyone running. I wore my running shorts for the first time this year.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Did 1.2 miles again

Today was hot! It was 85 (F) when I left home in the early afternoon. I drank 1/2 cup of water before I left home and another 1/2 cup before I started running. Except for the heat I did pretty good, not feeling dizzy while I ran. There were a number of cyclists and skaters on the path but not many runners or walkers.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

And, another 1.2 miles again

I went running in the early to mid afternoon and completed another 1.2 miles. I felt strong during the run, and I was not dizzy during or after the run. Today was a beautiful day to be out. Lots of sun and no clouds, and the temperature was in the 70s (F). I had gone about 1/8 mile when my nephew and his family came by on their bikes. They stopped, and we visited for a few minutes.  When I left the trailhead at 100th South to go south on the Parkway, there were people with cameras and balloons at one of the tables, but the people were gone when I returned about half an hour later. The fountain at the parking lot was still not working, and I brought 1 cup of water to the run. I drank half of it before I started running and the other half when I finished the run.

The following picture is of the Parkway, about 1/3 mile south of 106th South. It is about 1.3 miles from 100th South to the bench shown in the picture. The picture was taken from the web.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Did 1.2 miles again

I ran and walked 1.2 miles again with no dizziness. I kept my 80 seconds : 60 seconds ratio during the whole time. It was hot today, about 88 (F). The fountain in the parking lot isn't working, but I brought a cup of water with me and drank it at the end of the workout. I've misplaced my Fuel Belt and haven't been carrying water with me.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Did another 1.2 miles

I ran and walked the 1.2 mile route again with no dizziness during the run. I was tired, though, and did a lot of walking. Part of my trouble was that I went out in the late afternoon, and I do better if I run and walk during the morning. Also, I might have been tired since I didn't run or walk on Saturday, and my body may have retrogressed a bit.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Ran/walked 1.2 miles again

My wife and I went south from 100th South on the Jordan River Parkway, and I felt no dizziness at all. Judy was tired and went slower than she normally does. I felt pretty good during my run. The temperature was in the mid 40s (F), and the sky was a mixture of clouds and sun. We had rain and snow last night, but the path was relatively dry.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Increased my run a bit

I ran and walked about 1.2 miles, but I was dizzy during the latter part of the run. I had breakfast and drank water the same as I've done during the past runs. The dizziness is mostly when I first get up from a rest break. Once I'm up, I do OK. I didn't get dizzy during most of the run, and the dizzziness only lasted two or three seconds. When I felt the dizziness coming on, I took bigger breathes to give my body more oxygen. I think the dizziness is a combination of getting old and running out of energy. I increased my run a bit, so I had more chance of running out of energy. It's not much fun to get old, but life is like that -- we accept life as it is and make the best of it

Friday, May 12, 2017

And, another 1.1 miles

I went out about noon-time and did 1.1 miles again. I completed the run without getting dizzy. There was a gusting south wind with 10-20 mph gusts. The wind helped keep me cool. The sky was sunny and hot, in the low 80s (F), during my run. I didn't carry water, but I drank a cup of water before I left and had good drinks at the beginning and end of my run.

I ran today instead of tomorrow, because my wife has a "tea party" planned for our grand daughters and her nieces. They are to bring their American dolls. My wife, Judy, has been sewing doll clothes all week. The following picture shows Judy and her dolls and their new outfits. The picture was taken by one of her grand nieces. Click the picture for a larger image.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Did another 1.1 Miles

I didn't feel dizzy at all during my 1.1 mile run/walk! I'll get a better idea of my problem when I do 1.1 miles again on Friday. I had the same breakfast (1 boiled egg) for breakfast that I've been having, and I got the same 7 hours of sleep that I've been getting each night. It appears that my body is adjusting to the 1.1 miles and not running out of energy and thus not giving me feelings of being dizzy. Also, I drank the same amount of water that I've been drinking each morning. I just have to keep on eating some food for breakfast and drinking some water before I go out and during the day. We'll see how I feel after my next 1.1 mile run/walk.

Monday, May 08, 2017

Change Training Gradually

The following image was taken from the web without permission.

