Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A good 4.5 mile recovery-run today

I ran 4.5 miles on the Jordan River Parkway and enjoyed it. I didn't go the full 5 miles, because I started getting tired and didn't want to ruin my run tomorrow by pushing for that last half mile today. I'm still not fully recovered from the 5K 10 days ago. I've been sleeping well the past few days, and that is good.

Today was a really nice day. Temperature was in the high 60s (F) with no wind. A great day to be out. On the way back I picked up a couple dozen pieces of litter that had blown in from a construction site.


  1. Haven't seen a new blog post in awhile, Allen. Hope all's well!

  2. Hi Angie,

    Thanks for thinking about me. I'm fine. I haven't run during the past two weeks. I did run today, and I explained in the post I just made why I haven't run since October 2.
