I didn't run last Friday or Saturday or Monday because of a quick trip to Phoenix for the commissioning and pinning ceremony that made my son a Second Lieutenant in the Arizona Army National Guard. He completed the 8-week OCS in Pennsylvania and Virginia. He is 41 and had to be commissioned by his 42nd birthday in January. This was the last class he could attend and be commissioned. During the past year and a half he worked really hard to lose about 130 pounds. He ran every day. He biked every day. He worked out in a gym every day. He had an unbelievable schedule. I'm glad he wasn't injured. He is going to continue his physical exercises, but on a reduced schedule. He also will continue his 5-mile road marches with a 45# ruck sack on his back.
My wakeup heart rate was 56. I felt really good and looked forward to my run. I didn't run until mid afternoon, and I was home before dark. I felt great during and after (so far) the run. The temperature was in the low 40s (F) during my run and was 39 when I returned home. It was a cold day. A few snow flakes fell in the morning, but the "storm" was over when I went running. The sky was overcast, and a cold breeze was blowing. I wore my long pants, a T-shirt and my nylon jacket (plus underclothes, giving me three layers on my core). I was warm and comfortable while running. I did forget, though, to drink water before I left, and I forgot to have water in my car to drink upon finishing the run. I got thirsty, but because of the cold weather, I didn't get very thirsty.
I drove to the East Pavilion at 108th South (approximately) and ran about a quarter mile past the tunnel under 123rd South. There were a number of runners and cyclists out today.
Congrats to your son, you must be very proud!!