Monday. I walked twice around the east loop and once around the west loop. I was out about 7:50 am and back about 10:00 am. There was no breeze at first, but towards the end of my walk the breeze, from the south, had picked up to about 5-15 mph. Judy walked one pass around the east loop with me. The temperature during my walk was in the 70s (F). I got very tired towards the end of the 3rd pass; I was walking with Bro. and Sister Olsen from my ward when I finished. Judy ministers to Sister Olsen. Earlier, in my pass around the west loop, my Bishop and his wife passed me, and we talked for a moment.
Tuesday. I walked the east and west loops. Judy didn't walk with me, because she was busy making doll clothes for her doll-party. Judy hopes to give each girl who attends her party a dress for the child's doll. She was also reading a book, and when she does that she doesn't put the book down.
It was 8:30 am when I left and 10:00 am when I returned. The temperature was in the 70s (F) when I ran. There was a slight south breeze blowing, and that breeze, though slight, helped cool me off. I was tired when I finished, but not as tired as I was yesterday!
Wednesday. I walked the east, west, and east loops in that order. Judy walked the first loop with me. I was out about 7:50 am an back in about 10:30 am. The temperature was in the low 70s (F) when I started, and in the low 80s when I finished the three loops. There was a south wind of 10-20 mph which made it harder to walk in the south direction, but the wind helped cool me off. I sweated a lot and rested between each loop. I was tired when I finished but not as tired as I was two days ago.
Thursday. I walked the east and west loops, and I felt pretty good when I finished. I was a bit tired but nothing like I felt a few days ago. I was out at 7:40 am and back at 9:30 am. There was a slight breeze blowing from the south. The temperature during my walk was in the low to mid 80s (F).
Friday. We were notified last evening that Janeen Thompson, Rolf's wife, has had a stroke. Thus, my schedule for walking is on hold for the near term. We need to be available for family assistance during the next few days.
While we were awaiting the time to go to the hospital, I walked three loops and Judy also walked the second loop. I was out about 8:45 am and back about 10:50 am. The temperature was in the 80s (F) or 90s, and it was hot while I was walking. When I finished walking, my clothes were all wet with sweat, and my face was wet too. I sat in my chair and took a nap while I dried out. About 1:15 pm I changed my clothes and felt OK.
Saturday. I walked around two loops (the east an the west loops). I was out at 8 am, so it wasn't particularly hot. I finished the loops at 9:15, and I felt pretty good when I finished. My body was tired from the heat but not from the walking. After my walk, Judy drove me to the hospital to get a blood test, prior to my Internet visit with my cancer doctor on Tuesday afternoon.
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