Saturday, September 16, 2006

A great two-hour medium run

Based on my run this morning, I would say that I'm out of my slump! My wakeup HR was 50 and I felt great. I breezed through my 30 situps so I knew my body was ready for a good run. At the half-hour point, I felt strong, so I went for another half-hour and then turned around. When I turned, I could tell that I had a touch of tiredness and that I should head back. I slowed my pace a bit on the way back, but I felt fine.

I hope I didn't overdo it by running for two hours. If I did, I may come down with a cold or I may go into another slump. If I get good sleep over the weekend, I'll hopefully be ok. If all goes well, Monday will be an hour rest run, and Tuesday will be a half-hour rest run. Wednesday will be another two-hour medium run, and next Saturday will be a 2 hour 45 minute long run that will be close to 13 miles.

The temperature was 44 (F) when I left for the Jordan River Parkway. The sky was cloudy with patches of sun. The temperature was 48 when I returned. We're in the middle of a cold front (lots of rain yesterday), and it will be back in the 80s (F) by Tuesday.

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