Saturday, July 01, 2006

A good 13 miles this morning!

I ran my weekly long run on the Jordan River Parkway. I had to drive a few miles to get to the Parkway, but it was worth it because it is a nice path to use. It is an asphalt path and is easier for my stiff ankles to run than the canal road which has small rocks and uneven surfaces. The hardness of asphalt and concrete doesn't seem to bother my body. Also, many more runners, bikers, walkers, and roller-bladers are on the Parkway than on the canal road, and if I have a heart attack and die my body will be found within a short time rather than the day or two it might take on the seldom-used portions of the canal road :) I have an ID tag on my shoe giving my name and several phone numbers.

I finished the 13 miles in 2 hours 51 minutes and cut off about 25 minutes from my time last Saturday. The improvement was due to only walking during my walking breaks and walking up a big hill into a residential area due to the Parkway not going through some fields that extend down to the Jordan River. I ran at about the same pace as last week. The shade temperature when I got home was 92 (F), about the same as last week.

I have six more Saturdays before the Great Salt Lake half marathon on August 19, and I hope my body will pick up some speed. I would like to break 2 hours 30 minutes if I can.

Yesterday was my last day at work, and now I can better manage my running and the mowing of lawns and other high-stress activities so they are on different days. I can also take a short nap in the afternoons. Retired old geezers need naps :)

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