Friday, September 05, 2008

Finished the week with a 6.5 mile run

I ran my planned 6.5 miles this morning and felt pretty good during the run. I timed myself during the last half-mile and ran a pace of 12:08, which is faster than I've been running. My wakeup heart rate this morning was 52, and the temperature when I left home was 47 (F). I just noticed from my blog entry on Tuesday that I only ran 6 miles on that day. This means that I probably should have run 6 miles today. Oh well, the run turned out fine, so I'm ok.

I was worried about this run, because I would be running two days in a row, and my body isn't used to that level of stress. However, today was a good run, and my body felt stronger than it has for the last couple of weeks. My only walking breaks were the ones planned for the half-mile markers.


  1. Hi Allen! I'm a huge fan of your "running injury free" site and am thrilled to see that you have a current blog. Thanks to your training plans, I plan to run my first half marathon right before my 28th b-day. Please keep up the great work!

  2. Congrats on a strong run and you're not worst for wear because of it. Your body is adapting very well with the baby steps!!!

  3. Hi Mike,

    I'm glad you're finding my site and training plans helpful! After your race, you might want to log into and report on the half. We have a nice running family there. Everyone is friendly and helpful. No negative remarks about people, a very supportable group who would enjoy reading your race report. Bruce (Robison52) and I both hang out there.

    Thanks, Bruce! Today was supposed to be 6 miles but I got mixed up in my thinking and did an extra half mile. Getting out earlier and having cool temps is helping a lot.

  4. Congrats on a great job on the two-fer.
