Saturday, May 29, 2021

Weekly walking summary -- 5.525 miles this week

Monday. Judy and I walked the east loop, and I continued to the corner and back for 0.4 miles of additional distance. Judy didn't walk the additional distance because she was working in her garden. We left home about 1:30 pm for our walk, when the temperature was in the mid 50s (F). There was a gusty south breeze of about 10 mph during the gusts. The sun was out most of the time during my walk, and it felt really good when the sun wasn't behind the clouds. I had no jacket on, just a light shirt and my shorts. I also had compression socks on, up to my knees.

I felt pretty good after my walk, but I need to do the the long walk several more times to get really used to the distance. My legs and body felt fine, but my arms got tired, and I stopped a couple of times for a few seconds to rest my arms. I put the break on my walker and stood while I rested my arms. I push the walker while I walk to help me keep my balance while I walk as fast as I can. My plans are to do the long walk two more times this week.

Tuesday. Judy and I walked around the west loop, and then we walked to the Christensen's driveway for extra distance. We walked the whole thing without taking a break. The temperature while we walked was in the high 50s (F), but a strong south wind of about 20 mph was blowing. It is forecast to get colder as the day progresses. I felt pretty good at the end of our walk. My arms got a bit tired but not as tired as they did yesterday.

Wednesday. Judy and I walked around the east block. Judy stopped walking and began working in her garden, and I continued walking to the corner and back. The sky was partly sunny, and the temperature during our walk was in the 50s (F) when we left home and probably in the 60s when I returned home. This was the same route and distances that we used on Monday, and I will walk the same route on Friday. I felt pretty good after completing my walk. The temperature didn't get colder as the day progressed, even though the forecast was different. My arms got a little tired, but they felt OK at the end of the walk.

Thursday.  I walked the east loop and then went to the Christensen's driveway and back, while Judy was running errands. I didn't check the temperature, but it was hot!

I went walking about 12:30 pm. There was no breeze blowing that I could detect. I felt fine after my walk, tired but not fatigued.  I took only one break (standing for 30 seconds) while doing the east loop, and a sitting break for 2-3 minutes before going to the Christensen's driveway and back.

Friday. I walked the east loop and  then went to the corner and back for extra distance. The temperature during my walk was in the mid to high 70s (F). There was a slight north breeze blowing, but the breeze was stronger during my walk to the corner and back. I felt pretty good while walking the east loop, but I got very tired on the extra distance part, especially in my arms. Part of my tiredness came from the hot temperature that was in effect as I was walking. I left home about 10:50 am and walked in the heat of the day (from the skin-cancer viewpoint I should walk earlier in the day or later in the evening when it isn't so hot). I was glad for shade left by trees that covered part of my route

I spent several hours yesterday relearning how to use the timer for the sprinkling system. We now, with the longer garden hose that Judy bought, can water the whole yard without having to use the sprinkling heads. It takes Judy some time to move the hose and sprinkler around, but that is what Judy wanted to do. She uses secondary water instead of culinary water. I set it up so Judy has secondary water for eight hours each day, starting at 8:00 am. I can easily change the system to be for nine hours or more if Judy wants that much time (Judy later said she wanted secondary water for 12 hours). We are getting secondary water from one of the flower boxes on the south side of the house. I used one of the boxes for secondary water, because that box already had a connection for a garden hose. This saved me from having to buy a new sprinkler head that also allowed a garden hose to be connected.

Saturday. I walked around the east loop and went extra distance by going up to the Christensen's driveway and back. I didn't check the temperature at the beginning and ending of my walk, but the sky was cloudy for the full walk. Judy worked in her garden and didn't walk with me. There was a gusty north breeze blowing with gusts of about 10 mph, but the gusts weren't very often.

I felt pretty good during my walk, but I think I will do the same route and distances next week to get better adjusted to them. I broke into 5+ miles again this week.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Weekly walking summary -- 5.125 miles this week

Monday. Even though she had a lot to do in her garden, Judy walked around the east loop with me. This week is a rest week so I didn't  go for extra distance. I was very tired when we finished the east loop. We left about 10:10 am and the temperature during our walk was in the mid to high 60s (F). There was a slight north breeze of 5 - 10 mph.

