Since I have no more doctor's appointments this week, Judy and I decided to walk when it is warmer. We went walking about 2:15 pm, and the temperature was about 35 (F). We had about an inch of snow during the night, but the snow had mostly melted, and the sidewalks were wet but free of snow. The wind has changed from a south wind to a north wind, but the wind speed was about 2 MPH. Thus, the wind-chill was ignored. We had a tail wind going out and a head wind going home. We did the 0.6 miles that we have done during previous days this week. So far, we have done 2.4 miles this week.
My appointment this week was with Dr. Eric Allen, my personal physician. He said I was in good shape. No liver, bladder, or blood problems, and that I should continue what I have been doing. He also said that when I get my distance for each run up to 5 miles, let him know and he will go with me. He runs marathons.
I deleted by mistake the comment left by TLC. She commented that my visit to Dr. Allen was good news and that I should be careful and should stay safe.