My wakeup heart rate was 56 again. I started my run about noon. The sky was sunny with clouds, but by the time I reached the turn-around point at the 12300 South bridge, the sky was getting black with lots of wind. A few drops of rain fell during my return to my car, but nothing to cause worry. No thunder.
When I reached the Draper City playground (with 1/4 mile to go to reach the 12300 South bridge), I stopped to get a drink of water. I then proceeded to the bridge and returned to the playground. While walking to the water fountain, I saw a few pieces of trash on the ground and picked it up. One lady was embarrassed by the trash her kids had left on the ground, and she wanted me to give her the trash I had picked up so she could deposit it in the trash bin. I said the trash bin was close to the water fountain and that I would deposit the trash before I got a drink. I'm glad she was embarrassed; maybe she will teach her children to use the trash bin instead of dropping the trash on the ground.
While I was filling my water bottles at the water fountain, a young girl about 5 years old asked me why the bottles were so small. I explained that each bottle held one cup of water, and the bottles were spaced around my body to keep me balanced while I ran. After I left the playground and proceeded north towards my car, I thought it would have been nice to have let the girl try on my Fuel Belt to see how it felt. Oh, well, maybe there will be another girl wondering about the small bottles.
I've been reading a book by Barefoot Ken Bob in which he emphasizes the importance of one bending his or her knees to insure a heel-strike is not used and to insure the foot hits the ground behind the knee. During this run, I tried bending my knee more instead of trying to raise my knee. Doing that really works! I ran faster and didn't get as tired during my run. I will continue trying to have more bend in my knees.
The Jordan River is a couple of inches higher that it was last week. There is significantly more water under the new 11400 South bridge. I noticed on my way back that the swallows are busy getting mud from the river bank and building mud houses on the north side of the bridge.
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