Click Image for a Larger View

Did 1.1 Miles again

Today was a beautiful day to be outside. The temperature was in the mid 70s with beautiful clouds in the sky. There was a 5-10 mph north wind blowing, which wasn't bad and didn't present difficulties. I felt fine during the run. I didn't get dizzy, but I did have sorta pre-dizzy feelings when I first got up from a break. The feelings were during the last 1/4 mile of the run. The dizziness that I've felt recently seems to be related to the length of my run, and if this is so then I need to make smaller and less-often increases in distance. I suspected this was the case and reduced my distance back to 1.1 miles for the next couple weeks or so. I will run 1.1 miles each time next week, and if that goes well, I may start to make small increases in my distance. 10% is about 1/10 mile. Time to act my age and not act like I'm younger!

Saturday, May 06, 2017

Did 1.1 miles

As I indicated in my previous post, I went back to 1.1 miles and did OK, although I got slightly dizzy during the last 0.1 mile. I felt fine after I got home and rested a bit. This evening my wife and I drove about half an hour to attend a concert in which my daughter was playing in the French Horn section and my granddaughter was playing a solo on her Viola. I felt fine during that trip.

I'm going to run 1.1 miles each time during next week, and maybe the week afterwards, and when I feel accustomed to that distance, I will make small increases in my distance (the 10% rule). Apparently, I just didn't have the energy to do 1.5 miles. When I was younger and tried to run too far, I could tell I didn't have enough energy to complete the distance. But, as I've gotten older, I've started getting dizzy when I run out of energy. We'll see how I do next week with 1.1 miles. 

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Did another 1.5 miles

I went running in the late afternoon and did another 1.5 miles. The temperature was in the low to mid 70s (F), the sky was sunny with a few clouds, and it was a great day to be outside.

I'm still having problems getting dizzy on the way back. I've eliminated low blood pressure and my food and water intake, and I'm next going to check my distance as a factor. I normally use the 10% rule in increasing my distance, but this time I've been making big jumps (40-50%) to get back to the distance I was formally running. Because of my older age, perhaps I need to use the 10% rule in getting back to my former distance. I seemed to do OK with 1.1 miles, so I'm going to go back to that distance and make smaller increases my distance, although a 10% increase in distance may be too much for an old man like me. I'll continue to check my blood pressure and my food and water intake during this time.

Monday, May 01, 2017

Increased my distance to 1.5 miles

I felt pretty good at the bench at the 0.55 mile marker, so I kept on going until I reached the 0.75 mile marker. I then turned around and went back to 100th South. I felt fine during my run, and stretching afterwards, but I got dizzy while walking to my car. The city has turned on the water in the fountain next to the path, and I took a few sips of water before and after my run. I think I need to drink more water and eat more for lunch. It was in the early afternoon when I went running and walking.

The temperature during my run was in the mid 60s (F), with clouds in the sky, and the warmth from the sun felt great! There were quite a few people on the path, but they were mostly cyclists. I did see a few other runners, and I saw several walkers and dogs. I saw one horse with a 4-5 year old girl riding the horse and the girl's mother walking by the head of the horse. The following pictures were taken from the web and shows two cyclists on the Parkway path and a girl riding on the parkway. The horse I saw today was on a dirt path that parallels the paved path that runners, walkers, and cyclists use, although some runners and walkers use the dirt path, and some horses use the paved path.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Did another 1.1 miles

I mowed my lawns and then went running and walking. It was late afternoon when my wife and I drove to the Jordan River Parkway. The sky was sunny with clouds, giving a temperature in the mid 50s (F).

I felt pretty good while I was running and walking and didn't feel dizzy. I'm eating at breakfast time and drinking more water. This extra food and water seems to reduce if not remove the dizziness. I've been monitoring my blood pressure, and the dizziness I've experienced doesn't seem to be low blood pressure. Also, the dizziness is different than that I experienced a year ago before I had a pacemaker installed.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Did 1.1 miles on the Parkway

I ran and walked 1.1 miles today, going south from 100th South. I felt good during the run but felt dizziness afterwards. I'm wondering in my blood pressure is low. I've always had BP of about 110/70, and when I was a kid it was common to feel dizziness for a few moments if I got up quickly. However, I've never felt dizzy after a run. As soon as I find my BP thing I'll check my BP.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Ran and walked 1 mile

I went to the Jordan River Parkway and did 1 mile. I was concerned about my dizziness the last time I was on the Parkway, so instead of going 1/2 mile and turning back to my car, I went 1/4 mile and turned around for 1/2 mile total distance. Then I repeated this 1/2 mile to give 1 mile total. I did this so if I got dizzy I would be closer to my car, but I felt fine during the run. The sky was cloudy with a light rain, and I enjoyed being out. The temperature was in the 40s (F).

