Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ran/walked 86 minutes again

I've been running 30 seconds and walking 30 seconds, but I changed that this morning so I was running 40 seconds and walking 40 seconds. I completed 4.8 miles. I had 7 hours of sleep last night, and I felt great during my workout this morning. I went north from 100th South, hoping to explore the new path that is being created. I ran the new path on Monday, and it joins a maintenance road for a canal, and I think (hope) the maintenance road will go to 90th South and connect with the Parkway path going north. I was disappointed this morning when I reached the 0.75 mile mark on the path and found that the new path that I ran on Monday is blocked off by a wire fence. There are horses that graze in a field on the other side of the wire fence. A new fence is being installed to separate the Parkway path from that field, and the Parkway path is blocked to keep the horses from "getting away" while the new fence is being built. Steel poles for the new fence were installed yesterday. Hopefully, the wire fencing will be installed in the next day or so. As I mentioned in my post on Monday, the new path is still dirt and needs asphalt. I'm guessing that everything will be completed and the new path opened to the public during the next two weeks.

Today was a great day for being outside. A cold front is passing through northern Utah, and the shade temperature was 59 (F) when I left home and 65 when I returned. There was a slight breeze that did not present a problem to my running. The sky was overcast due to rain during the night. I really enjoyed being outdoors for a couple of hours.

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