My wakeup HR was 52, and I felt great before, during, and after my 13-mile run along the canal trail. The shade temperature was in the low 90s (F) when I returned, but I enjoyed the run. The direct-sun temperature was probably in the 120s (F). I felt great up to 10.5 miles, and then I started to suffer from the heat with a few brief dizzy spells. The dizziness only lasted for 2 or 3 seconds. On the way back I did extra walking during a few shady spots and drank extra water/sports drink (40 oz. during the run). One shady spot was about 300 yards long, and another was about 100 yards. I really enjoyed them!
I saw lots of ducklings, including one batch that was born about a week ago. Most of the ducklings are 3-4 weeks old and are getting pretty big. I also saw a pheasant and two groups of deer, including a doe and two fawns.
The sore on my foot from having a skin cancer removed is starting to heal, and skin is starting to grow over the sore. It is still tender to the pressure from my shoe, but I only feel it when I first put the shoe on.
During last week while I wasn't running, I decided to cap my long run at 13 miles until after the Great Salt Lake Half Marathon on August 19. Even though I've run 15-mile runs several times, my body isn't used to the last two miles, and I hope by capping at 13 miles, I'll help my body adjust to the half marathon distance and be in great condition on August 19. After the race, I'll work up to 15 miles, in 1/2 mile increments, and then cap the long run at 15 miles for the next six months. I'm hoping to be ready for a late-summer or a fall marathon in 2007.
Today was a great running day, even with the heat!
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