Saturday, December 29, 2018

Another weekly recap for 3.02 miles

I walked and jogged four times during the week. The temperature was in the high 20s (F) and the very low 30s.

Today I went for 1.02 miles, and the temperature was in the high 20s. I walked most of the distance but jogged for about 1/3 mile in the middle of the distance.

The total distance was slightly more than an increase of 10%.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Change of address for this blog

I'm ready to delete the domain. So, in the future use the Google address for this blog.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Another week recap for 2.72 miles

Judy and I walked around the block, and I continued by walking to the corner and back, for 1.02 miles. I walked four days this week, for a total of 2.72 miles. The temperature was in the mid 30s (F) to mid 40s.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Week recap for 2.6 miles

I walked four times this week, for a weekly total of about 2.6 miles. Except for today, when the temperature was in the low 40s (F), the temperature during these walks was in the low 30s.

Saturday, December 08, 2018 domain to go away

In a few days, I will delete the oldmanrunning domain. When that happens, please use the Google name for the blog.

This is important, so I will repeat it.

In a few days, I will delete the oldmanrunning domain. When that happens, please use the Google name for the blog.

Did a long walk of 0.9 miles, including adding a bit to the walk

The temperature was in the low to mid 30s (F), and the sidewalks were clear of snow and ice.

Friday, December 07, 2018


The domain,, should no longer be used. Use the Google name for the blog. This name is

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Decided to do weekly updates to this blog, instead of daily updates

From now on I will just be doing weekly updates. I decided on this because my walks are mundane with nothing special happening.

My weekly schedule is as follows:

Monday -- Rest walk of 0.40 miles
Tuesday -- Rest walk of 0.40 miles
Wednesday -- Medium walk of 0.62 miles
Thursday -- Rest walk of 0.40 miles
Saturday -- Long walk of 0.85 miles

As I get stronger and used to the distance, I will add a bit to the medium and long walks. Eventually, I will start jogging during part of my walks, using 80 seconds walking or jogging, and 60 seconds of walking. This combination will be used for the whole distance for that day.

Did a 0.40 rest walk

Judy and I went out this morning and walked to the corner and back for 0.40 miles. The temperature was about 35 (F). Snow is on the lawns, but the sidewalk is clear of snow and ice.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Added a bit to my medium walk and did 0.62 miles

My wife and I walked around the block. There was about an inch of snow on the ground, and a wind of about 5 mph was blowing from the north.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Did a long walk of 0.72 miles

It had snowed during the night, and there was about 1 inch of snow on the ground when we started our walk. However, the sun was out and the snow was melting.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Did another rest walk of 0.4 miles

After the Thanksgiving parade was over, my wife and I walked to the corner and back. The air temp was in the mid 40s (F), but it felt colder than that. There wasn't much of a wind blowing, but it was starting to sprinkle. The ground was dry, but we felt a few drops of rain on our face. Later in the day I noticed the ground was wet, so we walked just in time.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Did a medium walk of 0.6 miles

During our medium walk, the air temperature was in the mid 30s (F). There was enough of a north wind blowing, that we could feel the difference between going out (back wind) and coming home (front wind).

Monday, November 19, 2018

Walked long walk of 0.72 miles

This long walk would have normally been done on Saturday, but I had company that day and did the long walk today. I completed the walk without taking rest breaks.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Earlier walks for 1.0 miles total

I just noticed that I forgot to record earlier walks. I did a rest walk on Monday of 0.4 miles and a medium walk on Wednesday of 0.6 miles.

Did a rest walk of 0.4 miles

Judy and I did a rest walk. We were out in the mid-morning. The temperature was in the mid 30s (F), and the walk occurred with nothing notable happening.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Did a long walk of 0.72 miles

Judy and I walked around the block, and I did my long walk of 0.72 miles. I didn't take any rest breaks during the walk. There was a slight breeze blowing and a  few leaves on the ground.

Friday, November 09, 2018

Sucked up leaves from lawn

Today was a rest day with no walking, but I mowed my lawn and sucked up several days worth of leaves. Not a lot of leaves per day are falling, and it has been several days since I sucked up leaves. Even though today was supposed to be a rest day, I probably walked 1/4 mile while mowing my lawn.

There will be a slight frost tonight, but it has been and will continue to be warmer in the daytime.

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Monday, November 05, 2018

Did a short rest run

I did a short rest run of 0.4 miles. I went out in mid morning, and it was nice to get out and stretch my legs.

Saturday, November 03, 2018

Did a long walk of 0.72 miles

My wife and I walked around the block and a bit extra. I didn't take rest stops, and I automatically went a bit faster. We were out first thing in the morning, and the temperature was in the high 30s (F).

Friday, November 02, 2018

Did a rest walk of 0.4 miles

My wife and I walked to the corner and back. This run would have been yesterday, but my son-in-law and grandson were down from Evanston, Wyoming yesterday, and we didn't go out. Today would have normally been a no-walk day in preparation for the long walk tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Today was a medium run

My wife and I were out early in the morning when the temperature was about 34 (F). We did a medium walk of 0.6 miles.

Most of the leaves on my neighbor's walnut tree have fallen to the ground, so this use of my lawn mower to get leaves will be done today but not for a few days after that. I need to suck up leaves this morning so the sidewalk will be clear for the kids who come trick or treating this evening.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Did another rest run

Judy and I went walking in mid-morning. In keeping with my new schedule, we did a rest walk of 0.4 miles. There was a slight breeze blowing from the North, and the temperature was in the low 40s (F). Tomorrow is a medium walk of 0.6 miles

Monday, October 29, 2018

New schedule of jogs/walks

My wife and I were out walking early this morning (I'm eating breakfast after my walk).