Monday, April 17, 2017

Did 1.5 miles again

My wife and I went to the Jordan River Parkway again, and she went north so she could check out the new homes being built, and I went south. In the way back I got really dizzy. I don't know if was from lack of food (not much eaten for breakfast and lunch) or was my heart acting up again. The temperature was in the mid 70s (F), so it wasn't heat exhaustion. I got dizzy while walking not while running, actually jogging.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Did another 1.5 miles

I finished the 1.5 miles, but I was tired and glad the run was finished. The temperature was in the mid 60s (F), and it was a nice, sunny day for running. I saw quite a few cyclists on the path but only one or two other runners. Lots of dogs walking their masters.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Up'd distance a bit to 1.5 miles

The temperature this afternoon was in the mid 50s (F), and the direct sun felt nice. My wife and I went south from 100th South to take advantage of the sun. I've been running 1.1 miles for several weeks, and I felt good today and increased my distance a bit to 1.5 miles, using the same route as the cadets from the Police Academy. The path was pretty busy with walkers, dogs, and cyclists, but not many runners.  One cyclist passed me  and the rider said, "You're amazing!" I guess he isn't used to seeing old men out running.

I'm still using an 80/60 seconds ratio of running/walking. My running is pretty slow, more like a jog, but I like to call it running....

Saturday, April 08, 2017

Did another 1.1 miles of running and walking

It rained during the night and morning, but the sky cleared in the afternoon, and I put on my running clothes and headed to the Jordan River Parkway. I went south to the bench that is just past the 1/2 mile marker and returned to my car. There was a small breeze, but it didn't amount to much. The air was cool, though, probably in the mid 50s (F). I saw several walkers and dogs, two skaters, and several cyclists, but only one other runner.

I mowed my lawns yesterday, and I still need to rototill my two vegetable gardens. They are small gardens, and the rototilling doesn't take long. The machine is big and heavy, though.

Monday, April 03, 2017

Ran and walked 1.1 miles today

The temperature was in the low 50s (F) with wind gusts of 10-15 mph. It was nice weather for younger runners, but I was a bit cold during my run. My wind breaker did a nice job of stopping the wind gusts, but my face and hands were cold.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Walked 0.62 miles

Rain is forecast for tomorrow, so my wife and worked in the yard today. She mowed the grass (1st time this year), and I fertilized the grass. Not only does the grass and flowers need the water, but I need the water to dissolve the fertilizer.  In the evening, my wife and I walked around the block for 0.62 miles. I was on my feet for an hour fertilizing the lawn, and I walked about 0.25 miles, but I didn't count that in the 0.62 miles I got going around the block.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

It was a struggle, but I did 1.1 miles

Today was not a good running day. The weather and temperature were fine, but I was tired and struggled to finish the 1.1 miles. There were wind gusts of about 20 mph, but I went south so I would have a tail wind on the way back. I did get the tail wind, but it didn't help much. The temperature was in the low 70s (F), and I took off my wind breaker on the way back. Tomorrow is Sunday and thus a rest day, and we'll see how I feel on Monday. Today, I saw a lot of cyclists on the path and two skaters, but I didn't see many walkers or runners.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Ran and walked 1.1 Miles Again

My wife and I drove to the Jordan River Parkway and went south from the trail head at 100th South. It was a beautiful day with lots of clouds and sun. There were several people on the path. I have one more running day this week, and I will do the 1.1 miles again. Then next week I will increase my distance a bit.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Did 1.1 miles today

My wife and I drove to the Jordan River Parkway. She went north and I went south. I ran/walked to the bench that is just south of the 0.5 mile marker. I took a sitting rest stop for about 30 seconds, and then I returned to my car. After reaching the big Parkway sign at the parking lot, I did my normal stretches that I use at the end of a run, and I walked to my car. My wife got to the car about a minute before I got there. Today was a warm day (temperature in the low 60s (F)), and the sky was cloudy with lots of sun. I didn't see many people on the path, though. Today was another Green day.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Walked about 1.25 Miles

I had an early-morning church meeting at 7 pm, and I walked to and from the meeting, about 1.25 miles round trip. It was dark going down but light and nice coming back. Today is the first day of daylight savings time.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Home Show

I didn't go running and walking today, because my wife and I went to the Salt Lake Home Show yesterday. I didn't get a lot of distance during the show, but I was on my feet for 4 hours, and I needed today as a rest day. I used to run Marathons in four hours, and I think I was as tired yesterday as I was after a Marathon. Such is Marathon training and such is getting old....

