Sunday, January 26, 2020

No help needed on level ground

I discovered that I can move around my house with no help from the 1/2 walker or a cane, as long as the floors are level with each other and steps are not involved.

I made it up and down 5 steps of the way to the 2nd floor of my house. That is 1/3 of the way to the 2nd floor.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

I'm home but am still learning to walk

I came home a few days before Christmas, but I'm still learning how to walk. I have 1/2 of a walker, which I use with my good (unharmed) arm; the 1/2 walker still has four legs, but no wheels, and I'm starting to learn how to use a cane. The cane gives less balance than the 1/2 walker, since the cane has just one leg. I'm doing pretty good with level ground but have problems with steps.