Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Another nice rest run

I ran for an hour on the Jordan River Parkway and had a nice run. It was a beautiful day with the temperature in the mid 50s (F) and with an overcast sky with the sun coming and going. I ran a comfortable pace and enjoyed myself. After the run, I did stretches for my calves, IT band, quads, and hams. Tonight, I'll do all my stretches like I did last night.


  1. Hello there, first of all let me say that I'm not a runner, I'm more of a jogger, however, I've been using your schedule and been able to build up to 24 miles a week, and I'm up to 7-mile-runs. I've been training since December and no injury yet. Thanks! Also I just figure out today that you're in Utah, I'm in Salt Lake and plan to run the 1/2 marathon on April 21st. However, I don't know that I'll be ready by then because that's the most I've ran so far it's 7 miles. I realize I have 4 short weeks and don't know what advice you'd have for me. Thanks!

  2. Hi Cindy,

    Thanks for taking time to let me know that my schedule is working for you. Your comment is the pay I get for an awfully lot of work :)

    Ok, let me see -- what would I do if I were in your shoes. I would

    Use the last week before the race for a taper. By running fewer miles that week, your body gets rest before the race. Maybe cut all your runs that week in half and take Friday as a non-running day.

    Run the race as a training run. No concern about speed. Just enjoy the activities.

    Use walking breaks during the run. If you're already using them, do the same during the race. If not, take a walking break right from the beginning of the race. This will give your muscles a brief rest and will conserve your energy for the end. I take a 30-second break every half mile. Others take a minute break every mile. Still others take more than a minute break. I don't time myself. I know how many steps I take in 30 seconds, and I just count when my left foot hits the ground. Don't walk overly fast, just a restful walk.

    By race day, you'll be up to about 9 miles, leaving 4 miles to go. During that 4 miles (and earlier miles, too) if you start getting tired, do more walking. There is no shame in walking.

    Be careful to not push yourself more than you have been doing in your training. Right now, your body is getting used to the pounding and stress of running, and you shouldn't put more stress on your body by trying to go faster.

    Set a goal to finish the half feeling great. No soreness. No pain. No injury. Just the good but tired feeling from having a great and safe time.

    Another thing you might consider is the Great Salt Lake Half Marathon in August. It goes from Clearfield to Antelope Island, across the causway. My friend Bruce from Vegas and I ran it last year. Bruce is coming back up for the SLC race in April. The GSL is flat, except for the last two miles, and it is a small and fun race. Here is the link for the GSL

    One caution about the April race. There is a long but not steep uphill climb along Foothill Drive. Don't push yourself doing that part. Walk if you need to to keep from getting tired. Then, there is a steep downhill from Foothill to Sugarhouse Park. Be careful going down, because downhills are hard on your quads and knees if you're not used to them. Just take it easy and let gravity pull you down at your normal pace. Going South on 17th East to Hyland Drive and then down Hyland Drive to 5th East and Liberty Park and from there to downtown is mostly level, but there is a gradual downhill slope. Again, let gravity work to your advantage and just keep your normal pace.

    If you happen to see my face and name (on bib) in the crowd after the race, please come over and introduce yourself and become part of our pictures. I'll be meeting my wife, my wife's 2nd cousin by marriage, and Bruce somewhere near the end of the food area.

    I don't know what part of SLC you live in, but my 89-year-mother-in-law lives next to Foothill Drive, and the race goes right by her house. My wife will be there watching the race. I live in the south end of the valley.