Thursday, March 02, 2017

Did 1.1 miles

Even though last week and this week so far were Green days, I haven't run or walked during the past week, because I have a sore on my right leg (not related to running), and I've been busy with doctor's visits, scans of my leg for blood clots, etc. Today, I thus reduced my running when my wife and I went to the Jordan River Parkway; I did 1.1 miles, and she walked her normal 2.0 miles.

Today was a great day for running. Lots of sun, path free of snow, temperature in the low 40s (F), only a slight wind, and I felt pretty good! I've had the sore on my leg for the past month, and I have an appointment with the "injury clinic" at the LDS hospital next Monday. I went to an IHC InstaCare place day before yesterday and got three prescriptions, two for pills and one for a salve. My sore was getting worse, and I'm hoping the three prescriptions will help me control the liquid-discharge. The prescriptions seem to be helping, because the amount of liquid and the yellowish color of the liquid are reduced.

Monday, February 20, 2017

I'm keeping the same distance this week -- 1.64 miles

Today was a Green day, and my wife and I drove to the Jordan River Parkway and went north. There was a 10-15 mph wind blowing, with gusts of 25-30 mph, and on the way back I did more walking due to the wind being a head-wind. The air temperature was in the low 50s (F), and it was a nice day for running. Although, due to my age I'm going slower, and I felt cool during my run.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Ended this week with another 1.64 miles

Judy and I drove to the parking lot at 100th South and went south on the Parkway.  I stopped at the bench, as I've been doing all this week, and she went to the tunnel at 106th South. She walks faster than I jog or walk and thus goes farther. The sky was overcast and a slight wind was blowing, but the temperature was in the mid 50s (F), and it was nice to be out. We left home in the late afternoon but finished our exercise before it got dark.

Today (Saturday, and the forecast for Monday) was a Green day. We went from a Green day last week to Yellow days, indicating an inversion with bad air was beginning to form. However, instead of progressing to an Orange day and then a Red day with bad air, we went back to a Green day. This change was caused by warm air that came into the valley during day times. Inversions require cold air on top of warm air. On Green and Yellow days, I go outside to run and walk. On Orange and Red days, I go inside at the rec center to run and walk. I check the air quality each day before I run to help me make a final decision about going outside or going inside.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

1.64 Miles Again

Today was another Yellow day. It was a great day for running. The sky was cloudless, our solar panels are generating lots of energy, there was no wind, and the shade temperature when we left was 51 (F). Nice!

My wife and I drove to the Jordan River Parkway parking lot at 100th South, and we went south.The path is relatively flat during that part of the Parkway, and we had lots of sunshine. There were quite a few people on the path.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Did 1.64 miles

Today was a Yellow day, and my wife and I drove to the Jordan River Parkway. She went north and I went south to the bench that is near 106th South. She likes to go north, because she enjoys the new houses that are being built, and we got back to our car at the same time. It was a beautiful day: no wind. Temperature in the mid 40s (F), and several people were on the path.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

1.5 miles finished the week

It was late afternoon when I drove to the Jordan River Parkway and ran south for 0.75 miles and then came back. The temperature was just above freezing, and there was a slight north wind blowing. I put on a long-sleeved t-shirt to give me another layer to offset the cold temperature. My body felt fine, but my hands and face were cold. As I'm getting older, I'm slowing down and am less able to withstand cold temperatures.

Thursday, February 09, 2017

I drove to the dealer and had the battery in my car checked. It failed the "load" test, so I bought a new battery. Now, I can use the car without worry that I'll get stuck somewhere.

When I was young, cars had an amp meter instead of a volt meter, and you could see the battery condition by the amount of current being drawn. A lot of current was drawn to start the car, but within a few seconds the current was down to a low level due to the battery being recharged. Now, with modern cars, I don't know how to tell the battery condition. Yesterday, my battery allowed the radio and parking lights to work fine, because those items used low current, but the battery didn't give enough current to start the car.

I was reading about testing car batteries, but the procedure was complicated and something not a lot of people can do. What is needed is a simple procedure that doesn't require anything that doesn't come with the car. People need something that is part of the car and shows the battery condition. The driver thus can glance at the meter and know the condition of the battery.

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Another 1.5 miles

Today is another Green day, and my wife and I drove to the Jordan River Parkway and went 1.5 miles. It was a beautiful day to be outside: temperature in the low to mid 50s (F), lots of sun, a few clouds, and almost no wind.

