Thursday, August 17, 2006

Last run before the race

I ran a comfortable two miles this morning. I just let my body dictate the pace. My average pace for the first mile was 11:10, and my average pace for the second mile was 10:15. I don't know if I'll have the endurance to keep a 10:15 pace for the whole race, but if I did I'd finish in 2 hours and 14 minutes. That would be a miracle!

Tomorrow, my wife, my 89 year old mother-in-law, and I will be sightseeing with my Las Vegas friend, Bruce, in the Wasatch mountains near Salt Lake City. I hope to be in bed by 8 pm tomorrow night and up at 4 am to stretch and to leave home at 4:30 for the hour drive to Clearfield. I frequently will have anxiety problems trying to sleep the night before a big event, so I don't know how much sleep I'll have before the race.

Training Graphs


  1. Good Luck in the race tomorrow. I will be running it as well.

  2. It doesn't look like you needed much luck. You took first place in your division. Congratulations on fine race. Was it a PR?

  3. Hi Brent, thanks for saying "Hi" as you passed me this morning! This was a PR for a half, and, in fact, it was my first half. I ran four marathons back in the early 80s when I lived in Massachusetts. Half marathons weren't very common then, and I became interested in full marathons. Later, when I began hearing about halfs, I ignored them because I was doing fulls.

    Here are the pictures my wife and I took from this morning.
