Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ran a tired 2 1/8 miles

I ran my 2 1/8 miles again, but as soon as I had gone 100 feet, I could tell I was tired and wouldn't have a great run. It was, though, a nice day, temperature wise [60s (F)], but a 15-20 mph wind was blowing. I slowed down to compensate for the wind and for my lack of energy.

The highlight of the run was watching the Pelicans in the fishing pond. I didn't have my flip camera with me when we discovered the Pelicans on Tuesday, so I went back to the pond today and took video of the birds. I spent about half an hour trying to get closer to the birds, but they apparently were watching me, because as I approached them, they swam away. The camera only has a 2:1 zoom, and I couldn't get closeups of the birds. After I left the pond and continued my run, I saw two Canadian geese and two goslings. The goslings are big compared to ducklings. Of course, the geese are big compared to ducks.

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