Thursday, December 21, 2006

The days are getting longer now

Two hours and 14 minutes ago, the northern hemisphere had its winter solstice, the official time when winter begins and the winter days start getting longer. I'm always glad for the solstice, because I like having more daylight even though it will be cold for another couple of months.


  1. Hey Allen,
    I listened to your podcast and must thank you for sharing your wise insight. I really like what you say about running "injury free" - it's not a race (well maybe it is) in the long run. Thanks and keep it burning strong!

    Adam Tinkoff from BURNING20.COM

  2. Hi Adam,

    Thanks for visiting my podcast and this blog! With a little patience and a bit more time, runners can achieve all of their goals and remain free of injuries! It's a hard lesson for some of the younger kids to accept...
