Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Did 2.0 miles again

Today is a Green day (no restrictions due to air quality), so my wife and I drove to the Jordan River Parkway and went south from 100th South. The ice that I saw on the path two days ago was gone. The sky today was mostly cloudy, but the sun peaked out of the clouds once in a while. During my run/walk this morning, it sprinkled rain, and the path was wet from previous rain. The air temperature was in the mid 30s (F). I saw three other runners on the path; two of them were a man and a woman and a dog on a lease. When I first saw them, they were going north, but when I saw them the second time, they had turned around and were going south.

There were a lot of ducks on or near the path, but it looked like South Jordan had cleaned most of the duck poop from the path. Or, perhaps a heavy rain during the night washed the poop from the path. At any rate, it was nice to use a relatively clean path.

I also saw a South Jordan maintenance truck on the side of the path. The truck was slowly moving down the path, but I couldn't tell what the driver was doing.  The truck would stop for a while and then move to a new spot on the path and stop for a while.

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