Saturday, April 24, 2021

Weekly walking summary -- 3.075 miles this week

Monday. Judy and I walked around the east loop and also went a bit further, for a distance of 0.825 miles. We didn't stop to rest at the power box on Congressional, but we did stop for a few seconds along the stretch that is next to 98th South. The temperature was in the 40s (F), and there was a gusty south wind blowing. The wind gusts were about 15-20 mph. It was difficult to walk against the wind gusts, and I tried to slow down when going south. We were out earlier in the morning, about 10:00 am. It is nice to see the green lawns and early flowers after the light rain showers and snow flurries that soaked into the ground.

Tuesday. Judy and I walked half way to the corner and back for an additional distance of 0.4 miles. We went out about 12:30 pm. The temperature was in the low 60s (F). There was no breeze to speak of.

Wednesday. Judy and I walked the east loop, including a short rest stop on the power box on Congressional that I took, and then we went to the corner and back for extra distance. I had had my blood tested about 10 am that morning, and we went walking later in the day, about 2 pm. There was a slight gusty north breeze blowing; the gusts were about 10 mph. In the evening we drove go Provo and attended a wedding reception for James McKenzie, a grand nephew of Judy.

Thursday. Judy and I, as a rest day, walked the east loop, including a stop at the power box on Congressional for a minute or so. I was very tired when we completed the east loop.  We left home for our walk about 11 am, and the temperature when we left home was in the mid 40s (F). There was no breeze during our walk.

Friday. I walked around the east loop with brief rest stops twice along the segment next to 9800 South. I felt pretty good when I arrived home, much better than yesterday. The temperature was in the low 60s (F), and there was only a slight breeze blowing. 

Judy was outside working in our garden, and she didn't walk with me today.

Saturday: Today was a rest day, so I went up to the corner and back. The temperature was in the 50s, and a south breeze was blowing of about 10 mph. Judy was tending our great grand daughter while our grand daughter and her husband went shopping, and she didn't walk today.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Weekly walking summary -- 3.900 miles this week

Monday. Judy and I walked around the east loop. The temperature was in the low 50s (F), and we were out in the early afternoon. There was a slight north breeze of about 5 mph.

Tuesday. Judy and I walked around the east loop. I felt pretty good and went faster than I usually go. The temperature during our walk was in the mid 40s (F), and there was a 5-10 mph gusty breeze blowing from the north.

Wednesday. Today is a rest day so I reduced my distance a bit, and I went to the corner and back, for a distance of 0.400 miles. It was raining slightly, with a few snow flakes, while I walked. The temperature was 38(F) while I walked. Judy walked about half the distance that I walked.

My coat isn't waterproof, but I was back in the house before the water soaked through the coat. As I walked, I could hear the rain hitting my hat.

Thursday. Judy and I walked around the east loop, and I went a bit farther to get some extra distance. It rained during the morning, but the rain had stopped when we went walking. The ground was wet, though. The temperature during our walk was in the mid 40s (F), and there was no breeze. 

Friday. Judy and I walked the east loop and then went to the corner and back for a distance of 1.025 miles. It was snowing (just snow flurries) while we were walking. The temperature was about 38 (F), so I knew the snow wouldn't stick to the sidewalk. There was no breeze.

Saturday. I took a rest day and went to the corner and back for a distance 0f 0.400 miles. It was raining a bit as I walked, and the temperature was in the 50s (F). Judy left after me and walked until she met me. Thus, her distance was about 0.3 miles.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Weekly walking summary -- 3.4575 miles this week

Monday.  Judy, our grand daughter Kirsten Maisey, and I went out for our morning walk. The temperature was in the 50s (F), and there was a south wind blowing of about 20 mph. The wind indicates we should have a cold front go through in a day or two.

I added to the distance we are walking. We went to the power box on Congressional and rested for a minute or so. I was tired but not fatigued when we returned home,for a distance of 0.800 miles. I am looking forward to my walk tomorrow. 

