Saturday, October 21, 2006

Wasatch Range has snow

Mt. Timpanogos, Lone Peak, and Twin Peaks have snow. Timpanogos at 11,500 feet is the highest peak in the Wasatch Range bordering Salt Lake and Utah counties on the east. During the last couple of miles before I turned around, I had a good view of the mountains. The top of Timp was in a whiteout (cloud). When Judy and I first moved to Utah 13 years ago, we made a hike to the top of Timp, and I flew my kite off the peak. Lots of wind that day. That kite is the same one I tried to fly from the top of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. Mt. Washington is the highest peak in New England and it gets the brunt of the North Eastern winds that bring in lots of snow. The USA record for wind was set on Mt. Washington, something like 200 miles per hour. On the day I tried to fly the kite (a hike with my Scouts), there was a breeze that allowed the kit to get up about 20 feet but not enough to keep it up. I tried several times, and the kite kept crashing to the ground.

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