Saturday, February 04, 2012

For my "long run" for the week, I did 3.5 miles in 61 minutes

I was busy all day doing some graphics work to help my wife prepare visuals for her lesson tomorrow. I went out running just as the sun was setting behind the Oqirrer mountains. We have a long dusk here, so I finished most of my run/walk before it actually got dark. I  did my 3 minutes/40 seconds phases of running/walking during most of the distance, but during the last half-mile, I was busy thinking about something and not paying attention to the beeps from my two-phase timer, and I ran through a walking phase. I didn't see many people on the Parkway path, although I did see one couple walking their dog and two runners. The temperature when I left home was in the high 30s (F). I forgot to check the temperature when I got home, but I would guess it was in the mid 30s. We had a lot of sun today, and almost all of the light snow we had a couple of nights ago is gone.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH. You are so inspiring! I hope can run distances well into my eighties! Here is my running blog, I am 38 only :)
    Thanks for the updates!

    vote for running man!
