Friday, May 27, 2022

Last week of May

Goal for days walked per week: 6
Goal for the week, starting with Monday: Heavy, Light, Heavy, Light, Heavy, Light, None

Days actually walked this week: 1
Actual mileage this week: Mileage is collected only for the final week of the month to allow a comparison of this month with other months: 0.15 miles.

 Comment: A windy Spring is here. I'm still wearing my windbreaker jacket; the jacket gives a bit of warmth and keeps me from getting the full brunt of the wind. I still feel the force of the wind but I don't get much of my body-heat blown away.

We've been having rain and snow sprinkles. Spring (temperature wise) is finally here!

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Last Week of April

Goal for days walked per week: 6
Goal for the week, starting with Monday: Heavy, Light, Heavy, Light, Heavy, Light, None

Days actually walked this week: 6
Actual mileage this week: Mileage is collected only for the final week of the month to allow a comparison of this month with other months: 2.4 miles.

Comment: During cold temperatures, and during my recovery from the 24-hour flu, I walked inside my home. The days are getting warmer, but the nights are still cold. If I walk indoors, I'm doing 10 loops for heavy walks and 5 loops for light walks.

Earlier, we had about 3-4 inches of snow, so I walked loops within my house the next morning. The weather for the last few days has been a mixture of light rain, light snow, and light sunshine.

Judy found my long pants that I use for running, and I wore the long pants to keep my legs warm during my walk. I've gained weight so the pants are pretty tight on me. The pants are a medium and I need a large size or even an extra large size. This week has been a windy-week, and I am glad I had my wind-breakers on as a jacket and long pants.

Back in Massachusetts, when I was younger, I wore the long pants when I ran at below freezing temperatures with a wind blowing. My record for cold-weather running is -18 (F) (with long pants but no wind). Because of my older age and my now living in a warmer climate, I don't expect to break that record.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Last Week of March

Goal for days walked per week: 6
Goal for the week, starting with Monday: Heavy, Light, Heavy, Light, Heavy, Light, None

Days actually walked this week: 6
Actual mileage this week: Mileage is collected only for the final week of the month to allow a comparison of this month with other months: 1.8 miles

Comment: During cold temperatures I walked inside my home, doing 8 loops for heavy days and 4 loops for light days.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Last Week of February

Goal for days walked per week: 6
Goal for the week, starting with Monday: Heavy, Light, Heavy, Light, Heavy, Light, None

Days actually walked this week: 4
Actual mileage this week: Mileage is collected only for the final week of the month to allow a comparison of this month with other months. 0.46

Comment: I've changed my procedure to follow the heavy/light method. A heavy walk is approximately twice that of a light walk

Because of snow and cold temperatures, I'm doing my walking inside my house. Also, the bad air we currently have is a factor in my decision to walk indoors. It is getting warmer with better air, so I am going outside again. The weather is cold again, and there is more snow. Back to walking in my house.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Last week of January

My goals for each week of the month.
One Long walk: 0.400
One Medium walk: 0.200 miles
Three Rest walks: 0.050 each
None: 0.000 miles each
Goal for days walked per week: 5
Goal for the week, starting with Monday: Rest, Rest, Medium, Rest, None, Long, None
Goal for total distance for the week: 0.650 miles

Days actually walked this week: 5
Total  miles for this week: 0.475 miles

Comment: Due to the cold snow, I'm not walking some of the days this month. In some days the air was bad, due to inversions or fog, and I did not walk on those days, either. I'm walking inside, around in my house, to help me get used to the distance.