Friday, May 02, 2008

Good news about my leg from yesterday

Yesterday afternoon my wife and I drove to Evanston, Wyoming to attend two concerts. My daughter was accompanying one concert, and my granddaughter played the violin in another concert. I videotaped both concerts so I can make DVDs of the performances. I was on my feet for about three hours, and my right leg felt fine during the concerts, afterwards while driving home, during the night, and this morning. This indicates that my leg is healing and that my leg muscles are getting stronger.

Because of this improvement, I think I'll run a mile tomorrow and then go up to 1.5 miles each run next week.


  1. FANTASTIC, such great news to hear! So glad to hear standing for so long had no bad ill effects.

    Look forward to reading how your running continues to improve:)


  2. Sounds like you have a very talented and musical family!

    Take it nice and easy tomorrow, you had quite the foot tapping and encore jumping workout today!!
