Monday, November 01, 2010

Another 5-mile run is in the log

Today is a beautiful day. Temperature in the 60s (F), a few clouds, and lots of sun. The visible peaks in the Wasatch mountains are snow covered (about 1/3 of each mountain). I ran 5 miles again, going south from 100th South.

I felt fine during the first half but was tired coming back. I kept my ratio of running and walking of 96 steps running and 66 steps walking for most of the run, but during the last half mile I switched to 46/33. Running the shorter distance before I walk helps, because I walk before getting really tired from running.

I haven't been carrying water with me, because I've been getting drinks from the fountain at the East pavilion. However, I found out today the fountain has been shut off for the winter. I knew that would happen, but I hoped it wouldn't happen for a couple more weeks. I had eaten a banana, two energy bars, and two small packages of gummy fruit just before I left, and I needed some water. Oh well, I'll start carrying water again.

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