I've decided to change my philosophy of running/walking to go out more often but for shorter distances. I've been going out 3 times per week. Now, I will go out 5 times per week, as shown below, and the weekly mileage will be about 0.4 miles more than that I have been doing: To compensate for the longer distance, I may skip the rest walks on Tuesdays. I'll have to see how I do with the schedule given below and then make changes, if necessary.

Monday - rest walk of 0.4 miles
Tuesday - rest walk of 0.4 miles
Wednesday - medium walk of 0.6 miles
Thursday - rest walk of 0.4 miles
Friday - rest day, no walking or running
Saturday - long walk of 0.72 miles

 As time goes by, I will slowly increase the medium and long walks, but the rest walks will stay at 0.4 miles for a while. When I was younger, I ran three times per week and changed the distance of all runs. After my runs reached 5 miles, I changed to the philosophy of rest runs, medium runs, and long runs. I've never run more that five times per week since I like to have rest days before and after my long run.

I will use the distances given above for a while while my body adjusts to going out more often and to a longer weekly distance, Then, I will start increasing the distance of the medium and long walks. After my long walk gets to 2 miles, I will return to the Jordan River Parkway, and I will then start alternating jogging and walking, as I've done in the past.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Another 0.72 miles

My wife, a grandson, and I walked around the block, and I did a bit more for a distance of 0.72 miles. I took two rest breaks during the walk. Each break was a standing break, and the break lasted for about 15 seconds. We were out in the morning, and the temperature was in the low 60s. It was a pretty nice day to be outside.

After I had rested from my walk, I used my lawn mower to suck up leaves. Our neighbor's walnut tree still has a lot of green leaves, and each time the wind blows, more leaves fall to the ground.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Another 0.72 miles

I walked another 0.72 miles, and I didn't stop for rest breaks, indicating my legs are stronger.

I was surprised that I didn't have to stop since I had spent much of the day with my lawn mower sucking up leaves and mowing the north and back lawns. Whenever I felt tired while using the lawn mower, I would stop and rest for a few minutes. When I left to go walking, I didn't feel particularly tired. I had rested for an hour since I used the mower, and my walking showed I was rested.

My neighbor has a large walnut tree, and we've heard that walnut leaves contain a chemical which isn't good for gardens. As a result, I'm sucking up leaves with our lawn mower and putting the leaves in my trash bin. Normally, I would put the leaves in our compost bins that Judy made out of bricks. My trash bin was completely full of leaves when I finished. The wind was blowing during the day, causing a lot of leaves to be deposited on my lawns. However, the wind finally stopped, and I'm hoping my lawns are free of leaves for a day or two.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

0.72 miles again

Judy is out of town, so I went out alone, about noon. I was tired during the walk, but I took several rest stops (standing and about 10 seconds each) during the latter part of my walk. The temperature was in the low 60s, and there was lots of sun.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Another 0.72 miles

My wife and I attended the LDS Temple this morning, and then we went walking around the block. I was tired when we left for walking, and I was tired during the walk. I walk slowly, and it took me about 25 minutes to complete the 0.72 miles.

The sky was nice this morning when we left for the temple, but it was overcast when we started walking. We no longer have secondary water for our flowers and veggies, so I'm hoping we get some rain. We will be without secondary water until mid May of next year.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Did about 0.72 miles

Judy and I went around the block, and I increased my run by one house or about 0.1 miles (round trip). Judy stopped to talk with a neighbor, and I kept on walking. She caught up with me before we reached home. As I get stronger, I'm finding I walk a bit faster.

Monday, October 08, 2018

Did another 0.62 miles

In late morning, I walked around the block for another 0.62 miles. My wife, Judy, started a few minutes later than I did, and she almost caught up with me. I arrived home a couple of minutes before she did. The temperature was in the 50s while I walked, and it was nice to be outside.

My feet felt fine yesterday and during the walk today. The Rhus Tox remedy is doing fine.

Saturday, October 06, 2018

Did 0.62 miles again

My wife and I went walking between sessions of the conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). My wife stopped to talk with a neighbor, and I went ahead and completed my walk around the block. I had expected my wife to catch up with me since she can walk fast, but she didn't catch up. She came home about 5 minutes after I came home.

My feet felt fine during the walk today -- no weak feelings in my feet. I had a slight weakness in my right foot, but the weakness went away after I had walked around the house for a few minutes. I took a lot of Rhus Tox yesterday. I'm hoping that after 2 or 3 weeks, I won't need Rhus Tox anymore, because my feet will be stronger. Rhus Tox is a homeopathy remedy, and there is no possibility of one becoming addicted to it.

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Rhus Tox Remedy is OK

When I awoke this morning, my feet felt pretty good. There was just a small tinge of weakness, and as soon as  I walked a bit, this tinge was gone. The Rhus Tox remedy seems to be doing its job with the "rusty gate" syndrome.

Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Did 0.6 miles

Instead of doing a loop, we did an out-back for 0.6 miles. We had a light sprinkle earlier in the morning, but the rain was gone by the time we went out walking. My right ankle felt weak -- no pain just weakness.

This weakness is similar to that felt when I first started running 42 years ago and was the reason I started running.  The weakness I felt then and now indicates weak muscles in my feet. The weakness is felt when I first start walking and goes away as I continue walking. This is known as the "rusty gate" syndrome. The gate is hard to push to start the opening, but after the gate starts moving, it moves more freely. In other words, the symptom of this weakness is that movement improves things. I am thus taking Rhus Tox to strengthen my muscles. This remedy was very helpful 42 years ago.

