Saturday, April 09, 2011

Running in the snow, yes, running in the snow...

This is the second week in April, and it is supposed to be Spring. However, the Utah weather is a bit mixed up, and we've had colder weather and snow flurries for the past several days. In fact, it was snowing when I left home, and the snow continued for about half a mile. Then the snow changed to snow/rain flurries for the rest of my run. The temperature was in the mid 30s (F), so there was no danger of ice on the path. There was a slight breeze blowing from the north, but it didn't amount to much.

I ran 5.5 miles, and this run was another nice ending to a nice week. I felt fine during the run, and reducing my running segments by 10 seconds seems to be keeping my energy level higher as I run (not so tired at the end of a running segment). Because the tunnel under 106th South is now mostly free of water, I ran south for 2 3/4 mile and then returned. The second pump that was installed in the tunnel is really putting a lot of water back into the river. In fact, the older pump is putting more water back into the river than it had been doing (maybe the workmen cleaned a filter on the pump, or something). I saw a couple of walkers and a few other runners on the path, but the "running" traffic on the Parkway was significantly lower than it normally would be on a Saturday.

I saw two large birds take off from the Jordan River. They were larger than a Canadian goose, and they had a smaller head and a thinner and longer neck than a goose. They were a light brown color and made a strange noise (compared to ducks or geese) when they flew past me. In fact, it was that noise that brought them to my attention.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! You make me smile. I am a 51 yr. old runner, and running makes my life better too. Thank you for sharing your blog!
    Ciao, Runannie
