Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Rain is coming, so ran 2 miles today

Normally, I would run tomorrow, but the forecast is for rain and lower temperatures. My wife asked if I would run today, and I said, "yes". We drove to the South Jordan East Pavilion and went south for a mile and then returned. I'm not used to running consecutive days, and I could tell my body was getting tired as I neared my car. I took a couple of short resting breaks on the way back.

A great day! We need the water, though, so I'm glad for it in any form. Lately, we've had rain in the valley and snow in the mountains. The best of both worlds! Our mountains and ski resorts have had a lot of snow during the past couple of weeks, and that is helping. We still need more, though.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Allen,

    I'm glad to hear that you ran 2 miles before the rain arrived. I'm from Hawai'i and it rarely rains in my area. But I often check the weather report just in case some patches of bad weather are coming so I can plan ahead.

    Thank you for being such a wonderful source of inspiration!