Monday, October 01, 2018

Another week of 0.62 miles

Judy and I went walking in mid-morning. I went in the morning while I was still fresh from a nights sleep. I think I was less tired than when I went in the evening, but the difference wasn't great. The temperature was in the low 60s (F). Rain is forecaste for tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

0.62 more miles

My wife and I went walking after we returned home from the Oquirrh Mountain Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). I was tired and didn't feel like walking, but I went anyway. I took two or three brief (5-10 seconds) standing rest breaks during the walk.

We've been pretty busy during the past couple of weeks. My granddaughter was married in the Salt Lake Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) on September 21st, and the reception was in our back yard. We went to Evanston, Wyoming the next day for a reception there. We have a new floor in our house (white oak) that was finished two days before the wedding (lots of boxes and furniture to move). As Murphy would have it, our vacuum cleaner broke in-half two days after the wedding.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Another 0.62 Miles

I am feeling stronger as I get used to this distance. I go walking after dark when it is cooler, and I'm not as tired when I finish the distance as I used to be.

When I was younger and ran longer distances, 5 miles was considered a rest distance. Now, I'm older and 0.62 miles is all I can do.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

0.62 Miles

I went around the block again for another 0.62 miles. I was out a little earlier, while it was dusk but still light. I didn't do any jogging during my walk. Judy was gone shopping during my walk.

Sunday, September 09, 2018

Did another 0.62 miles

Judy and I went walking during dusk. We walked around the block, which is 0.62 miles. We stopped for about 5 minutes to talk with a neighbor. I didn't have anything or anybody to touch while we were stopped, and I had a hard time keeping my balance. I didn't do any jogging during my walk.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Did 0.62 miles again but was tired during the jog/walk

Judy and I went around the block again, but I was tired during the walk and took several standing rest stops of about 20 seconds each. I jogged a bit during the walk. I think I will stay in the neighborhood until I reach 1 mile or greater, and then I will go to the river. I like the Jordan River Parkway, because it is away from street traffic and the exhaust fumes that are emitted by vehicles.

Friday, August 24, 2018

I did 0.62 miles today & revised my previous numbers

I was out this morning, and I used my GPS to get a better measurement of the distance. I discovered that I needed to double all of my totals, because I was using the numbers from my poor memory, and the numbers turned out to be just the distance out, which is 1/2 of the total (I'm going out/back). So, I have modified the numbers for the past several weeks.

I did a a bit of jogging during the last half of my outing: 1 minute of jogging followed by several minutes of walking.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Did at least 0.3 miles walking

My wife and I (and our children and grandchildren) visited the new LDS City Center Temple in Provo, Utah. We, afterwards, went outside to meet some friends, and we walked at least 0.3 miles, between being inside the temple and outside the temple.

Monday, August 13, 2018

I did 0.6 miles again

I went out after midnight and walked my route around the neighborhood. I enjoy running and walking late at night. It is cooler, and my mind and body work well at night. I am truly a "night owl".

Monday, August 06, 2018

Did 0.60 miles again

I went out after dark and walked the route I used last week for a distance of 0.30 miles. Judy did not go with me, because we had family for dinner tonight, and Judy was very tired from cooking and setting tables on our new patio. I was also tired, due to the lateness of the walk, but I finished my walk and felt pretty good at the end. If I continue to feel good at the end of my walks this week, I may increase my distance for next week.

Saturday, August 04, 2018

Did about 0.6 miles

Judy and I walked to and from a wedding reception that was held in a backyard in the neighborhood. Because of the time-limits on the reception, we were out before dusk.

Thursday, August 02, 2018

Did 0.60 miles

I increased my distance slightly, and Judy and I did about 0.60 miles in our neighborhood.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Did 0.55 miles again

Judy and I went walking after dark when the temperature is lower. Since we are walking in the neighborhood, walking after dark isn't bad.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Did about 0.55 miles

Judy and I went out after dark and walked to the corner and then a bit more and back. One of the neighbors has several teenage sons, and they were setting off fireworks in the street. Another neighbor and his wife were out walking, and they had stopped to watch the fireworks. We stopped and talked with the neighbor and his wife who were out walking. The other neighbor had finished their fireworks, and they were inside their house. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Mormon pioneers entered the Salt Lake valley. A large parade is held each July 24.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Did about 0.52 miles, walking

I walked to the corner and back, as I have done in previous walks, but I crossed the street and walked home on the other side of the street. The time was the same as in previous walks: dusk. It takes about 20 minutes to walk the quarter mile.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Did another 0.5 mile walk

I felt good and, since I walked during dusk, I stopped to talk with several neighbors who were outside enjoying the cooler air.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Did 0.5 miles again. Starting to get used to the distance.

Judy wasn't available, so I went out alone at dusk, just before it got dark. I felt pretty good during the walk. I think I'm starting to get used to the distance, but I need to do it some more to really feel good during the walk.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

I'm not Dumbo anymore

Today, at 2 pm, I completed 48 hours since my surgery for skin cancer. I removed the big bandage that had been put on my ear, and Judy cleaned the dried blood from my ear and put a new and smaller bandage on my ear, with Vaseline to keep the injury moist. This bandage will be changed twice a day, and my showers will help keep the wound clean. I'm not feeling any pain from the surgery, and that is good! I'm not anxious to take pain medication for fear that I might become addicted to the medicine. I go to the surgeon next week to have the surgery checked. In about a month, the wound will be healed.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Judy and I walked 0.5 miles again

I'm not used to this distance, so I will keep the distance at 0.5 miles during the coming week and not increase the distance until I become used to it. When I was younger, I used to believe that it took about the same time to come back from inactivity as I was inactive in my running. From this viewpoint, it will take about six weeks for me to get used to the longer distance. I've completed one week, so five more weeks to go.

