I've been counting steps and making the assumption that two steps (one use of my left leg) equals one second. I bought a timer to measure the jogging and walking phases of my running, and today was the first time I've used the timer. Assuming one left-leg step is one second is pretty close for walking, but I need about 97 left-leg steps when jogging for 80 seconds. The result of this is that what I've called 80 seconds in the past is actually less than 80 seconds, and I need to add about 17 left-leg steps to get to 80 seconds.
Today, I jogged for 80 seconds (using the timer) or about 97 left-leg steps for my jogging. That is a big increase. I also added to my distance so I could reach the bench that is south of 106th South. I did all of this without carrying water, and the shade temperature when I returned home was 91 (F). I got pretty tired on the way back and walked most of the last 3/4 mile. I walked, because I got dizzy if I jogged. I should have refrained from adding to my distance such that my body could adjust to the larger number of left-leg steps in my jogging phase. And, I should have carried water. Oh, well, I made it back to my car. When I go out running on Wednesday, I'll carry water. I'll continuing using the timer (97 left-leg steps) for my jogging, and I'll continue running to the bench south of 106th South. It will take a couple of weeks for my body to adjust to all of this.
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