Thursday, March 05, 2020

Getting back into walking

Using my walker, I went to my mailbox a bit before noon  and went to the corner during the afternoon. The total distance today was about 0.5 miles.

I'm making a slight adjustment to the plan of walking given earlier. My week now consists of the following:

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday: a rest walk of about 0.4 miles, to the corner and back.
Wednesday: a medium walk of about 0.62 miles, around my block one time.
Saturday: a long walk of about 1.2 miles, around the block one time and around a different block one time.
Friday and Sunday: rest days of no walking.

The difference is that Thursday (today) was changed from a no-walking day to a rest walk.

This plan gives a total of about 3.02 miles.  This distance will be increased once or twice a month. The basic idea of all of this is to make increases in distance small such that ones body can adjust without being injured. In the meantime, walking is done with lots of rest, such that the body is not injured.

The two blocks that I go around are the blocks east and west and adjacent to the street I live on. The corner I go to during a medium or long walk is part of both the east and west blocks. On my long walk, after I reach the corner, I go left to do the block east and then go right to do the block west. The east and west blocks are  my long walk performed on Saturdays. On the medium walk, I do the east block but not the west block. On the rest walks, I reach the corner and then turn around and return home.

I am still using my cane around my house or elsewhere, such as to church or to the temple. There is a certain rhythm to the proper use of a cane, and I'm getting used to the rhythm such that it is becoming a habit when I walk. The rhythm is proper when my walking is as if I wasn't using the cane.  Since it is my right leg that had the broken bone, I hold the cane with my left hand, and when I move the cane forward, I also move my right leg forward. That is, the cane holds me steady while I move my right leg forward. Then, I move my left leg forward and in front of the right leg. In this way, I move my two legs in normal walking, each leg going in front of the other leg. The cane hits the ground at the same time as my right leg (the one that had been damaged) hits the ground. Thus, I walk with my two legs and with the cane being used simultaneously with the damaged leg to give me stability while I move my damaged leg.

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