My ear is bleeding

My ear started bleeding this morning, shortly before I got out of bed. The nurse involved with my surgery had warned me that my ear might start bleeding, and that I was to put pressure on the ear to stop the bleeding. After about an hour the bleeding stopped, and I quit putting pressure on the ear. I had continued my use of the Eliquis blood thinner during and after the surgery, and that probably contributed to the bleeding.

The ear has dried blood in it, but the big bandage absorbed most of the blood.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Getting old

Getting old is quite different than I had expected. I expected to have good health and to be running when I turn over 3 digits in my age. During my 60s and 70s, the years came and went without a lot of problems, and I assumed my 80s and 90s would be the same. Instead, I'm in my 80s, and I'm having blood clots, a blood thinner, a pace maker, surgeries, and swelling of my feet. Oh well, I'm still alive and moving, and that is what counts! Things could be a lot worse! Life is pretty good, actually!

I had skin-cancer surgery today

I had surgery today on my left ear to remove a skin cancer. I had a local and didn't feel anything during the surgery. I have a big bandage on my left ear, and my wife calls me "Dumbo". It's been about 10 years since I last had skin-cancer surgery, so I can't complain.I have had a lot of "pre-cancers" that were frozen with liquid nitrogen and didn't need surgery.

Monday, July 09, 2018

Walked 0.5 miles again

Judy and I walked to the corner and back.  The wind was a south wind and was blowing 10-15 mph. A storm front is apparently coming in. The predicted daytime temps are still in the 90s (F), so the upcoming front doesn't look like a cold front. We went walking just as it was getting dark, to avoid the daytime heat.

Saturday, July 07, 2018

Walked 0.5 miles

I haven't been walking or jogging for several months. I've had significant pain in my left foot, and it has taken this long to find out the cause and to reduce the pain. I went to the emergency room of the IHC hospital in Murray and found out that the blood circulation in my feet was OK. I then went to a podiatrist who wrapped my foot and leg with foam and an elastic tape. This wrapping was left on for a week and reduced the swelling in my foot and leg. The pain subsided and now I'm basically pain-free in my left foot. Apparently the pain was created by swelling in my foot and leg. Swelling is one of the side effects for the treatment for Prostate and bone cancer that I have. The pain in my left foot began at about the same time I was treated for cancer.

Tonight, I went a relatively short distance, but the distance was enough for my current condition. I will do this distance two more times, and then I will increase the distance by about 10%. Even though I've been running for over 40 years and have completed four marathons, I've been away from exercise for such a long time that I'm basically starting over and will follow the Beginning Plan as outlined in my training blog at Thus, my first goal is to walk for 30 minutes and then to do a bit of jogging in the middle of my walk. I will increase this jogging, while alternating jogging and walking until I'm doing 3 miles for my long run, 2 miles for my medium run, and 1 mile for my rest run. Rather than continuously running, I will alternate running (jogging) and walking with 50 seconds of running and 50 seconds of walking (a ratio of 50-seconds:50-seconds. Because of my age, I will probably cap my long run at 3 miles.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Walked 0.62 miles again

My wife and I went out in the late afternoon, and we did a slow walk around the block for another 0.62 miles. I was glad I wasn't going farther, because I was starting to get tired. The air was cool, and I wore a jacket plus my work clothes. We had rain last night, but the sun was out during our walk.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Walked 0.62 Miles

Since I haven't been running or walking for quite a while, I took it easy today and walked around the block for 0.62 miles. I took it slow and easy and felt pretty good.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Agressive Prostate Cancer

I've been diagnosed with a Prostate cancer of 8 (1-10) which is considered an aggressive cancer. I've started treatment, consisting of a pill every day and shots every three months, starting next Tuesday. The good news is that I've had no pain due to the cancer and surgery on my bladder. The bad news is that my treatment doesn't remove the cancer, only shrinks it and slows it down. It could be a lot worse, though. I'm still alive and kicking! Prostate cancers in old guys are quite common.

The ulcer on my left leg has healed.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Jogged and walked 1.1 miles

Because I haven't been for a run in a couple of weeks, I only went 1.1 miles, and I walked more than I jogged. I'm still using 90 seconds jogging and 70 seconds walking. Today was a warm day, and I took off my windbreaker and tied it around my waist.

The ulcer on my left leg isn't completely healed, but it is much better. I can walk without much pain, and I feel pretty good.

Tomorrow and Friday are forecast to be cooler days of rain and snow.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Not running for a few days

I've curtailed my running for a few days, due to a large "blister", or ulcer, on my left leg. The ulcer is, more or less, a square about 2 inches on a side in which the skin has been removed, leaving the bare skin underneath. It is quite painful when I walk, although the pain seems to be subsiding. I don't know why the skin has been removed on the ulcer. It might be due to the compression stockings I've been wearing, and I've temporarily removed them for a few days.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Completed my medium run

I completed my medium run, but the total run was 1 hour 65 minutes instead of 1 hour 50 minutes. I went to the bench that is 0.3 miles south of 106th South and was right on schedule for a 1 hour 50 minute run. However, I was slower going back, causing the total run to be 15 minutes longer than I had expected. I was getting tired when I reached the bench and turned around, and I walked a lot on the way back and took extra rest breaks. Each break was short, about 20 - 30 seconds, but they add up to increased time....

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Bone cancer

Based on the scan last week, I do have what appears to be bone cancer, and I will undergo a biopsy for prostate cancer on  April 13, followed by treatment for the cancer. Also, my PSA is over 300 instead of the normal 6. Rather than give me radiation and chemo, the Urologist is going to block my testosterone in the hope of reducing the growth of the cancer. I've  felt no pain so far from the cancer, and I'm glad for that. The Urologist pressed on various parts of my skeleton, and I felt no pain. So, my goal to turn 100 and still be running is intact, so far.