When we got back to my car, the car wouldn't start because the battery was discharged. My wife walked 3 miles (one way) to our home to get our other car. We tried to jumper the bad battery, but our efforts were unsuccessful, so she drove home and called the car dealer to get help. This dealer offers free help along the Wasatch Front for things like bad batteries or no gas in the car. The car started right up for the guy who came and jumpered the battery, and I drove home. I'm not sure why the battery was discharged, and I don't remember how long we've had the battery. I need to get the battery checked and probably replaced.

Monday, February 06, 2017

Another 1.5 miles

Today was a Green day, and I went to the Jordan River Parkway and ran and walked 1.5 miles. There was a 10 mph gusty south wind. Because I was going south, the wind was a head wind on the way out and a tail wind on the way back. I had my 3 layers, including my nylon wind breaker, and I felt comfortable. The air temp was in the mid 40s (F) during my run. The path was all dry but there were a few spots of snow on the side of the path. Due to the slope of the ground, the water from the melting snow was going into the dirt on the side of the path instead of on the path itself. I took only one rest stop during the run, and that break was on the way back when I had about 0.25 mile left to go. It was a short break of about 20 seconds. I used the bench which is just north of the 0.25 mile point.

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Ended the rest-week with another 1.5 mile run/walk

I've been doing 1.5 miles as a rest distance, and I completed another 1.5 miles this morning. Today is a Green day with no restrictions, and it was nice to see the Wasatch Mountains as I ran and walked along the Jordan River. It was also nice to be back on the Parkway path instead of the rec center. The sky was mostly cloudy, but there were moments of sunshine. While I was completing my run and on the drive home, I felt a few drops of rain, but it didn't amount to much, and the sun was out by the time I reached home, and it has stayed out most of the day. The shade temperature right now is 51 (F). Judy didn't go to the river with me, because she went to Salt Lake City to help a cousin by giving her a ride to the hospital to see the husband of the cousin.

I saw an old man running on the path. I didn't have a chance to talk with him, but he looked older than me.

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Another 1.5 miles

Today was a Red day, but the forecast was later changed to an Orange day. Red days have the worst smog. My wife and I went to the rec center, and I ran and walked 15 laps. Later in the day I took a 21/2 hour nap. I've been getting a good 7-hour sleep each night, but my body needed more than 7 hours, hence the nap.

Monday, January 30, 2017

This is a rest-week: 15 laps for 1.5 miles

It is suggested that runners and walkers take a rest week once a month of about 66-75% of their normal. This is my rest week, and my wife and I went to the South Jordan City rec center.

There are four classifications of air-quality in the Salt Lake Valley, and I go outside for two of the classifications and to the rec center for the other two classifications. Green and Yellow days are for outside running and walking, and Orange and Red days are for inside lap running and walking. The size of the smog particles decides which classification will be in effect for a given day. Today was an Orange day, and I decided to have the week be a rest week because the air is bad outside.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Chugging along with 2.4 miles (24 laps)

My wife and I went to the South Jordan rec center, and I ran and walked 24 laps for 2.4 miles. We went in the morning when there were snow flurries occurring. However, the sun was out when we drove home.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Started a new week with 2.4 miles

Today is a Green day, and normally we would go to the Jordan River Parkway to walk and run. But, a front is predicted to pass through the area about noon today, and further snow flurries are predicted, along with a drop in temperature. So, my wife and I elected to go to the South Jordan rec center and do laps around the indoor track. I added 2 laps and did 2.4 miles (24 laps). I will continue the 2.4 miles for the rest of the week to allow my body to start to get used to the new distance. There were snow flurries and light rain during the morning, but the flurries  and rain have stopped. The sky is still overcast, though. The Green days are predicted to last during the week, but the temperature is predicted to be below freezing. Thus, I'm not sure if we will go to the rec center on Wednesday or to the Parkway. I have a Dentist appointment tomorrow, so it's good that I ran and walked today.

Later: it's snowing again.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

2.2 Miles Ended the Week

Today was a Green day (no restrictions), but we had about 9 inches of heavy snow on the ground, so I went to the South Jordan rec center and ran and walked 22 laps around the indoor track. Also, it was late afternoon when I went to the rec center, and it was dark when I finished. I'm glad I was in the rec center, because my wife doesn't like me to be on the Jordan River Parkway after dark. Also, I wanted to give the maintenance people more time to plow the snow from the path.

