Monday. Judy and I walked one pass over the east loop, and we continued walking to the corner and back. There was a slight north breeze of 3-5 mph blowing. I heard a few drops of rain hit my hat, but the rain didn't develop, and the temperature was in the low 50s (F).
Tuesday. I walked around the east loop and went to the Christensen's driveway and back for extra distance. Judy went partway around the east loop and all of the extra distance. The temperature was in the low 50s (F) while we walked. There was no breeze. I felt pretty good when we finished our walk that gave us an additional 0.825 miles of performance.
Wednesday. Judy and I walked one pass over the east loop and then to the corner and back for extra distance. The temperature was in the mid to high 50s (F) during our walk. The was a south breeze of about 5-10 mph blowing. I felt pretty good during my walk this morning.
Rain is forecast for tomorrow through Monday. Probably not a heavy rain, but the kind that soaks in and doesn't damage plants, a good rain for us.
I judge my age and health, and that of Judy, by the number of miles per week that we walk. We are currently doing heavy/light in our walking, and I try to keep our increases in distance to 10% or less. We're walking six days per week
Thursday. Judy and I walked around the east loop, and I walked to the Christensen's driveway for extra distance. Judy walked about half of the extra distance, because she stopped to talk to a neighbor. The temperature during our walk was in the high 60s (F), and there was a south wind blowing of about 10-15 mph. No rain today, maybe tomorrow.
Friday. I walked around the east loop and then went to the corner and back for a distance of 1.025 miles today. Judy did not go with me, because she is busy planting in her garden. She does a lot of back and forth walking, and bending over and standing upright. I did not check the temperature before or after I walked, but it is hot! I was glad for patches of shade caused by trees. No rain today, maybe tomorrow.
I felt tired after my walk, but I am excited about tomorrow's walk, because I should break into 5+ miles for the week. Now 5 miles and then on to 6 miles in the future.
Saturday. I left for my rest walk about 9:30 am and went around the east loop plus up to the Christensen's driveway and back for extra distance. There was no breeze blowing and no rain. Yea! I made it to 5 miles per week. Before I go for 6 miles, I need to get used to the 5 mile distances. I was starting to get tired when I completed the east loop, and I wasn't sure I should go for the extra distance, but I made it OK. So, for a couple of weeks I'll keep the distance at 5 miles. Maybe for three weeks since I need a rest week during that time. I did not check the temperature, but was probably in the 60s (F).
Judy didn't go with me, because she was working in her garden.
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