Monday, February 10, 2020

Attended church

I attended church yesterday. It was nice to go to my ward again. The only steps involved were three  steps out of my house and one step in front of the ward building. I used the railing on my front porch to get out of the house.  The one step in front of the ward building was OK because I've been practicing doing steps, and I touched my car to keep my balance. Once inside the ward building I walked around OK because it was a level floor. I carried my cane in case I needed it.


  1. Thanks, Mark, for your positive comment.

    I received a phone call today, and the scan made of my body showed no signs of bone cancer. The two places where I thought cancer was in my bones were gone; apparently that cancer was related to my prostate cancer, and in getting the prostate cancer reduced, the bone cancer was also reduced. I have a blood test scheduled for the first part of March to check on my prostate.

  2. A few days later. My blood test, taken in January, showed that the PSA is about the same as it has been. PSA is an indication of my prostate. The cancer doctor at the Salt Lake Clinic said he wasn't worried about my prostate any more since the PSA is mostly stationary. Thus, he said I should get a scan to check on bone cancer.

    The scan is taken in two parts. The first part was an injection of a radioactive substance into my blood. Three hours later, the second part was performed; pictures were taken of my complete skeleton. The purpose of the radio active substance was so the bones would show up in the pictures.

  3. A couple of years ago, my PSA was 365, and I went through the same scan to see if I had cancer in my bones. I did have cancer in two places in my pelvis. Now, the PSA is in the low 20s, and the new scan showed no cancer anywhere in my skeleton. Rather than have the prostate gland removed, I've been having shots every three months to reduce the PSA and apparently to remove the two places where cancer was in my pelvis.
