Sunday, October 22, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me

Since I only get to be 71 once, I thought I'd post that today is my birthday. I've had a nice day with family members, cousins, in-laws, etc. Love is truly the thing that makes the world go around!

One year ago I struggled to do 10 miles. I later worked up to 15 miles and realized I wasn't ready for that. So, I cut back to 13 for my long run and 10 miles for my medium run. I've been running 13 for about four months. I have two 5 mile rest runs and will be adding a third rest run before the end of the year. I ran the Great Salt Lake half marathon in August. Yes, this has been a great year!


  1. Hi! Have a happy birthday!!
    Next week I am going to NY to run the marathon on 5th November. Thanks for your tips and I am stil waiting for other podcast episodes.

  2. Thanks for the birthday wishes, and good luck in the Marathon! Let me know how the race went.

    I am way behind in the podcasts and need to get going on them....

  3. Happy belated birthday! I thought of you when I was running Chicago this past weekend. What a blustery day- at least it didn't rain!

  4. Hi Ben,

    Thanks for the birthday greeting! How was your run at Chicago? Blustery days, if they aren't too cold, can be nice running days.

    Tell the guys at work hello for me, and tell them I'm doing well as a retiree -- my week consists of six Saturdays and one Sunday, so to speak.