Tomorrow and the day after will be warmer than today, and I'm looking forward to my medium run!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Did a rest run of 1 hour (2.0 miles)

I went out running about 2 pm. We had had a lot of sun during the morning, and I assumed there would be a lot of sun during my run. However, the sky became cloudy, and it looked like rain would occur. There was a gusty wind of 10-15 mph coming from the north, and I had my wind breaker on to help avoid the effect of the wind. Since this was a north wind, I had a tail wind on the way to 106th South (it was nice to have the wind "push" me, but it was a head wind on the way back, and, even though I wore 4 layers, I was cold. The temperature was in the mid 40s (F), but the wind chill was lower than that. However, during the last half-mile of my run, there was a lot of sun, for which I was grateful. I had left my gloves in my car, and my hands, during the last half of the run, were cold; I placed my hands in my jacket pockets during the walking phase of my run.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Did a medium run of 1.5 hours (2.2 miles)

I've decided I should change to time rather than distance for determining the length of my runs. I like to go by distance when the distance is small and by time when the distance gets longer. The advantage of going by time rather than distance is if I feel fine I might go faster and get more distance in the time allocated. If I feel tired, I might go slower and get less distance in the time allocated, but I do my allotted time in either case.

My goals now are as follows.
  1. Monday/Tuesday: Rest run of 1 hour
  2. Wednesday/Thursday: Medium run of 1.5 hours
  3. Friday/Saturday: Long run of 2.0 hours
That will give me 4.5 hours of running weekly, corresponding to 6 or 7 miles of running. Instead of cycling between heavy and light runs, I am choosing and limiting the length of the runs on a weekly basis. I am still running 3 times per week.

The times listed above are are pretty close to the times I've been running, although in the past I've gone by distance and used the heavy/light rotation of runs.

I did my 1.5 hours, but I felt tired during the run. Not quite as tired as I was on Monday but still tired. I reached the bench which is 0.3 miles south of 106th South. There was a gusty headwind of 20-25 mph blowing from the south, and this wind made it difficult to go very fast on the way out. It was nice, though, to have the wind as a tailwind on the way back. Quite a few people were on the path today, especially cyclists. The temperature was in the mid 50s (F). I wore my nylon wind breaker (jacket) which protected me from the wind, although I took it off for the last quarter mile because I was getting too warm. After I got back home, I dozed in my car for half an hour before I went in the house.

Tomorrow and Friday I will be in the hospital in Riverton getting scanned for Prostate cancer. Then I will be back on the trail on Saturday, hopefully.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Did 3.5 miles for another heavy run

I was tired during my run and considered aborting the run at a shorter distance. However, I took more rest breaks during the return to my car and walked more during the return, and I finally made it back to my car. I only had three layers on because I expected the temperature to be in the mid 50s (F), and I left my gloves in the car. When the sun was out, it was nice, but when the sun was behind clouds, it was cold.

I had a banana for breakfast and two boiled eggs for lunch, and I took a nap before I left about 2:00 pm for my run. I thought I was ready for the run, but my performance shows I was not ready. It would have been better to reduce my run to 1.5 or 2.0 miles and get more rest. Oh well, I did take a short nap when I reached my garage; I dozed off while I was sitting in my car. I had more to eat for supper to help me recover from the run. Today, I guess, was an example of me getting old and not having the strength and endurance that I had when I was younger.

The water under 106th South is mostly gone.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Did 2.6 miles for a light workout.

I went to the bench, in the midst of trees, that is 0.3 miles from 106th South. Not many people were on the path, since today is a work day. There were only two cars in the parking lot at 100th South when I entered the lot, but when I left the lot there were quite a few cars in the lot. There was a 10-15 MPH gusty wind blowing from the south that made it more difficult to go south, but it was nice on the way back to have a tail-wind. I felt pretty good during my run. I currently am going 3.5 miles on my heavy runs and 2.6 miles on my light runs. I need to repeat these distances a few times to get used to them. There was a lot of sun during my run, and the sun felt good.

There was a lot of water, from recent rains, under 106th South. I waded through the water. The water was deeper than previous water, and my feet got wet but quickly dried out when I was on the dry path again, although my socks were still wet when I took them off later in the day; I didn't have any abrasions from the wet socks. I've waded through large puddles before with no problems occurring. My socks are synthetic and don't absorb a lot of moisture. Cotton socks would soak in more water and probably would rub on my feet and cause blisters.

There is rain and snow forecast for tomorrow, so I went out today.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Added a bit and did 3.5 miles for my heavy run

I was on, about noon, the Jordan River Parkway path going south. I added a bit and reached and passed the parking lot and play ground at the East Pavilion, for a total distance of 3.5 miles. My next goal is the pedestrian bridge across the Jordan River at 114 South, about 3/4 mile south of the East Pavilion. There are several benches and two fishing ponds before the bridge, and these will make good turn-around points. I felt pretty good during my run, but I will need to do this heavy run several times before I am used to this distance.

Today was a warm day. The temperature today was in the low to mid 60s (F). There were quite a few people on the path, both runners/walkers and cyclists.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Another sunny and warm day

I spent a good part of the day cutting limbs off of a dying tree due to fire-blight infection, and I was too tired to go running. It was a great day, though, to be outside, even if I was doing difficult yard work.

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Sunny and warm today

The temperature today is in the mid 50s (F). A nice, warm day that is melting the snow. Almost of the snow along the Parkway is melted.

