Saturday, December 30, 2017

Did a light run of 1.7 miles (added a bit)

I drove to the trail head at 100th South and did a light run. I added a bit for a total of 1.7 miles. It was a warm day (54F), and I wore two layers. I got tired during the run and was glad to get back to my car. It was cloudy when I started the run, but the sun came out while I was on the run.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Did a heavy run of 2.4 miles

My wife, Judy, three grandchildren, and I drove to the trail head at 100th south, and we went south for a total of 2.4 miles. The grandchildren are Annie Grace (age 15), Jonathan (age 11), and David (age 6). Everyone made it back to our car before me. David was glad to see the cats along the path. The temperature was in the mid 40s (F), and there was lots of sun with just a few clouds. I saw several runners, a few walkers, and one skater.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Today was a light day for 1.64 miles

I left home about noon and ran/walked 1.64 miles, going south from 100th South. There were snow flurries when I left home, but the flurries stopped during my run but came back before I finished the run as a mixture of light rain and snow. I passed one other runner, but I saw no walkers or skaters. I wore 5 layers and was quite warm during my run. I could have gotten by with 4 layers, but I put on an extra layer so I would be plenty warm. The path was wet but not slick. The air temperature during my run was 33 (F).

The Winter Soltice has finally come

Yesterday was the first full day of more sunlight, and this is good news. Utah still has a month or more of cold weather, but the days will get longer and longer, and my solar cells will generate more and more power.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Another 2.4 mile heavy run

I just returned from my Wednesday heavy run and did another 2.4 miles. I didn't take any rest stops on the way out, but I took three brief stops on the way back. The temperature during my run was in the mid 50s (F), but the temperature should go down when snow arrives later this afternoon and this evening.

I mentioned in my previous post that a new bench had been installed in place of the wooden bench that had been next to the path, about 0.18 miles north of 106th South. I discovered today that all of the benches have been replaced with the new metal ones. I'm concerned that the metal benches will be hot in the summer and cold in the winter. The old wooden benches, that had been constructed as part of Eagle Scout projects, probably required more maintenance than the new metal benches, due to water being absorbed by the wood, and maintenance costs may have been the motivating factor in the replacement of the benches. Also, the new benches have a back to them, which the wooden benches didn't have, and that is probably a plus, but the backs force people to face in a certain direction instead of giving people the choice of direction they face, and that is a minus in my view. Runners, walkers, and probably cyclists sit on the bench to get a brief rest and probably aren't interested in getting a view of the river. I am interested in facing the path, rather than the river, since that is where I run and walk, and I expect other runners, walkers, and cyclists have a similar attitude about facing the path. But, I don't make decisions about the benches, and I'm just glad the benches are there so I can take brief rest stops when I need such a rest.

The following photos, taken from the web, show the Parkway path with an old bench next to the path (1st photo) and a new bench next to the path (2nd photo) , although the new benches that I saw have a South Jordan logo in the center of the back. The new bench shown in the 2nd photo doesn't have this logo; also, the new bench shown in the photo doesn't have arm-rests.

 For those interested, the following text was taken from Wikipedia.

"The Jordan River Parkway is an approximately 40-mile (64 km) urban park that runs along the Jordan River within the U.S. state of Utah. The parkway follows along the river from Utah Lake in Utah County, through Salt Lake County and onto the Great Salt Lake in Davis County. The majority of a mixed-use trail has been completed with a shared-use path for cyclists, skaters, and joggers. A separate equestrian path runs on the southern portion of the trail. Many trail-heads, city and county parks and golf courses are also located along the parkway."

Monday, December 18, 2017

Did a light run of about 1.5 miles

Judy and I went to the East Pavilion at about 108th South, and I went north to the bench and back (the bench is about 0.18 miles north of 106th South). The bench that was created by a scout troop has been removed and replaced by a metal bench from South Jordan. The new bench is slightly smaller than the wooden bench, but it has a back so people resting can lean back.

We were out in the late afternoon, but we were back before dark. I went north, but Judy went south to the pedestrian bridge across the river and then went back to our car at the East Pavilion. The temperature was in the mid 30s (F). 

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Did another heavy run of 2.2 miles but in the rec building

I drove to the South Jordan rec building and jogged and walked 22 laps around the indoor track, or about 2.2 miles. I run on the outside of the track, and the distance is a bit longer than 2.2 miles. It was cold with snow flurries outside, and I wasn't dressed for running outside. The snow flurries melted and there was little accumulation of snow on the ground. I used my jog:walk ratio of 80 seconds:60 seconds, as I've been doing on the Jordan River Parkway in recent weeks.

While I was doing my 22 laps, a woman who was running quite a bit faster than I was going, slowed down for a few seconds and said it was wonderful to see me going around the track. I guess I look older than I feel. Except for a loss of balance, I feel like I'm in my 70s.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Did a heavy run with added distance to give 2.4 miles

I left earlier and finished my run a few minutes before it became dark. There was one car in the parking lot when I drove away. I added a bit to my distance and did about 2.4 miles. I took no rest breaks during the run. I wore 4 layers of clothing, same as in my previous runs. My hands, though, were cold because I wore my lighter gloves. I put my hands in the pockets of my nylon jacket during my walking phases; during my jogging phases, I wiggled my fingers to get some heat generated.

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Another light run to end the week

I left home after dark and did 1.7 miles on the Jordan River Parkway. There were two cars in the parking lot when I arrived, and I passed 2 people while going south from 100th South. I couldn't see them very well in the dark, but I said hello and they answered with voices from the dark. The cars were gone when I returned. The temperature was 32 (F) when I left and 30 when I returned. I wore 4 layers of clothing on my upper body (2 layers on my legs), and I wore my winter gloves (1/4 inch of wool covered with nylon). I felt warm all during the run. I'll probably go to 5 layers when the temperature gets down in the low 20s. I enjoy running in the cold as long as the path is free of ice, and there is no lightning.

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Did a heavy day

I went running in the late afternoon, and I did a heavy day of 2.2 miles. It was getting dark when I finished and returned to my car. I'm getting used to the distance and am about ready to increase my distance. I took no rest breaks during my run.

Monday, December 04, 2017

Did a light day of 1.7 miles

Judy and I left in mid-day to run and walk along the Jordan River. The temperature was 34 (F), and I put on an extra layer (4 total) to keep warm. I felt fine during the jog and walk. The sky was overcast with just a sliver of sunlight here and there. I only saw one other runner on the path. I guess the ones I've seen in the past are waiting for warmer weather. When I was younger, I wore running shorts until the temperature went below freezing. I also didn't wear gloves until the temperature went below 15 (F) but not anymore. My hands got cold today, and I had on a pair of gloves. The gloves helped, but after about half an hour, my hands got cold.

I saw several cats along the path. I'm sure they were cold, but they live outside year around and are, hopefully, getting used to the cold. I didn't take any rest breaks going out or coming back. I think I'm getting used to the distance and do better than I did a few months ago.

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Did a heavy day and increased my distance to 2.2 miles

My wife and I went south from 100th South. We were out in the early afternoon, and there were several people on the path and a lot of vehicles in the parking lot. I went under 106th South and went to the green sign about vegetation being repopulated. I took no rest breaks on the way out and only one short break on the way back. My wife walked 2 miles to 106th South and then returned. This is her usual route and activity. The temperature was in the low 50s (F), and it was a nice day, as is usual this year.