Saturday, October 16, 2010

One more 4.4 mile run, but further south than where I've been running

I drove to the East Pavilion, the location of the water fountain that I've been using, and ran south for 2.2 miles. I followed the new part of the Jordan River Parkway across the river and south to a non-vehicle bridge that connects playgrounds in the cities of Draper and Riverton. I didn't carry water with me and didn't have a drink until I was finished with the run. I also didn't do any sit-down rests because there weren't any benches on the new path. I used a ratio of 95/66 left-foot steps for running and walking for most of the run, but I got tired during the last mile and changed to a ratio of 45/60-70.

It was nice to have a new path to explore. Eventually, I'll be able to start at 9800 South (my usual starting point), and go further south than I did today, but for now I'll have to park at the East Pavilion in South Jordan or the large playground in Riverton and go south.

It was another beautiful day for running. Eventually the snow will come, so I'm really enjoying my running in these beautiful days.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you had such a beautiful day to run! I cherish these last few days before winter too!
