Saturday, November 28, 2020

Weekly summary -- 0.6 mile this week

 My legs are getting really tired when I go around the east block, so I drastically reduced my distance this week. As long as I'm taking  the chemo medicine I'm not walking or running, and there will be no additions to my blog.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Weekly summary -- 2.925 miles this week

We didn't go out on Thursday, because I had a doctor's appointment in mid morning, so we went walking on Friday. I didn't feel very well during the past 2 walks, so on Saturday we only went 0.4 miles instead of the 0.625 miles that I had scheduled for the week. The extra rest helped me a lot.

I'm making sure I eat breakfast before I walk, because I've been walking before breakfast.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Saturday, November 07, 2020

Weekly summary -- 3.175 miles this week

 This week was the first time I've increased my medium walk. I added about 0.05 miles. to my Wednesday walk.