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Did a light run of 2.3 miles

I went to the Jordan River Parkway in the late afternoon and went on my usual south route for a light run of 2.3 miles. I was surprised to see the dry path under 106th South. That is a lot of water that evaporated. I saw a few others on the path, but there weren't many at this late hour. Most of my run was after the sun was down, and I was running in the dusk. It was almost dark when I reached my car. I felt good during my run. The temperature was in the low to mid 40s (F).

Monday, March 05, 2018

Did a heavy run of 2.9 miles

My wife and I went to the Jordan River Parkway in  the early afternoon, and I went 2.9 miles. I felt pretty good during the run.Today was a warm day, the temperature being in the low 40s (F). There was a lot of sun. The big puddle of water under 106th South has increased in size. I had to wade through about 20 feet of water. The path under 106th South is slightly slanted to the east, and I walked through the puddle on the west side of the path; hence the water was not very deep. I didn't see many runners and walkers on the path, and there were only a couple of cars, besides my own car, in the parking lot. On the way back, I saw two runners who looked to be of high school age. They were probably from the cross country team at Bingham High School. All in all, it was a nice day to be outside. On the way back, I stopped for a minute at the various benches, and it was nice to sit and soak in the sun.

In another week or so, I should be at the parking lot at the East Pavilion.

Saturday, March 03, 2018

Did a light run of 2.3 miles

I jogged and walked my usual southern route, beginning at 100th South, for a total distance of 2.3 miles. There was gusty south wind of 10-15 mph, but the wind died down on my way back. The sky was cloudy for most of the time, but the temperature was in the mid to high 40s (F). The puddle of water under 106th South was smaller, but I still had about 10 feet of water to wade through, but the water was not as deep as it was last week. There were several walkers and runners on the path, but not many cars in the parking lot, indicting the people either lived close by or they parked at the East Pavilion or further south.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Did a heavy run of 2.6 miles

The snow that was predicted for last night never came. Today was a warm day, in the low 40s (F), and I jogged/walked to the bench that is about 0.3 miles south of 106th South. The ice that was under 106th South was all melted, but there was a big puddle of water under the street. I bypassed most of the water by walking along the west side of the tunnel, but I did go through about 10 feet of water. The water wasn't deep, and my feet stayed dry.

On the way back, I talked with a man who was taking his daughter's dog out for a walk. He is 70 years old and goes about 5 miles twice a week. I told him he was still a youngster. He said that compared to me, he was a youngster. I saw several other runners and walkers on the path. Except for the part under 106th South, the path was dry, and there was no wind blowing. A great day to be out!

I had my beeper with me, and I added a bit of time to the jogging phase. I'm now doing 105 seconds jogging and 70 seconds walking, alternating. I felt pretty good during the run.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Still another light run of 2.0 miles

I left in mid afternoon for my run, and the air temperature during my run was in the low 40s (F). There was still quite a lot of ice under 106th South, so I made this a 2.0 mile run and went back to my car. The path was free from ice and snow, and the path was dry except for snow-melt along the edges. There was a south wind, about 10 mph. Snow flurries are forecast for tonight.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Another light run of 2.0 miles

I had planned on running and walking a heavy run of 2.9 miles, but the tunnel under 106th South had a lot of ice on the path, so I turned around and went back to my car. Also, a south wind of about 5-10 mph was blowing, making it hard to go further south. The path was dry, and the only water on the path was a small amount of snow-melt along the edges of the path. More snow flurries are predicted for tonight, Sunday night, and Tuesday night, with highs in the mid 30s (F). The temperature during my run today was in the low 30s.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Did another light run of 2.3 miles

I left home in the late afternoon (spent most of the day doing income tax return), and the temperature was in the low 50s (F). There was a 15-20 mph gusty wind blowing, and the wind made running and walking difficult. It was nice, though, on the way back to have the wind pushing me. The sun was out most of the day.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Did another 2.9 mile heavy run/walk

I'm still using the 110 steps running and 70 steps walking, corresponding to 90 seconds running and 70 seconds walking. The temperature during my run was in the mid 50s (F). I saw a couple of cyclists, and one or two runners and a couple of walkers on the path. Since it is a work day, most of the younger people were at work, and just us oldies were on the path this afternoon.

The following picture was taken from the web.

Happy Valentine Day!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Added a bit and did a light run of 2.3 miles

When I left home, the temperature was 41 (F), and the sky was cloudy. However, the sun came out during my run, and the temperature when I finished was in the high 40s. I enjoyed myself and felt pretty good during the run. I saw several runners on the path, and I also saw two men with dogs walking the dirt road that parallels the asphalt path. In addition, I saw two or three cyclists. A 5-10 mph south wind was blowing, and I was glad to have a gentle push on the way back. In addition to the 0.1 miles added to the run, I increased the steps during my walking phase to 70. That is, the actual number of steps was 140, but I only count when my left foot hits the ground.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Another heavy run of 2.9 miles

When I first got up from my night's sleep, there was a light snow falling, but it had stopped before I started my run. When I started my run, (using my usual south-bound route) the temperature was in the high 30s (F). By half way through my run, the clouds disappeared and the temperature was warmer (mid 40s). The snow was melted when I ran, and the path, though wet, was not a problem. I saw quite a few runners and walkers on the path. There was a 5 mph north wind, and this made running more difficult on the way back. I felt better during this run, indicating I'm starting to get used to the new distance. I used my new running:walking ratio of 110 steps:60 steps throughout my run.