I think I was tired this morning, because I didn't have much for supper last night. Quite a few years ago, we were told by a Park ranger in California that the energy for hiking during the morning came from the meal we had for supper last night. Little food for supper last night means little energy for walking this morning, and that is exactly what happened.

Tuesday. I had a good supper and slept well last night. While Judy worked in her garden, I walked around the east loop and went to the Christensen's driveway for extra distance. I was a bit tired when I finished, but not as tired as I felt yesterday. The temperature was in the 60s (F) when I began my walk and probably in the 70s when I finished. There was a slight north breeze of about 5 mph while I walked.

In addition to the supper that Judy prepared, I had a can of soup about an hour before I went to bed.

Wednesday. I walked around the east loop, and Judy joined me for the additional distance, to the corner and back. I felt pretty good during the east loop. During the extra distance, I started to get tired, but I still felt pretty good, not nearly as tired as I felt a few days ago.

There was a south wind of about 10-15 mph, so a cold front is moving in. I didn't check the temperature, but it was nice to be out and was probably in the 60s (F) to 70s

I had another can of soup and then spent an hour surfing the web. Then I went to bed.

Thursday. Judy and I walked around the east loop and up to the Christensen's driveway and back for extra distance. We were out about 10 am. I didn't check the temperature before we left, but it felt like it was in the mid 60s (F) or so, and it was nice to be out.  There was a slight north breeze of about 5 mph or so. It is supposed to get hot this afternoon.

Friday.  Judy and I walked around the east loop, and then I went to the corner and back for additional distance. The sky was cloudy and the sun felt good when it came out from behind the clouds. We left about 9:35 am, and the temperature was in the mid 50s (F). There was a gusty north breeze with the gusts being about 5 mph. I felt pretty good when my walk was finished.

Judy spent the rest of the morning in her garden.  A bit of rain occurred later in the afternoon, but the rain didn't amount to much.

Saturday. While Judy was playing with our great grandchildren, I walked the east loop and then went to the Christensen's driveway and back. The temperature was in the mid 50s (F), and there was a mild south breeze of about 10 mph. I was tired when I quit walking, but I wasn't as tired as I was a few days ago. I need to do the same route and distances for a couple of weeks more so I get used to them.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Weekly walking summary -- 5.525 miles this week

Monday. Judy and I walked one pass over the east loop, and we continued walking to the corner and back. There was a slight north breeze of 3-5 mph blowing. I heard a few drops of rain hit my hat, but the rain didn't develop, and the temperature was in the low 50s (F).

Tuesday. I walked around the east loop and went to the Christensen's driveway and back for extra distance. Judy went partway around the east loop and all of the extra distance. The temperature was in the low 50s (F) while we walked. There was no breeze. I felt pretty good when we finished our walk that gave us an additional 0.825 miles of performance.

Wednesday. Judy and I walked one pass over the east loop and then to the corner and back for extra distance. The temperature was in the mid to high 50s (F) during our walk. The was a south breeze of about 5-10 mph blowing. I felt pretty good during my walk this morning.

Rain is forecast for tomorrow through Monday. Probably not a heavy rain, but the kind that soaks in and doesn't damage plants, a good rain for us.

I judge my age and health, and that of Judy, by the number of miles per week that we walk. We are currently doing heavy/light in our walking, and I try to keep our increases in distance to 10% or less. We're walking six days per week

Thursday. Judy and I walked around the east loop, and I walked to the Christensen's driveway for extra distance. Judy walked about half of the extra distance, because she stopped to talk to a neighbor. The temperature during our walk was in the high 60s (F), and there was a south wind blowing of about 10-15 mph. No rain today, maybe tomorrow.

Friday.  I walked around the east loop and then went to the corner and back for a distance of 1.025 miles today. Judy did not go with me, because she is busy planting in her garden. She does a lot of back and forth walking, and bending over and standing upright. I did not check the temperature before or after I walked, but it is hot! I was glad for patches of shade caused by trees. No rain today, maybe tomorrow.

I felt tired after my walk, but I am excited about tomorrow's walk, because I should break into 5+ miles for the week. Now 5 miles and then on to 6 miles in the future.

