Sunday, August 02, 2009

Before you start a walking, jogging, or running program

Quite a few folks have indicated in their comments that they are motivated to get out and walk or jog. Before you start, spend some time reading about walking and/or running so you don't make mistakes and get injured, or if not injured get discouraged and give it up. You are invited to browse my tutorial site, That site has a lot of good suggestions from my 36 years of running, from comments from many runners, and from my reading of the running literature. Set a goal to walk, jog, or run pain free and injury free.


  1. inspiring blog, i am excited to start following!

  2. I started running a little over a year ago, and I made a lot of beginner mistakes that frustrated and discouraged me.

    It is good that there are a lot of people here in the blogging world that can help beginners fall in love with running.

  3. Running is a great way to burn calories, keep fit and lose weight!

    Your blog looks very inspiring. I am excited to start visiting!

  4. Hi Esmir,

    Many people run to lose weight. For those interested in this, here is my page on losing weight via running.

  5. Hi! I am a new runner and have joined my schools cross country team. You are an inspiration to me and many more!

  6. Quite interesting.. very nice..

  7. Bull3t,

    Congratulations on starting to run and for being on the CC team. Your coach will push you more than I would, but you're young and can probably handle that stress. There is a strong tendency for kids your age to stay up late at night and thus be tired the next day. If you're going to do well as a team member, be sure you resist that trend and get to bed at a reasonable time and get sufficient sleep. Sleep deficits in runners lead to injuries.

  8. Well this is true. I run as part of my regular training and recently I have developed overtense achilles tendon sindrom. I had to get some special how do you say it implants for shoes (or soemthing like that). Proper equipment is necessary for every training.

  9. I sent this blog to my dad, a 49 year old guy I love. He has serious back problems but I keep pushing him to run and train for a marathon. He, however, keeps saying that he should'nt have to pay to run a race (even a fundraising one). But I believe that maybe by reading your blog he may be reminded that it's all worth it if the person inside becomes a bit happier through the experience. So good luck to you, and I hope you'll be enough to push my poppa. :)

  10. (Not so),

    Tell your dad that somebody has to pay for the medal he will get for finishing, as well as the snacks and drinks that are offered during the race. :)

    However, caution your dad to get a doctor's approval before he starts. He should do nothing but walk at first, and with a bad back maybe he should walk the whole thing.
