Monday, July 07, 2008

Added 0.5 miles to my runs

I ran 5 miles on the Jordan River Parkway and had a good run! I took 16 oz of water and had just 3 swallows left at the end of my run. The shade temperature was 77 (F) when I left home and 91 when I returned. My wakeup heart rate was 54.

I felt pretty good during the run. During the first two miles, while I was warming up, I took frequent but brief walking breaks. I also took them during the last mile or so due to the heat. Some runners want to run without walking and they push themselves too much. My philosophy is to walk when tired. The big factor today was heat, and I don't want to compete with the sun, so I walk when I need to cool off a bit. I prefer to save my energy to overcome distance not heat.


  1. You're training well, especially in such warm conditions!!

    This fall I need to learn and practice walking breaks for next year's ultra-marathon...I've read that most ultra runners take walking breaks especially during steep hilly portions of the course. I still have much to learn about pacing during such long distances...although my 50k race is only about five miles longer than a marathon, the hilly course will be a bigger challenge than the mileage. Maybe racewalk the steep uphill portions and run the downhill?

  2. Walking up and running down the hills sounds like a good strategy. Like you've said many times to beginners, your first time will be for experience not for speed.

    Since you'll be running the Vegas marathon in December, you might want to wait until after that to practice your hill strategy for the Ultra.