In the afternoon, Judy drove Kirsten to Provo so Kristen could go with my daughter, Tova, and her family and do hiking and horse-back riding in the Bryce Canyon area.

Tuesday. We had a bit of snow this morning, but the temperature was above freezing, and the snow didn't last. The sidewalks were dry during our walk. The temperature was in the high 40s (F) during our walk. Judy and I walked the same route we did yesterday for another 0.800 miles. I felt fine at the end of our walk.

Wednesday. Judy and I walked all the way around the east loop for a distance of 0.625 miles. There is a strong south wind blowing, so we will see lower temperatures in a day or so; tomorrow will probably be colder. Today, I went slower when the wind was a headwind to conserve my energy. The temperature during our walk was in the 50s (F). I felt pretty good after we got home, but I felt tired during the walk; the strong wind made me feel tired!

Thursday. Judy and I went walking about 10 am, and did the complete east loop again. I was tired again but not fatigued. The temperature was in the low 50s  (F), and there was a slight north breeze blowing. 

Friday. Today is a rest day. We walked to the corner and back for a distance of 0.400 miles. The temperature during our walk was in the mid 40s (F). There was no breeze that I could detect.

Saturday.  Judy, our daughter Sara, and I walked around the east block.The temperature was in the low 60s (F) and there was a very light breeze blowing. There was lots of sun.

Saturday, April 03, 2021

Weekly walking summary -- 2.800 miles this week

Monday. The temperature during our walk was 50 (F) but a very strong north wind was blowing. I don't know what the wind chill was, but it felt cold, very cold. The high wind means a cold front will be moving through the area. Later in the day, I listened to a weather report on the radio, and the temperature this afternoon is expected to be in the mid 30s. It is good that we went walking this morning, even with the high winds.

Judy and I went south to the corner, turned left and went to the next corner, for a distance of  about 0.6 miles round trip. With the strong tail wind, it was hard to slow down to a walking speed. We had a strong head wind for the 0.3 miles back to my house, and I went slower against the head wind. By going slower, the head wind had less effect than it would have if I walked at the faster speed. I felt pretty good when I got home, and it felt good to get out of the wind and into a warm house.

A weather report on TV later in the day said the gusts of wind during the morning were up to 50 mph. No wonder it felt so cold. The wind chill was probably below 0F during the gusts of wind and below freezing (32F) during times when the wind was blowing but not in gusts. As I said above, it was cold, very cold.

Tuesday. I walked the same route that we went yesterday, for another 0.6 mile. The cold front has passed, and the temperature during my walk was in the low 40s (F). There was a slight north breeze blowing. but it wasn't much. I felt good when I got home.  I wasn't tired, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's walk. I slept pretty good last night. I went to bed at midnight. I was up at 3 am to take my chemo pills, and I slept soundly until I got up at 6 am to take a dose of fiber powder. I went back to sleep and slept soundly until 8:45 am. I walked after I had half a grapefruit and a bowl of Wheat Chex for breakfast.

It is supposed to get warmer this week but cooler next week as another cold front moves through Utah.

Wednesday. This is a rest (no walk) day. I was in bed about 11:30 pm.

Thursday.  I had breakfast of 1/2 grapefruit and a bowl of Wheat Chex and then we went walking. Judy and I walked the same route we have been doing this week for another 0.6 mile round trip. The temperature was 61 (F) while we were walking. Lots of sun and a slight south breeze. I was tired when we got home, but I am looking forward to my walk tomorrow!

Friday. Judy and I walked the same route we have used in previous days this week for another 0.6 mile. I was tired when we got home -- time for a rest day. Tomorrow is General Conference, and I should have time between sessions for a shorter, rest walk.

Saturday. Judy, our grand daughter Kirsten Maisey, and I walked to the corner and back for 0.400 miles round trip. We went between the morning and afternoon sessions of General Conference. I felt pretty good during our walk. I was tired, but not fatigued, when we finished, and I'm looking forward to my walk on Monday,

The temperature was in the mid 70s (F) while we walked. There was a south wind of about 10-20 mph, indicating a light cold front is coming through this coming week.