I had planned to run 0.75 miles north to the point where the trail ended and then return to the parking lot at 100th South and go southward and back to finish my run. However, when I got to the "normal" turn-around point 3/4 mile from the parking lot, I discovered that the barrier across the path had been removed and that the path was being extended northward. The path has been graded and roadbase placed and compressed on the path. All that remains is to lay asphalt on the path.
The dirt path extends for about 100 yards north and dead ends at a path that connects tee #3 with the rest of the golf course that is on the Sandy City side of the river. I think that tee #3 is the only tee on the West Jordan side of the river. There are two bridges to be traversed before reaching the main golf course. The first bridge is across an irrigation canal that takes water from the river at a point that was about 50 yards from the place where the path used to dead end. The second bridge is across the Jordan River and the path goes into the golf course.
I went across the first bridge and started to go north on the maintenance road that follows the canal. I went about 100 yards and then turned around because I didn't have time to continue northward and still be back at the parking lot after a total of 46 minutes running. I went across the second bridge and looked at the golf course, and then I went south back to the parking lot.
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