Saturday.  I left for my rest walk about 9:30 am and went around the east loop plus up to the Christensen's driveway and back for extra distance. There was no breeze blowing and no rain. Yea! I made it to 5 miles per week. Before I go for 6 miles, I need to get used to the 5 mile distances. I was starting to get tired when I completed the east loop, and I wasn't sure I should go for the extra distance, but I made it OK. So, for a couple of weeks I'll keep the distance at 5 miles. Maybe for three weeks since I need a rest week during that time. I did not check the temperature, but was probably in the 60s (F).

Judy didn't go with me, because she was working in her garden.

Saturday, May 08, 2021

Weekly walking summary -- 4.025 miles this week

Monday. In the morning, Judy drove me to a doctor's appointment. After lunch, Judy took a nap while I walked the east loop and continued to the corner and back. There was a gusty north breeze blowing.

Tuesday. Judy and I did a rest walk of one time around the east loop. We were out about 10 am, and there was no breeze. I'm walking faster as I gain my strength back.

Wednesday. I had planned to do the east loop and also go to the corner and back, but I felt pretty tired and aborted the walk at 0.2 miles round trip. Its good to get extra rest when one is quite tired. Judy walked the shorter route with me. She works in her garden and gets exercise that way.

Thursday.  Judy and I walked around the east loop. There was a brisk south wind blowing of about 15 mph. We were out in the morning and came back in time for breakfast. I felt pretty good when we finished the trip.

Friday. Judy and I walked around the east loop, and I continued to the corner and back for an additional 0.4 miles. We were out early in the morning, and the temperature was in the low 60s (F) while we walked and while I went to the corner and back. There was a slight north breeze of about 3-5 mph. I felt good after the east loop, but I got tired, but not fatigued, while going to the corner and back.

Saturday.  Judy and I walked around the east loop. There was a gusty north wind of about 10 mph on the gusts. We were out right after breakfast. The wind indicates a slight cold front is coming.

Saturday, May 01, 2021

Weekly walking summary -- 4.950 miles this week

Monday. Judy and I walked around the east loop, and then we walked to the corner for additional distance. The temperature was in the mid 40s (F) while we walked. It was raining slightly while we walked. There was a slight north breeze blowing of about  5 mph.

Tuesday. Judy and I took a rest day and walked once around the east loop. There was a north breeze blowing of about 10 mph. We were out about 1 pm. The sky was cloudy but no rain or snow occurred.

Wednesday.  I, without Judy, walked around the east loop, and Judy walked with me to the corner and back. I went out about 2 pm, and the temperature was in the 50s (F). There was a gusty (15-20 mph) north wind blowing.

I almost fell down during my  walk. I stopped to adjust my hat and a gust of wind caught me without a hold on my stroller. I fell forward into the stroller and regained my balance without going down. If the wind had been a south wind, I would have been blown backwards and gone to the ground, and probably to the hospital with broken bones (I had nothing behind me to break my fall). Fortunately, the wind blew me into the stroller, and I grabbed the stroller handles to regain my balance.

I push the stroller as I walk to help me keep my balance. The number of miles shown in the titles to my posts is the number of miles that I have pushed the stroller in a given week.

Thursday. Today I left for walking about 11pm. Judy did not go with me because she is getting an oil/filter change in our car. I walked around the east loop with a nice rest stop at the power box on Congressional. There was a slight north breeze. The temperature was very warm, probably in the 60s (F). I wore my winter coat, but I took the coat off after about 0.2 miles.

Friday.  Judy and I walked the east loop and then walked to the corner and back, for a total distance of 1.025 for the day. We were outside about 11 am. The temperature was in the low 50s (F), and I wore my winter coat for the first part; I took the coat off after about 0.25 miles, and it was warm enough that I was comfortable in shirt-sleeves. There was a slight south breeze blowing of about 5-10 mph.

Saturday. I walked around the east loop as a rest day. Judy did not go with me. The temperature was in the 60s (F), and it was nice to be out. There was a gusty south breeze of 10 or so mph blowing.

I'm alternating heavy/light instead of the schedule I have previously discussed. Heavy is the east loop and then the corner and back. Light is just the east loop.