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

I added a bit of distance and did a light run of 2.2 miles

The temperature during my run was in the mid 40s (F), and I enjoyed being out. I continued with my new running and walking phases, doing 110 steps of running and 60 steps of walking, or about 88 seconds of running and 60 seconds of walking. I saw quite a few walkers with their dogs, and, strangely, they were all on the dirt road that parallels the Parkway path. The dirt road is slightly softer than the asphalt path, and I guess the walkers didn't have the more expensive shoes to cushion against the impact of their feet and the asphalt path. I do all my running on the path, and my wife does all her walking on the dirt road. My shoes do a good job of cushioning my feet.

I took my nylon running jacket off on my way back, because I was starting to sweat. However, as soon as I stopped doing my stretches after my run, I put the jacket back on while walking to my car. My body didn't create much heat while walking to my car, and I felt the cold. The wind was still blowing, and my nylon jacket acted as a good wind-breaker.

People following this blog will realize that all of my 44 years of running have been with relatively small increases in distance or speed. This is the major reason I have been relatively free of injuries during the 44 years. I try to give my body sufficient time and rest to recover from a stressful run. Today was about a 4% increase in distance. I used to do 10% increases, but as I get older I'm doing smaller increases. I'm also running heavy and light runs to give my body more time for recovery.

Today is a new high for the month in my solar-power generation. The longer days and lack of clouds are showing up in more solar power

The following picture was taken from the web but shows what the sky was like today. A nice, Spring day, although trees and bushes haven't gone green yet.

Monday, February 05, 2018

Did another heavy run of 2.9 miles

The temperature was in the mid 50s (F) during my run. I got tired on the way back but made it. On my way back, I added 10 steps to my running phase; this amounts to about 8 seconds. The tiredness was not from the addition of 10 steps; it was due to the increase of distance before I was used to the lower distance.

It is nice to get to the end of my run and to do a few stretches before entering my car and driving home.

Saturday, February 03, 2018

Added a bit and did a light run of 2.2 miles

The temperature was in the mid 40s (F) during my run. I continued with the 110 steps of running and 60 steps of walking, and I enjoyed my run. There was a slight south wind, and I was glad on the way back that the wind was pushing me.

Note: I found this entry in my Draft folder, and I'm not sure of the date of this entry. I've given it a date of 2/3/2018 to show that my light runs are increased a bit.

Did another light run of about 2.1 miles

The temperature was in the mid 50s (F) during my run, and it was like Spring, only a few weeks early. We are, though, expecting rain and possibly snow on Monday. A lot of walkers were on the path with their dogs and young children in bicycle carts. A few runners and skaters were on the path, too. I felt pretty good during my jog and walk. I'm still using the 80 seconds/60 seconds ratio that I've been using for quite a while. The 80 seconds pertains to jogging, and the 60 seconds pertains to walking. Actually, I count steps of my left foot, 100 steps running and 60 steps walking. I've adjusted the number of steps to give the 80 seconds and 60 seconds that I quote in this blog.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Added a bit and did a heavy run of 2.9 miles

Using my usual route, I ran and walked to the bench that is at the south end of the large curve to the right that is just south of the bench that is 0.3 miles south of the tunnel under 106th South. The temperature was in the high 40s (F), and I felt fine during the run, although I took a lot of short rest breaks on the way back. Some of the breaks were sitting on benches and some were standing and leaning on the wooden rail that lines the path. I will need to do this distance several times before I add more to my distance. There is a bench not far from the East Pavilion, and that bench might make a good place to turnaround when I do add more to my distance. If I stop at that bench, my next stop will be the water fountain at the East Pavilion.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Did a light run of 2.1 miles

I ran and walked my usual route in mid afternoon. The temperature during my run was in the low 50s (F). The power generated by my solar cells set a new high for this month. The snow has mostly melted, and quite a few runners, walkers, and cyclists were on the path. The walkers were mostly persons with dogs.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Did another 2.75 heavy run/walk

I jogged and walked my usual route in the late afternoon. The temperature was in the low 40s (F). There were quite a few people on the path; most of them were walkers and their dogs. I ate some food about an hour before I left home, and I didn't feel well during the first part of the run. However, I felt fine during the latter part of the run and enjoyed myself. I wore 3 layers on my main body and two layers on my legs, and I felt fine as far as temperature goes.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Did a light run of 2.1 miles

Today was a cloudy day, although the temperature was in the low 40s. I ran my usual route, going south from 100th South. There was a 10 mph south wind blowing, and that wind made it seem colder than the actual temperature. There were a number of people walking dogs, and a few runners on the path. I also saw 3 trucks from South Jordan City; the workers were clearing brush from the edges of the path. I got pretty tired and stopped several times for short breaks (1 minute) on the way back. I also did extra walking on the way back. I was on the trail at noon, and I hadn't had any breakfast or lunch, thus reducing the energy I had for running. We're supposed to have more snow tonight, and the cloudy weather probably means snow is on its way.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Did a heavy run of about 2.75 miles (added a bit from the last heavy run)

I left home in the late afternoon, and the temperature was about 32 (F). The path, going south from 100th South) was plowed, and most of the path was dry. The only ice on the path was in shady spots. I enjoyed my run and added a bit, going south from the bench that has been my turnaround point during the past couple of weeks to the big turn to the right; I stopped and turned around at a green reforest sign that is a couple of hundred yards north (before) of the bench in the middle of the big turn. It will take me a couple of weeks, but I soon will be at the trail head at the East Pavilion.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

No run today

We had about a foot of snow during the night, and a light snow fell much of the day. I decided to skip my run today and to have this past week be a rest week. It wasn't much of a rest, though, because I was outside for a couple of hours, shoveling my driveway and sidewalks. A man and his son came by and helped me shovel snow. I appreciated their stopping to help. Another man stopped his car and offered to help, as I was doing my neighbor's sidewalk. I thanked him for his offer of help and explained that I was almost finished with my shoveling. We shook hands, and he drove away.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Did another light run/walk

I did 2.0 miles in mid-day. The temperature was in the low 50s (F), and it was warm and nice. I saw a lot of walkers and dogs on the path. Interestingly, the dogs were mostly small dogs with short legs. One man had let his dog run free, but when the man saw me, he put his leash on the dog. I took several short rest breaks on the way back, because I felt tired. I didn't have much for breakfast, and I lacked energy for the distance.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Did another heavy run of 2.6 miles

I just returned from a 2.6 mile jog and walk. The temperature during my run was about 34 (F), and my four layers kept me nice and warm. There was no wind during my run. I left home after the sun had set but before it was dark. By the time I had run 1/2 mile, it was dark. I saw one runner and two cyclists on the path. All three had bright LED lights turned on. I got back about 7 pm.

