The finger clip came yesterday. The clip displays both oxygen level and pulse rate, and it is giving a surprising result.
The pulse rate numbers are accurate and are within one beat of my measurement of my pulse at my right ear taken for a minute. My pulse rate last night was 77 plus or minus a couple of beats. The pulse rate this morning was in the mid 60s. In both cases, the numbers are significantly greater than my normal wake-up value of 50 and my daytime value of mid 50s. This increase in pulse rate isn't unusual, considering the sleep-deficit that I've been having the past couple of weeks (I'm still not doing very well in getting to bed earlier, and I still wake up around sunrise).
The oxygen numbers last night and earlier this morning were 93-94%. They are above the 90% threshold that was used when I left the hospital 5 years ago after my auto accident. My oxygen was around 87% when I left, and for a couple of weeks I had to use an oxygen tank until my recovery improved and my oxygen level went above 90%. The last time I used the tank was during a visit to my doctor. She used a finger clip to measure my oxygen level. It was about 95%, and she took the tank away. The last time I had my oxygen level checked was a couple of years ago, and it maxed the clip at 100%. So values of 93-94% are above the threshold but not as good as they should be.
However, I just woke up from an hour nap, and my pulse rate is 51 and my oxygen level is 96-97%. It appears that with proper rest, not only does my wakeup heart rate come down, which I already knew, but my oxygen level goes up. That makes sense. I'll use the clip for the next couple of weeks to see if that trend is correct.
I also will take the clip with me when I run tomorrow to see if the oxygen level varies between my walking and my running. I won't use the clip while I'm moving but will stop for a few seconds and check my oxygen. I also will use the clip when I mow my lawns next week; I'm really curious to check my oxygen level while mowing, because that activity has been making me very tired and huff and puff in my breathing. In fact, it is that huffing and puffing that caused me to worry about my oxygen level.
I just checked my oxygen-level again. Pulse is 52 and the oxygen is 94%. All I've done since I first made the post hosting this reply is sit at my computer and type and read.
ReplyDeleteMy oxygen level tonight was 94-95%. The oxygen values seem pretty constant.
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