Monday, December 05, 2011

My run was a rest run?

My run was a rest run in terms of its length, but the cold helped, no, motivated, me to run a bit faster. I ran 3 miles in 51 minutes. It usually takes me about 55 minutes to do the 3 miles. The temperature was 28 (F) when I left home and 24 when I returned. The sky was sunny, and I enjoyed being outside.

I saw only one other runner and no walkers or other folks. The runner was a woman in her 30s. She wore a short sleeved blouse and long pants. No windbreaker. No jacket. No gloves. No hat. Brrrrr... she must have been cold. She was going north into a 3 mph wind. I felt like I should stop her and ask how she was doing, but I never saw her again. I hoped I would see her going south as I went north on my return. Just thinking of her makes me feel cold :)


  1. It's amazing how some women can withstand the cold. One came running through our village the other night wearing just a T-shirt, shorts and a head torch. It was pitch dark and freezing cold. Mind you, she's about 40 years younger than me so her blood will be a bit thicker!

  2. If a person runs fast, they generate a lot of heat. I used to run LSD with 7-minute miles, and when I ran with a temp around 0 (F), I would have sweat-cycles hanging down the back of my neck.

  3. That's such amazing. My mom can never stand that cold though she still wears her protection. I just wish she's still fine.
