Monday, August 10, 2009

No running today

Today was a planned no-running day due to my having a colonscopy this morning. Except for two small polyps, everything looked fine in my colon. The polyps were removed and are being sent out for a biopsy. I have some neat pictures of the inside of my colon which I will post as soon as I scan them. Here are pictures of my colon taken 11 years ago.


  1. hi well, um. No thanks; I don't really want to see pictures of the inside of your colon... but I do like your blog. Wendy from On the Front Porch sent me your link because she knows I'm a running maniac.

    Hey - I love that you have a playlist. How cool are you?

    I'm officially a follower, so make it good. :)

    by the way - it's so blisteringly hot here today (96 degrees complete with humidity) that I completely wimped out and did my 18-mile run on an indoor track!

  2. yes...negatory on seeing the colon...props for the best excuse not to run that I've ever heard.

  3. Well, the vote is 2 to 0, so I guess I won't put the pictures up. They are neat, though. They look like a cave. The walls are nice and clean; nothing yucky on them.

    While the nurse was prepping me for the exam, she asked several questions about meds that I'm taking. Except for the Wayfarin I said, "No", "No", "No"... She then asked why I was in such good health, and I said "I'm a runner."

  4. Funnyrunner, I lived in Silver Spring for a year and College Park for another year. I understand why you used the indoor track! My hot summers are like being in an oven, the heat feels like its burning. Your summers are like a heat sink that pulls all your energy from your body.

  5. LOL Brave Man. I am not looking forward to those exams in the future! If katie Couric can she her colon to the world, and this is your blog then put the pics up. No one has to look if they don't want to. It's rather interesting, really. Your blog is fun! I'll be back, colon or not :)

  6. Oh Lordy! The typos! I have not had my morning coffee yet. Ugh this is going to bug me all day now, lol

  7. Hello!
    Visting from blogs of note.
    I'm inspired by your zest for life. More strength to you!

  8. Glad that you had a good colonoscopy - many more should do the same!

  9. Hello fellow runner! I am new to this blog world, but I saw yours on "blogs of note" and I was so excited! You are inspirational... keep on running!

  10. I just found your blog...very interesting. I love the fact that you are still out there. I've just started my first blog about running and I'm hoping as time goes by someone will find it useful. Thanks for continously sharing your storing. I'm a follower now!


  11. I found your blog in "Blogs of Note" as well. Your blog is interesting and inspiring. Well done!

  12. You go man! I am following you to keep me motivated.
    I am a fellow runner as well and the heat & the humidity in Tulsa is challenging during the summer. I look forward to watching your progress.

  13. Amanda,

    Congratulations on starting your blog! The most important thing is that you have good content in your blog, not just a list of the things you've done that day. Good content gives people a reason to go to your blog. Put a link to your blog at the end of your emails (known as a signature) so your emails will quietly advertise your blog. Finally, submit your blog to the search engines so they will index your blog and make the links available to those who search. Here is a page that gives links to the Add page of the major search engines.
