Saturday, July 27, 2019

Weekly update: 175 minutes

As I mentioned in an earlier post, this was a busy week and a week bad for jogging and walking. On Saturday, my wife and I went out about 9:30 am, but the heat was high. I carried three bottles of water and used it all (each bottle is 1 cup). I was sweating quite a lot, and the sweating was heavy, that is, more than normal. I also got a touch of dizziness during the latter part of my walks and jogs. That, plus my sweating, indicates I was starting to suffer from heat exhaustion. Fortunately, my exercise ended before heat stroke occurred. I've learned that I don't adapt to hot weather as much as I did when I was younger. When I was in my 60s and 70s, I could run in midday and extra water was enough to keep me going.  Now, I get heat exhaustion from the same temperature and humidity range.

The heavy sweating and moments of dizziness, indicates that heat exhaustion was beginning to occur. My conclusion is that I need to continue to carry water, such that I have water left at the end of my walk/jog, and that I need to go out earlier in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the heat of midday. Doing a shorter distance during midday temperatures is also a good idea. So far, at least, this applies to my longer runs on Wednesday and Saturday, but not to my shorter runs on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Time will tell if I get heat exhaustion on my shorter runs.

After I arrived back home (Saturday), it was an hour before I felt normal. During that hour, I drank water and stayed indoors away from the heat.

The images shown below are taken from without approval from the Internet. Heat exhaustion occurs first and leads to heat stroke. Heat stroke leads to death!

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