Saturday, August 04, 2007

Checked my GPS elevation reading with a benchmark

There is a surveyor's benchmark next to the Parkway, and on my way back, I stopped to read the elevation at that point. The BM said 4314 feet. My GPS said 4344 feet. Considering that my GPS is an old three-satellite device, the 30 foot discrepancy is ok.


  1. I"ve never used the elevation reading on my GPS, I'd be scared if I knew how high I was racing last spring in Salt Lake City!!!

  2. Ok, I'll tell you. The Parkway is 4314, so the GSL would be around 4200 feet. The University of Utah would be around 4600, and downtown SLC is close to the same as the GSL.

    You did so well in your two races here, that you'll probably want to run the Deseret News marathon next July 24. That one is really high since it starts way up in the Wasatch Mountains and comes into the valley. The St. George Marathon starts pretty high, too.

  3. Speaking of high elevations, there is a 100 mile run in September that is in the Wasatch Mountains. It has high elevation and lots of ups and downs. My brother-in-law, who is in his mid 40s, runs it in a little over 30 hours.

  4. Interesting! Before I qualified for the Boston Marathon I was considering on trying an Ultra Marathon this coming Spring...maybe next year!
