Saturday, August 15, 2009

My greatest run since January

When I left to go running this morning about 8:30, it was raining pretty hard. The temperature was 57 (F), and it was almost a perfect day for running. I started running and was surprised that my legs didn't get as tired as they've done in the past. I ran the 0.75 miles to the turn-around point with only one segment of walking. On the way back, I did more walking, but not as much as in the past. I ran and walked a total of 1.8 miles, my longest run since January. The rain was heavy when I started but was just a drizzle when I finished. I saw three other runners on the path and two cyclists. The two cyclists were stopped in the tunnel under 100th South and were waiting for the rain to stop.


  1. I am jealous, 57..and raining? That sounds wonderful after being stuck in 100+ days for over 2 months now without any true rain to report. Great run though.

  2. Hello,
    Great that you keep in form!

    This training is even better:

    Anders Branderud
    (by the way my blog is about whats most important - to keep up "spiritually", see the "science"-section in the left menu)
