Saturday, January 30, 2021

Weekly summary -- 2.900 miles this week

Judy was taking a nap when I left to go walking. The temperature was about  39 (F) and there was no wind blowing. The American flag that I mentioned in a previous post was hanging limp against its pole. I walked the east loop once plus half way to the corner (the same run as I did on Wednesday).  I'm advancing both the Medium walk and the Long walk the same amount. As soon as I reach the corner of Memorial Drive and 100th South I will stop advancing the Medium walk but will continue the advancement around the west loop for the Long walk. When the Long walk reaches the end of the loop, I will stop the advancement of the Long walk and return home by way of the west loop. That is, my Long walk will be once around the east loop and twice around the west loop.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Today is a rest day

Today is a rest day. This means that today Judy or I do no walking or running at all (of course Judy and I do a certain amount of walking while doing daily activities to keep our house and yard in good shape). Judy and I have walked this week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and we will walk on Saturday (Sunday is also a rest day). This activity will have put a lot of stress on our bodies. Since this stress can lead to injuries, the purpose of a rest day is to allow our bodies to better adapt to our walking or running by giving our bodies an extra day without walking or running. The end result of all of this is that our bodies are subjected to less stress during the week and hence less likely to have injuries during the week.

One problem to be addressed is the possibility of injuries occurring during the days we have walked or run. It is true that our bodies have been subjected to stress during the five days we will walk or run, so it is important that other procedures be performed during those days such that no injuries occur. Experience has shown that the walking or running will not cause injuries if the distance and severity of those walks or runs are kept low enough that injuries do not occur. The length of a walk or run on Wednesday is longer than the length of a walk or run on the other days. So, injuries might occur due to the walk or run on Wednesday. However, the walk or run on Wednesday is such that injuries do not occur.

A walk or run on Saturday is longer than the walk or run on other days, and this increase in walking or running increases the stress on our bodies. Again, the increase in Saturday's walk or run is kept under control such that injuries do not occur due to the longer distance or faster walk or run on Saturday.

If we look at ourselves for the whole week, we realize that the stress on a weekly basis will not cause injuries. It is true that the walk or run on Wednesday and Saturday causes greater stress than the other days, but the walk or run of the other days gives our bodies the days to reduce the over-all stress such that we are able to walk or run free of injuries at any time during the week. Rest days are also included to reduce the stress on our bodies.

The running literature suggests that during one week per month less distance or speed be reduced such that our bodies are given the chance to walk or run with less stress on our bodies. The literature also suggests that every third or fourth month the monthly distance or speed be decreased to reduce the stress on our bodies.

Another factor in walking or running is that increases in distance or speed are made with small increases rather than with large increases. This leads to the so-called 10% rule. It is easier on our bodies if we take several small steps rather than one large step. The literature also suggests that days of heavy (that is, normal) walking or running be followed by days of light (about half the distance or a heavy walk or run) walking or running. This due to the fact that it takes approximately 48 hours to recover from a heavy walk or run. This is known as "heavy/light" running or walking. I don't follow heavy/light running, because I follow the procedure of walking or running a medium and a long walk or run each week. When I did smaller distance or speed I did do heavy/light running. The important thing is that one does procedures to reduce stress.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Judy and I did a rest walk

Judy went faster than me so she could put the garbage cans out before the truck came. I came along behind her. We did our usual rest walk of one pass over the east loop. It took me about an hour to go through the east loop. The temperature was in the high 30s (F), and there was no wind to speak of. I saw an American flag waving, so there was apparently a breeze blowing, although I couldn't feel it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Did a medium walk this morning


I did a medium walk this morning. The route was once around the east loop plus half-way to the corner and back, which is about 0.2 miles. The total distance for my medium walk was about 0.825 miles, giving about 2.075 miles for the week so far. The temperature was 32 (F) when I left home. There was a gusty wind blowing from the south, and there were snow flurries during the first part of my walk. The snow flurries were nothing to worry about -- very light.

I'm getting old, but I feel like a 60-year old. I'll be 86 on my next birthday. If I keep my health up, I'll reach my goal of walking when I am 100 years old!

Tomorrow is a rest walk of once around the east loop.  Friday is a rest day of no walking, and Saturday is a long walk; I, currently for a long walk, am doing once around the east loop and half way to the corner and back (same as my Wednesday walk) .

