Saturday, December 03, 2011

Finished My Rest Week with 10 Miles for the Week

My wakeup heart rate was 55 and I had a good seven hours of sleep. I waited until mid-day to run so the temperature would be above freezing, and I took a half-hour nap before I ran. The temperature was 34 (F) when I left home and 30 when I returned.

I had a great run and completed 5.6 miles in the 100 minutes. I really felt great during the run. I could tell I was running faster (my running pace was between 15 and 16 minutes), and I felt fine. I followed my 1:40 running and 0:40 walking, except for a couple of times when I walked through the running part. I didn't take any rest breaks from running, and the extra walking rejuvenated me as if I had stopped running and rested for a couple of minutes. I felt like a "real" runner today - going for miles without getting awfully tired.

There was a wind blowing (5-10 mph gusts) from the north, and I had it as a tail-wind for the first half of my run. I wore three layers and felt fine. I wore a clean pair of socks on my hands, and they were fine for all of the run except the last 1 1/2 miles, and even then my hands only got slightly cold. On the way back, the wind gusts were head-winds, and I felt the cold on my face; my body-core and legs felt fine. Even though I had a short-sleeved T-shirt under my windbreaker, my arms felt fine, too. There was lots of sun in the sky, and that helped moderate the cold.

There were quite a few walkers and runners and a couple of cyclists on the path. We were sorta like local folks in the Salt Lake County polar bear club :)

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