I like to run without lights, because I can see the path better. There are buildings with lights on about 1/4 mile away, so it isn't difficult to see the path. No motorized vehicles are allowed on the path, so there is no likelihood that I will get run over due to the darkness. Well, I guess there is a slight chance I might be hit by cyclists, but they usually have lights on their bikes and can see me. I can tell they are coming due to their lights shining on the path, and I make sure I'm on the edge of the path while they pass by. The same goes for other runners and walkers. When it is dark, I usually run in the middle of the path where the probability of pot holes is low and I have more room to maneuver in the darkness.

The following picture of darkness was taken from the web. The picture shows what nighttime running is all about.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Did another light run/walk of 2.0 miles

My wife and I went to the Jordan River Parkway in the late afternoon. The temperature was in the mid 40s (F), and there was lots of sun. Quite a few people were on the path. I wore four layers on my upper body, and I started getting too warm before the end of the run; I should have word three layers. If I were younger and went faster, two layers would have been sufficient.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Did another 2.6 miles heavy run

The air temperature was 41 (F) during our run and walk. It was sprinkling rain when we left home. After about a half-hour, the rain stopped, and by the time I got back to the parking lot, the sun had come out. There were several walkers and runners on the path. I went to the bench south of the 106th South bridge, for a round trip of 2.6 miles. Judy walked her usual 2.0 miles. She is faster than I am, and she has to wait for me; she brought a book to read while she was waiting.

Monday, January 08, 2018

Did a light run of 1.9 miles

Rain was forecast for late afternoon and this evening, so Judy and I went jogging and walking about 1 pm, going south from 100th South. The sky was partially cloudy when we left home (the temperature was in the mid 30s (F)) but was overcast when we returned home. I didn't see other runners on the path, and I only saw a couple of walkers.

It's 5 pm now, and the rain hasn't started yet.

During the morning, I took the vacuum pump apart that is used with our freeze-dryer and cleaned the insides of the pump. The small window, that is used to measure the amount of oil in the pump, was cloudy and obscured the level of oil in the pump, and I sprayed the inside of the window and wiggled the pump cover to clean the window. I cleaned the dirty oil from inside the pump, and I put the pump together and put the correct amount of filtered oil in the pump. The pump is now ready for use, and I'm waiting until Judy has prepared the food to be freeze-dried. It takes about 24-30 hours for a batch of food to be processed, and high electric usage happens during that time.

Saturday, January 06, 2018

Did another heavy run

I ran and walked for 2.6 miles today. It was sprinkling when I left home, and the light rain continued during my run. The temperature was 31 (F) when I left home. I wasn't sure how well my nylon windbreaker would keep me dry, so I put on another shirt to absorb any water that made it through the windbreaker. When I got home, I removed the windbreaker and felt the running shirt that I had been wearing to absorb moisture. The long sleeves of the shirt seemed dry, but the shirt around the collar seemed a bit damp. It's been a couple of years since I sprayed Silicone on my windbreaker, and I think I need to spray the jacket and my running pants again.

I saw two other runners on the path today. As I expected, there were no other runners, walkers, skaters, or cyclists on the path. Instead of being hard-core about their exercise, those folks who were not on the path today seem to be fair-weather folks, enjoying being out when it is dry but staying inside during rain storms. I think today was a great day for being outside. I wore enough layers to be warm during my run, and I protected myself from the rain by wearing a windbreaker and a hat. The secret of success is wearing what is needed for the conditions that exist.

Thursday, January 04, 2018

Did a light run and added a bit for 1.8 miles

Judy and I went out in mid-day when the temperature was in the high 30s (F). I wore three layers and was warm, although the sun felt good. I ate 2 fried eggs just before I left, so my breathing wasn't the greatest, but I felt fine during the run, except I took a couple of short breaks on the way back.

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Did a heavy run of 2.6 miles

In the late afternoon, Judy and I drove to the parking lot at 100th South, and I did 2.6 miles, adding a bit to my heavy run. I went to the bench that is 0.3 miles south of 106th South. The temperature when we left home was 40 (F), and it was 32 when we returned. I took no breaks during my run, and I will need several occurrences of this distance to get used to it. I wore four layers on my body and two layers on my legs. I wore my light running gloves, but my fingers still were cold. The rest of my body was fine, though. I saw several runners and walkers on the path and one skater. I was back at my car just before it became dark. When I was younger, my fingers would warm up after 1 1/2 miles, but they stayed cold during the last half of this run. I guess my blood circulation is not as good in my old body as it was when I was younger.

One runner, whom I have never met, called me by my first name when he passed me, and I think he has been reading this blog.

South Jordan City has a glass recycling bin at the parking lot, and my wife put several empty bottles in the bin, bottles that had held Martinelli non-alcoholic fruit juice. My grandkids who visited my home during the Christmas holidays drank the juice. My wife and I drank water.