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

My wife and I walked the first two days this week

My wife and I began the week by walking for two days. On each day we did one time around the east loop for 0.625 miles, giving a total so far of 1.250 miles. The temperature was in the mid 30s (F) and it was cold, because there was a mild south breeze blowing. There are three more days of walking left in this week, including a medium walk on Wednesday (tomorrow), a rest walk on Thursday, and a long walk on Saturday. Friday is a no-walk, rest day.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Weekly summary -- 2.275 miles this week

It was windy during our walk but the temp was in the mid 30s (F). Judy stopped after completing the east loop, but I continued on and walked the extra distance that I added this week. I felt pretty good when I finished my walk.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Today is a no-walk or a no-run day

Today (Friday) is a no-walk day in which Judy and I do no walking. We are resting in preparation for the long walk tomorrow.  However, the long walk hasn't reached its full length yet.  I am keeping my schedule of Wednesday being a medium distance and Saturday being a longer distance even though those two walks haven't reached their full distance yet.  One more increase in distance will bring the medium walk on Wednesday up to its scheduled distance, but the long walk on Saturday will need more increases in distance.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

I walked the normal Thursday distance

  Judy and I walked the normal Thursday distance of one pass over the east loop. My arm felt fine during the walk. So far we have gone 1.450 miles this week. This week has become a rest week while I've been waiting for my left arm to return to normal.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

My left arm is feeling fine

 My left arm is feeling fine, and I plan on sleeping in my bed tonight. Judy and I walked my normal Wednesday route of a medium walk of one pass around the east loop plus going half way to the junction of 100th South and Memorial Drive and back.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Another rest day

Today I took another rest day. During normal use (movement of my mouse and use of my cane) I haven't noticed my left arm being sore, but I have noticed my left arm being sore if I slept in my bed, on my side with my body weight being on my left arm.  Because of this I have slept in my chair for two nights.

Monday, January 18, 2021

A rest day

 I didn't go walking today, due to my appointment for my first COVID-19 shot, which I got this morning. Taking a rest day is good for me since I have been quite tired after my walks. One of the symptoms of the shots is tiredness. So far, for about 5 hours after the shot, I've felt good.

I had the first shot of Covid-19 vaccine

Today I had the first shot of the Moderena Covid-19 vaccine, and I will have the second shot on February 15 or later. The shot was given in my left arm, and I will take a couple days of rest while my left arm recovers from the shot.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Weekly summary -- 3.525 miles this week

Judy and I walked around the east loop. I felt pretty good, so we added to our distance by going half-way to the corner of 100th South and back.  This week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday have been rest walks, going once around the east loop. Thursday and Saturday have been longer walks, consisting of once around the east loop and an addition of half-way to the corner of 100th South and back. Friday is always a non-walking day.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Added distance to my walk

I felt pretty good after completing the loop around the east loop, so I continued with my walk and added the distance I didn't add yesterday. My distance today was about 0.825 miles. The temperature when I left about 10:30 am was about 35 (F), and it was a nice, sunny day with no wind. Judy didn't go walking with me this morning, because she was doing her hair, and we have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. We will leave home about 12:50 am

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Not quite as tired

I went walking about 10 am, and the temperature during my walk was in the high 30s (F). There was a south wind blowing of about 20 mph, and the wind made going south difficult. I am going north during half of my walk, and the tail wind was nice! I was still tired when I completed the loop around the "east" block, but I wasn't quite as tired as I was yesterday. I didn't add distance to my Wednesday walk.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

I was still tired

I was still tired but not as much as I was yesterday. I think I will not increase my Wednesday distance this week but will continue with my present schedule, to allow me to get used to the distance of the east loop. My present schedule is to go walking five times per week, making one loop each time I'm out, for a distance of 0.625 miles each loop. Eventually, my Wednesday walk will be a medium walk with distance of about 1.025 miles, and my Saturday walk will have a distance of about 1.225 miles. As I continue walking, I will increase my Wednesday and Saturday distances, with appropriate increases in my rest walks on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

Monday, January 11, 2021

I was tired after my walk this morning

Judy and I walked around the east block. I was quite tired when I finished the walk. I guess I'm  not as adjusted to the distance around the block as I thought. I'll see how I feel tomorrow. The temperature when we left was about 30 (F), and about 32 when we finished our walk. There was no wind blowing, and it was a nice day to be outside, even if I did get tired!

Saturday, January 09, 2021

Weekly summary -- 3.125 miles this week

I went walking about noon. The temperature when I left was 35 (F) and 37 when I returned. Today was my fifth day of walking, and it was a nice, sunny day. I felt pretty good when I finished. I think I have adjusted to the distance around  the "east" block. Judy didn't go out with me today because she was getting the four trays ready for our freeze-dryer.

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Today is the fourth of five days of walking this week

 Judy and I left home about 10 am, and the temperature was in the low 30s (F) while we walked. I felt stronger when I arrived back home, indicating I am getting used to the 0.625 distance around the east block. There was no wind, and it felt warm with the sun shining on our bodies. We have gone 2.500 miles so far this week. The blocks are labeled "east" and "west", depending on which way I turn when I reach 100th South street. Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is Friday and is a rest day with no walking. My next day with walking will be Saturday.

Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Today is the third of five days of walking this week

 When Judy and I left for our walk, the temperature was 31 (F) and a slight breeze was blowing from the south. Judy and I walked around the east block for another 0.625 miles, giving 1.875 miles so far for the week. Even though it was cold, we enjoyed being out. We returned about 11 am. I was still tired when we returned home, but I wasn't quite as tired as I was during the previous days. I am slowly getting used to the distance. Being tired at the end of a walk means I am going too far. However, I will finish the week with the same daily distance, and will probably do the same daily distance next week to adjust more to the loop.

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Today is the second of five days of walking this week

  When Judy and I left for our morning walk, the temperature was about 40 (F).  We walked around the east block for 0.625 miles. There is a large power box, about half way around the east block, that I sit on to rest for a minute. The box is close to the sidewalk and is the right height so I can get up off the box by myself. However, I was tired when I got home.  It was a nice day to be outside. So far this week, we have walked 1.250 miles.

Monday, January 04, 2021

Today is the first of five days of walking this week

Today is the first of five days of walking this week, and I left about noon for 0.625 miles of walking around the east block. I returned about 45 minutes later. The temperature was about 37 (F) when I left. The wind was blowing from the south in gusts, and that wind made it harder to walk when I was going south. The gusts went from 0 mph to about 25 mph. Judy left after I left, but she caught up with me and continued her walk going at the slower speed I was walking. I was pretty tired when I returned home, indicating I'm not used to the distance, yet. 

Saturday, January 02, 2021

First walk of the new year. Weekly summary -- 3.000 miles this week

 My wife and I walked 0.6 mile for the first walk of the new year, making our weekly total to be 3.000 miles (5 times out). The temperature when we left about 2 pm was 38 (F). There was no wind blowing, and it was a nice afternoon to be out. The distance we have been going is 0.600 miles while the trip around the east block is 0.625 miles, so I think I will go completely around the block to our home instead of going part way and returning back to our home, as we did this week.

Friday, January 01, 2021

A change to my goal


About 40 years ago, I set a goal to reach the age of 100 (year 2035) and run a marathon at any speed.  However, I had an accident in Ogden, Utah in the latter part of November 2019 while walking to a marriage reception; it was dark in the parking lot, and I lost my balance and fell backwards and broke my right leg and shattered my right shoulder.  I had surgery the next day and ended up with two titanium rods in my body. After spending the rest of 2019 and much of 2020 for my recovery via the Riverton Care Center and then home nursing, I am now going outside my house and walking several times per week. My speed has been reduced, because I don't have normal strength in my right leg and right shoulder, and because I am walking instead of running.  I don't have good balance,  and I use my walker when I am outside the house; the walker helps me keep my balance so I don't have more falls.

My goal now is to reach the age of 100 and still be walking or running.  The distance and speed that I walk or run is not part of my goal.

The titanium rods plus the pacemaker I had added to my body several years ago makes me a cyborg, as my son, Seth, would say. The titanium rods enable me to move around, while the pace maker keeps my heart pumping at a predetermined rate.

A new year begins


The year 2020 is gone, it is past, history. We have begun a new year, the year 2021. I hope this year will bring the happiness that was missing last year.

Today is Friday, and Fridays are my rest days. I won't go outside to walk, but I will move around the house.

Rebecca and her husband, Dustin, with their daughter, my great grand daughter, are visiting from Evanston, so Judy and I get to see our great grand daughter a lot.

I went to my personal doctor, Eric Allen, on Wednesday, and he said my liver and kidneys are fine and my blood is good. He said to keep on doing what I have been doing. Dr. Allen runs marathons, and he said that as soon as I get single walks up to 5 miles, I should let him know  so he can go out with us. I'm wondering if he and I are distant relatives. I was named after my great grandmother, Martha Allen, and that is why I have a sir-name spelling of my name instead of the given-name spelling. Dr. Allen and I probably are not related, because "Allen" is a common sir-name.

I have no more doctor's appointments this week


Since I have no more doctor's appointments this week, Judy and I decided to walk when it is warmer. We went walking about 2:15 pm, and the temperature was about 35 (F). We had about an inch of snow during the night, but the snow had mostly melted, and the sidewalks were wet but free of snow. The wind has changed from a south wind to a north wind, but the wind speed was about 2 MPH. Thus, the wind-chill was ignored. We had a tail wind going out and a head wind going home. We did the 0.6 miles that we have done during previous days this week. So far, we have done 2.4 miles this week.

My appointment this week was with Dr. Eric Allen, my personal physician. He said I was in good shape. No liver, bladder, or blood problems, and that I should continue what I have been doing. He also said that when I get my distance for each run up to 5 miles, let him know and he will go with me. He runs marathons.