Saturday, May 08, 2021

Weekly walking summary -- 4.025 miles this week

Monday. In the morning, Judy drove me to a doctor's appointment. After lunch, Judy took a nap while I walked the east loop and continued to the corner and back. There was a gusty north breeze blowing.

Tuesday. Judy and I did a rest walk of one time around the east loop. We were out about 10 am, and there was no breeze. I'm walking faster as I gain my strength back.

Wednesday. I had planned to do the east loop and also go to the corner and back, but I felt pretty tired and aborted the walk at 0.2 miles round trip. Its good to get extra rest when one is quite tired. Judy walked the shorter route with me. She works in her garden and gets exercise that way.

Thursday.  Judy and I walked around the east loop. There was a brisk south wind blowing of about 15 mph. We were out in the morning and came back in time for breakfast. I felt pretty good when we finished the trip.

Friday. Judy and I walked around the east loop, and I continued to the corner and back for an additional 0.4 miles. We were out early in the morning, and the temperature was in the low 60s (F) while we walked and while I went to the corner and back. There was a slight north breeze of about 3-5 mph. I felt good after the east loop, but I got tired, but not fatigued, while going to the corner and back.

Saturday.  Judy and I walked around the east loop. There was a gusty north wind of about 10 mph on the gusts. We were out right after breakfast. The wind indicates a slight cold front is coming.

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