Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Another mile added to my mid-week run

I ran 9 miles on the Jordan River parkway. My body felt pretty good (more energy than on Monday but not as much as a week ago), but my legs, especially my right leg, became tired. I'm still running pretty slow, but I went a bit faster than on Monday (I let my body determine my pace).

I ate some sports beans as a test. I ate half the package at my 4.5 mile turn-around point, and the rest at my 6.5 mile point. It's hard to be objective about the effect of the beans, but they didn't interfere with my running. I drank about four ounces of water after eating the beans. As I commented above, I did have a pretty good energy level during the run. My Fuel Belt has a pouch for carrying things, and it was convenient to keep the beans in there until I needed them.

The temperature was in the mid 50s (F), and the sky was cloudy during the first part of the run but sunny during the last part. A nice day!


  1. Sport Beans are my favorite and like the Lemon Lime the best, what's your flavor? Sport Beans are easy to carry and eat. Not as messy as those GU's and as you discovered can divide the package if necessary.

  2. I bought three flavors to try. I used the lemon/lime yesterday. Do you eat a whole package at once, or do you scatter them out over a portion of the run? I like the fact that they aren't messy like gels.
