Today was the first time I've run since October 2, two weeks ago. On October 4, I started to help my son move to a different house. During the next eight days, I worked seven of the days moving boxes that weighed from 10 pounds to 50 pounds, the average weight being about 20 pounds. I worked 8-12 hours/day. I didn't run during that time, because my body was under a lot of stress from the boxes, and I didn't want to increase that stress with running. For the first four days, I handled the stress ok. I would wake up energized and feeling pretty good. But, during the last three days, the stress started getting to me. I would wake up feeling tired, and that feeling got worse with each day. I was a happy camper last Friday when I finished about 1 am and drove home.
I rested over the weekend and felt pretty good. My wake up HR this morning was 51. During the box-moving days, my wakeup HR was up around 56-57.
Welcome back to the world of running!! Your morning heart rate looks good too. Did you gain weight from the extra muscles you developed from lifting?