Monday, October 29, 2012

Today was a tired 60-minute run

My wakeup pulse rate was 66. That is high enough that I didn't plan on running today. I read emails and made some comments in blogs, and then I took a nap for about half an hour. After my nap, my pulse rate was 56, so I went running and completed 3.1 miles in my allotment of 60 minutes. I didn't have a lot of energy and knew from the beginning that the run wouldn't be very good. I felt OK and went slower during the first half of the run, but I was tired during the second half and took two two or three short rest breaks. I was glad to get back to my car. I saw a couple of runners on the path, several walkers, and several cyclists. It's nice to have a few great days before the dreary winter sets in.

Unlike the East coast that is bracing for hurricane Sandy to hit the New Jersey coast in a few hours, the weather in Utah was a beautiful day for running. The temperature was in the low 60s (F), partially cloudy sky, and wind gusts of 10-15 mph. I lived in Massachusetts for 17 years and know what it is like to be in the path of a hurricane: stores shelves empty, tree limbs falling on power lines, schools and businesses closed, and fear. Power outages happened every year in New England. The longest time we were without power was a week. We had a wood stove and had heat, but we had no water for culinary and sanitary use. We were able to melt snow and get small amounts of water for drinking and cooking. The back roads in Massachusetts are narrow, and tree limbs arch over the road. When we had a heavy snow or high winds, the limbs came down and took the power lines with them. I remember one snow storm in late May. The trees had new leaves, and a heavy-snow storm brought down many limbs. I remember walking outside and hearing pops all throughout the forest. Each pop was a limb breaking and crashing to the ground.

The following pictures, taken from the web, show New England winter storms.

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