The daytime temperature was about 36 (F), so there was some melting of the snow and ice. My wife and I scrapped the snow from our driveway this morning and found that there was a thin layer of ice under the snow, because the cement was slippery once the snow was removed. Fresh snow is not slippery, but ice may be under the snow. A few years ago I was running on the Parkway path through a few inches of snow, and all of a sudden I found myself lying in the path. Ice had formed during the night and then snow covered the ice. I didn't break any bones, but I was sore for a few hours.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Another 2.2 miles

Today was an Orange day, so my wife and I went to the South Jordan rec center, and I ran and walked 22 laps for 2.2 miles. The air temperature was about 34 degrees, but we had snow or rain flurries most of the day. There weren't many people using the rec center today. We went to the rec center in mid afternoon, and I had a hard time with the last few laps. I didn't have any breakfast this morning, and I think I was running out of energy. I like to run on an empty stomach, but that assumes I'm doing morning runs. I should eat breakfast when I know (like today) that I'm not running until mid afternoon.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Did 2.2 miles

Today was an Orange day, and the air is pretty bad. I went to the South Jordan rec center and ran and walked 22 laps on the indoor track. Hopefully, the air inside the rec center is filtered and thus better than the outside air. An Orange day is mandatory regulation of smog-producing activities for those who are sensitive to bad air. As far as I know, I'm not sensitive to bad air, but since the rec center is available, and my health insurance reimburses the full cost of the center, I go there when the air is bad. 2.2 miles isn't quite far enough to get the 10,000 steps that are recommended by doctors, but I'm slowly increasing my distance. By the time I get to 3 miles, I will be getting my 10,000 steps.

Here is a picture, taken from the web, that shows the bad air in Salt Lake City due to an inversion. I'm not in Salt Lake, but the bad air extends the full length of the Salt Lake valley. Inversions are caused when a layer of cold air is on top of warmer air, keeping the air in the warmer layer from going into space. The trapped air thus gets worse and worse. Snow is predicted for Thursday and Friday, and that should cause the inversion to disappear, although it will be back in a few days. Later in the Spring, the temperature will be warmer, and the inversions that caused the bad air will stay away until next winter.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Did another 2.0 miles to end the week

Today was a Yellow day (use moderation and common sense), and my wife and I went south from the trailhead at 100th South. The sky was overcast, and a slight wind was blowing. The mid-day temperature was in the low 30s (F). Not many people were on the path. I saw 3 cyclists, two runners and one walker. I didn't notice the wind until I turned around. I then immediately felt colder, indicating the wind was a north wind. I looked at tall grass and saw a slight movement, and I realized that any wind reduces the wind-chill factor. I wore gloves, and my fingers started feeling cold on the way back, but on the way out, my fingers felt fine.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Did 2.0 miles again

Today is a Green day (no restrictions due to air quality), so my wife and I drove to the Jordan River Parkway and went south from 100th South. The ice that I saw on the path two days ago was gone. The sky today was mostly cloudy, but the sun peaked out of the clouds once in a while. During my run/walk this morning, it sprinkled rain, and the path was wet from previous rain. The air temperature was in the mid 30s (F). I saw three other runners on the path; two of them were a man and a woman and a dog on a lease. When I first saw them, they were going north, but when I saw them the second time, they had turned around and were going south.

There were a lot of ducks on or near the path, but it looked like South Jordan had cleaned most of the duck poop from the path. Or, perhaps a heavy rain during the night washed the poop from the path. At any rate, it was nice to use a relatively clean path.

I also saw a South Jordan maintenance truck on the side of the path. The truck was slowly moving down the path, but I couldn't tell what the driver was doing.  The truck would stop for a while and then move to a new spot on the path and stop for a while.

Monday, January 09, 2017

Did 2.0 miles

Today is a Green (no restrictions) day, so my wife and I drove to the Jordan River Parkway and went south. We both went 1 mile out and 1 mile back, for a total of 2 miles each. The sky was mostly cloudy, but the sun did peek out on the way back, and the warmth of the sun felt good. The air temperature was in the low 40s (F), but there was a south wind of about 15 mph. This wind made running hard on the way out, but it was a tail wind on the way back and made running easier. I saw two runners and one walker on the path. Both runners were in shorts and had no wind breakere, so they probably were cold. However, they both were going much faster than I was going, and their speed probably helped to keep them warm. My nylon wind breaker (uninsulated jacket) did a great job of increasing the chill factor of the wind.

The ducks, who use the path in the winter, don't have very good bathroom habits, and it was almost impossible to avoid their poop on the path. I just ran through the poop and didn't worry about my shoes. There were a few icy spots on the path, and a lot of wet spots, but the path was mostly dry and nice for running.